May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 524: : Defeated but not discouraged, courageous but not chaotic, soft but not weak, tough b

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"What's the bullshit?!" Yin Shibai yelled, "Let my father take the world? What kind of revenge are you? It's the opposite!"

"Didn't I just say it at the beginning?" Hirako raised an index finger and put on his natural look, and explained, "I'm here to decorate flowers."

"Didn't you say that you want me to become the No. 1 boss in Japan?! Are you happy that Jiro and I got on the long bar?!"

"The so-called underworld is to absorb the people who lost the fight and grow under their own power~" Hirako replied with a tweak, "If I can earn the strongest man in Kabukicho, my dad can take the world. Oh~ Brother, if you are the boss, then my dad is the boss of the boss~"

At this time, a face of Yin Shi was completely black.

"Miss, that seems to be done." A member of the squirrel group reported on the phone.

After listening, the expression on Hirako's face softened a little bit, "Brother, from now on, Jiro's family will start to act. Do you know what we have done? We have set new rules for this lawless street. Now those who are starting to make trouble on this street, the Four Heavenly Kings will join hands to cut the grass and roots. The first corner of the collapse is your boss, the eldest brother who shot the Jiro family for a weak woman. Of course, as to whether it will be. If this happens, it depends on your performance. Join us. Otherwise, you will sleep here on the bottom of the sea, and your ascension will become the target of Kabukicho."

"Hey, it looks like you are trying to threaten me, but if you kill me now, the picky eaters will become you." Gin Shiki replied without fear, "and...this matter was originally a misunderstanding. Count the trouble with the guy who didn’t dare to mess with me... You guys, now you find the wrong person. But then again, don’t you think it’s a coincidence? The timing of that guy’s appearance..."

"It's a coincidence, but it doesn't matter, and...At that time, we really wanted to act on the street to cause riots, but we didn't expect that the guy would take the lead..." Tsubaki replied casually, and then thought: [ It can't be wrong, that man must have been sent by the vixen to, watch me. 】

"Hahaha! Although I don't know what's going on, but I saw it all over the street! The scene where you stuffed our two fractured members into the cement!" Kuroju Katsuo laughed.

"Idiots? You are?!" Yin Shibai yelled, "Let's not say whether this kind of petty fight can move the Four Heavenly Kings. If it kills people, there is no need to say things that will be more serious, but , I know that bastard! He... definitely has what purpose! Even if it's playing, you definitely can't play with him!"

"Who are you talking about?" Kuroju Katsuo let out a puzzled cry.

"Are you really an idiot?! Use your toes to think about that time when an idiot happened to show up there with a group of idiots. Isn't it right? Go to hell, idiot!" Yin Shizuo exasperatedly exclaimed, "From yours You start to be bald at about thirty-seven, and your whole body is bald!"

"You're a bald head!" Katsuo Kuroju was unhappy for a moment, and spit out loudly, "In order to spread the damage of the scalp, I change the left and right boundaries once a week! I and "Welcome~" It's different! "

(Note: The famous Japanese rakugo artist Katsie Sane's famous line. Once filmed Shiseido Uno's commercial, his hair was 37 points, and his baldness started at 37 points.)

As soon as Kuro Koma’s voice fell, a knife pierced Kuro Koma’s right abdomen straight from behind.

Katsuo Kuroju was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his clothes that had been stained red with blood...

"If the persuasiveness is not enough, how about this?" I don't know when he walked behind Kuroju Katsuo, and Hirako, who was also the culprit of the knife, said, "Big brother, you killed our young master, and we were retaliated against. Sexual killing."

"Huh..." Kuroju Katsuo turned his head slowly, with a look of reluctance to believe, "Isn't it..."

Hirako drew his knife up with a smile on his face, and after he staggered two steps under his feet, he stepped on the air and fell directly into the sea.

"Big Brother!" The members of the Goumo group reacted instantly and rushed forward.

"Wait," Hirako instantly blocked the path of everyone behind him with a knife in his hand, squinting his eyes and asked with a smile, "Is your boss that 37 points? Or Jiro?"


"If you dare to move, let you blossom too~" After a threat, Hirako put the knife on his face, "Oh huh~ do you understand? Brother, this is my consciousness..."

" bastard!" Yin Shih burst into blue veins, gritted his teeth, and then both hands grasped the edge of the remaining half of the trash can at the same time, turned the barrel vigorously, and jumped into the sea with himself.

"Asshole! Stuck in the cement and jumped into the sea!"

"Does he think he can escape?!"

A group of members of the ditch mouse group hurriedly came to the coast to check.

"No," Pingzi walked over and explained aloud, "He is going to save people."

"How is it possible to save the eldest brother in that state?!" A member of the ditch mouse team was surprised.

"Yes," Hirako squatted down on the shore and whispered: "He is a fool, so stupid that even I am surprised, but it is precisely because he is such a fool that I hope he can be my eldest brother. However, the eldest brother also chose the mother-in-law. What a pity~bye bye, elder brother..."

Afterwards, Pirako led a group of members of the ditch mouse group and slowly turned and left.

However, no one noticed whether it was Pingzi, the gangsters of the ditch mouse group, or the silver hour just now. At the top of the warehouse beside, there were a few people who captured everything that happened...

"What? Isn't it touched that my daughter can do this for herself?" Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at Jiro to the side, "Want to rush up and have a hug of love?"

Jiro Chang snorted and didn't reply.

"But then again, why are you here?" Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Dengshi and Xixiang on the side, then squinted his eyes with a smile. "Are you worried about what will happen to that girl? Don’t be like that? I’m not going to do anything to her after I’ve said it, and haven’t I said it? I really like this kind of character."

"Why don't you think it's not the time to be happy now, my daughter has become such a problem child," the mother-in-law Dengshi said, "Furthermore, Dad is still such a guy, is it too late to educate or something?"

"It's true..." Jiro nodded gently, and said in deep thought: "It's not the same as quarreling with an old woman. I really don't have any experience in educating children."

"I have experience in educating boys, but because I'm a girl, it might not be too useful..." Xixiang said with one hand on his chest, while holding his chin in the other hand slowly.

"Don't worry, that kind of thing will be fooled with your love for so many years, and you will be guaranteed to become a good boy immediately." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "Of course, if it is troublesome. , I can help, just tune up a stinky kid, and at most three days, she can get full marks in her health care class!"

"What are you going to teach children!"

At the same time Yue Yong's voice sounded, Jiang Cheng, who had already plunged the back of his head, rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

"It doesn't matter if you don't need to teach that kind of stuff, as long as normal people get a full score when they are old." Jiro smiled and said, "But... if you don't teach other things well, you may not get it in your life. Passed."

"Hey, don't worry about that natural roll?" Yue Yong reminded faintly, "didn't you say that before? He...should not be able to swim?"

"What silly thing to say? He is going to save people, not swimming." Jiang Cheng stood up, like a okay person, pulling out the back of his head, "Besides, how could human beings not swim? When it’s inside, there’s water in all directions. Have you ever seen anyone drowned in a mother’s womb?"

"That guy might have been like this street long ago..." Mother-in-law Dengshi slowly spit out a puff of smoke, "Failed but not discouraged, courageous but not chaotic, tender but not weak, tough but not surrender..."

"Unexpectedly... I still have a chance to hear this sentence from your mouth." Jiro snorted and said with a slight emotion.

"That... how come the more you hear it, the more it resembles Hao O?" Jiang Cheng replied, pinching his chin, "defeated but not discouraged, courageous but not chaotic, soft but not weak, tough but not yielding... That's exactly what it describes? It’s so strange that the street is used as a metaphor for myself."

"No matter what you think!" Yue Yongbai shouted, "Can you only think of that kind of thing in your head?!"

"That sounds a bit like it," Jiro nodded while pinching his chin.

"It seems that men are the same no matter what age they reach," Deng Shi cast his lips disdainfully, "They are all so disgusting to women."

"Then, it's time to go back and get ready," said, Jiro-chiro turned around and left without looking back. "Since there is someone in this world who can kill an entire mercenary army in order to pick a gift for his nephew, then it's just that. Acting, my dad also wants his daughter to take a look at my incompetent dad who is the king of Kabukicho. UU reading"

"Really, I became a kind father who dotes on children again in an instant, and the change of identity is a bit too fast." Grandmother Dengshi quipped.

"No, maybe I've never changed it." Jiang Cheng gently twitched the corner of his mouth, then glanced at a hand that suddenly stretched out in the sea on the shore, "Yueyue, it's time to go back and stay in such a street. , Maybe you might get some strange virus, after all, it’s Hao."

"Hey, your kid just wants to be beaten, right?" Granny Dengshi said grimly.

"I don't mean to belittle it~"

"Wait first, my old lady can't go to such a high place by herself." Granny Dengshi said, "Young people should still respect the old and love the young."

"Really, the elderly are really troublesome~" Jiang Cheng took the shoulders of Grandma Dengshi and jumped straight down.

"Jiangzi~ people are afraid to jump down~" Xixiang shouted, "Is it a girl after all~"

"Ah, don't worry, I will notify someone to collect your corpse in a month." Jiang Cheng answered casually, raising his hand.

"Hey! Are you treated differently?!"

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