May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 602: :The year-end party also has something you must never forget!

"Eh?" Jiang Cheng twitched the corners of his eyes full of black lines and let out a short sound.

On the streets of Yoshiwara, Jiang Cheng bowed his head like a walking corpse who had lost his soul, walking aimlessly, turning a deaf ear to the wandering girls who eagerly greeted him in front of the shops on both sides of the street.

[Did I... have done something irreparable? Hey? Is that right? Is it really? 】Jiang Cheng thought in his heart with sweat on his face as he walked, [No... this shouldn’t be the case, right? What...what to do? What the **** should I do? Whether the novel can be serialized smoothly or not, let's not talk about it for the time being... After all, it's not popular, because the protagonist's style issue does not matter if the serialization is suspended. But... what about me? What should I do afterwards? Two women...and, unfortunately, they are two women who meet every day! Even if you play cover with the two of you, you will definitely be discovered afterwards! The chance of being found derailed is 100%! It's awful, it's really awful! 】

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng thought of something, and while stopping, he tapped his palm with his hands, "Yes! You can just run to a place where no one can find it... ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Jiang Cheng frantically scratched his hair, and at the same time he thought in his heart: "It can be a ghost! Isn't that really a scumbag who abandons women? ! I...I'm not a scum! And the most important thing is to analyze from the words of Sunwheel and Yueyue, when I was doing something like this with them yesterday, I seemed to say something very terribly scumbag. How to do? What should I do? And even when I was in the’s disgusting...]

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng had a nausea for no reason, and he vomited up while leaning on the wall beside him, Σ_(???」∠) vomit...

After a few minutes passed, Jiang Cheng, who had explained the contents of his stomach completely, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then thought: [Ginshi's shouldn't matter anymore, he himself has gotten into a terrible situation. , It should be overwhelming. Although it’s a bit tricky on my side, the two women should have no problem. As long as you pay a little attention, it should be okay if you find a way to make them meet infrequently! That's right! That's it! In this way, we can continue to conceal it! Even if the serialization of the novel stops due to the protagonist's style, I should be able to live well! Yo West! Decided! The most important thing now is...]

The next moment, Jiang Cheng, carrying a large package, stood at the gate of Yoshihara, and saw him holding a fist with a serious expression on his face.

[The most important thing is to find a remote corner of the universe that will not be found, and let your head calm down before talking! Ten years...20 years...No, about 50 years or so will do! My head should be able to calm down! At that time, I will be back! wait for me! Yueyue! Sun Wheel! 】

After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng lifted his foot without hesitation and stepped out of Yoshihara's gate.

But at this critical moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly heard the scream of a wandering girl behind him.

"Guest...Guest! No way!" screamed the Yugou who was being pulled by a difficult guest.

"It's okay. Isn't Yoshihara just that kind of place anyway?" The bald middle-aged man with a scar on his eyes looked unkind. "Didn't you give me the money? Last night..."

"The time has passed, so please don't worry about the guests..." the Yugirl kindly reminded him, "If there is a disturbance in Yoshihara..."

"What does it matter?" In spite of Yu Nu's objection, the bald man pulled the Yu Nu into his arms.

"Guests hurry up and stop!" The wandering girl struggled hard, and at the same time reminded, "The consequences of making trouble in Yoshiwara are very serious!"

"But it's just Yoshihara's wandering girl, what to pretend to Lao Tzu..." The bald man sipped, and raised his slap as he spoke.

However, before the bald man's hand came down, Jiang Chenggi, who did not know when he came behind him, tightly locked his wrist.

"Guest, the service time has passed~" Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and showed a smile. "If you want to continue, just wait until the next time you have enough money. Ah, yes, I have to remind. If you want to play SM games, it’s better to go to the club over there."

"It's...what's up to you!" The bald man turned his head and looked at Jiang Cheng angrily.

"Jiang Cheng sama!" After seeing Jiang Cheng, the wandering girl who was entangled by the bald man exclaimed and broke free of the bald man, came to Jiang Cheng's side, and naturally embraced Jiang Cheng's other one. Arm, at the same time put on a grieved expression.

"Jiang Cheng sama~this guest is terrible~" the female traveler said grievously, and at the same time she tried her best to trap Jiang Cheng's arm in her career line. Time has passed long ago~ and I always beat and scolded people last night. I can't tell you clearly~"

"What the **** is going on with this bitch?" The bald man was speechless for a while.

"Is what my kids say is true?" Jiang Cheng coldly glanced at the bald man in front of him.

"That's... it's correct, but what's your business?!" The bald man took it for granted, "I'm a guest! Do whatever you want!"

Two minutes later, ignoring the bald-headed man who was lying on the ground with his **** pouting and rolling his eyes and foaming at the mouth, Jiang Cheng curled his lips and muttered a little impatiently: "Really, I didn't expect to meet him at this time. It’s disgusting to get rid of garbage."

"Jiang Cheng Sama is so handsome~" You Nui pressed tightly to Jiang Cheng's side.

"What about Baihua?" Jiang Cheng asked, "Isn't it supposed to be patrolling at this time? Didn't you notice it?"

"I don't know." The girl shook her head, "I haven't seen it since the morning. But it's also a good thing, because Baihua is not there, people can be saved by Jiang Chengsama so handsome~ So handsome!"

"What a good thing..." Jiang Cheng murmured silently, "Okay, let me take a look. Maybe Yueyue didn't arrange work today, so maybe she was lazy."

"Oh." The wandering girl sensibly loosened Jiang Cheng's arm, and then pointed to the large parcel on the ground, "Jiang Cheng sama, what is that?"

"It's just rubbish." Jiang Cheng lied without blushing.

"Ah, so..."

"Hey, rubbish, leave me quickly when you wake up." Jiang Cheng glanced at the bald man on the ground, "Next time, I will definitely not spare you like today."

"Hi...Hi!" The bald man hurriedly got up and responded.

"Wait, there is still the bag of garbage, please take it out." You Nui pointed to the package on the ground with a look of disdain.

"Hi...Hi!" The man hurriedly picked up the big package again, turned his head and didn't wait for Jiang Cheng to stop him, and rushed towards Yoshihara's gate without looking back, as if fleeing for his life, he thought: [This man ...Can't afford it! Then... it can't be a human at all! horrible! too frightening! 】

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng who reacted quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Wait! That package..."

"Isn't it rubbish?" You Nui looked at Jiang Cheng with a puzzled look.

"'s rubbish." Jiang Cheng replied casually, but in his heart was—[My...My game! ! It was taken away as **** by that rubbish! what-! ! 】

In the morning, Jiang Cheng headed down and walked to Baihua’s dormitory building. It is worth mentioning that on the way, Jiang Cheng kept mumbling "My game", "My game equipment" and "My game." The three words "life".

Baihua’s dormitory building, no, it should be called the new dormitory building. It was built after Jiang Cheng came to Yoshiwara. From the outside, it is a six-story single apartment building, starting from the second floor. There are nearly twenty independent rooms, each of which is equipped with very complete accommodation facilities.

And...this building is one of the few houses in Yoshihara that uses a cement structure instead of a wooden structure. After all, Baihua is also a group of girls.

Sound insulation, comfort, and a variety of modern furnishings are all available, which are not much better than the high-end bachelor apartments outside. Moreover, it is a single apartment. In fact, the space of each room is quite large, with independent bathroom, living room, kitchen and a large bedroom, one, it should be no problem for two people to live.

"Really, what are you doing? Have you forgotten your work?" Jiang Cheng muttered as he stepped onto the second floor from the side stairs.

Standing in front of the door of the room on the second floor stairway, Jiang Cheng knocked on the door casually, but when he knocked, Jiang Cheng found that the door was unlocked, but he didn't care too much, and shouted at the crack of the door: "Hey. , Work has started, Yueyue asks for leave today, UU reading, you guys..."

"Ah, Jiang Chengsama, just come in, I...that, my body is a little uncomfortable." A young lady Baihua's voice came from the crack of the door.

"Are you feeling well?" Jiang Cheng smiled apologetically as he opened the door, "Then please rest well, I'll go find others..."

Before finishing talking, Jiang Cheng suddenly realized that something was wrong, because...the posture of Miss Baihua in the room was almost the same as that of Sun Wheel and Yueyong! Except for Ms. Baihua's bed underneath her body, and the tatami mats underneath Sunwheel and Yueyong!

"Maybe I think too much, but I still want to ask..." Jiang Cheng twitched the corners of his mouth and asked with black lines all over his head, "Your body...Where is it uncomfortable?"

Lying on the bed under the quilt and carrying the body, the young lady Baihua replied in a blushing voice, "No...Don't ask knowingly. Yesterday you obviously did something like that to others and said something like that... Jiang Chengsama... No, I should be called Lord Dan from now on... Lord Dan..."

Suddenly, for some reason, Jiang Cheng at this moment... stopped thinking.

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