May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 612: : The reason why women can't help but want to meet a man is actually very simple.

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While Jiang Cheng's eyes widened, he was holding popcorn and threw himself into the EVA theatrical version shown on the big screen, but the situation at the Takatenhara Cowboy Store on the other side was a little more subtle.

Of course, rather than being subtle, it might be slightly different from what Yinshi and the others thought before...

The matter also started from the quarrel between the Liu Sheng family and the many monsters under Xixiang.

For whatever reason, Liu Sheng, all dressed in women's clothing, quarreled with a group of monsters under Xixiang, and it became more and more fierce...

"Ah! Which clinic do you belong to?" Dongcheng, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, looked at Dongmei (jaw beauty) who was facing him with a grin and an uncomfortable expression.

"Huh? Takasu (clinic), bastard!"

"You fellow, my predecessor was also tied in Takasu! Bastard!" Dongcheng did not give in.

Looking at the two people who were hostile to each other, Xin Ba Hao couldn't help but spit out: "It's like a gangster showing off the clinic he often goes to! Hey! Oops! Come on! Order someone to stop them!"

At this time, Shisi, who was busy and desperate, shouted to A Miao and Kagura, who was carrying a huge wooden plank aside, "What are you doing? Hurry up and help greet the guests!"

"I'm so annoying! I'm doing it now!" Kagura turned his head and said with a burst of irritation, his face full of impatience.

After that, A Miao and Kagura placed the huge rectangular wooden board in front of the Liusheng and the demons.

"Let you wait a long time," A Miao and Kagura stood up and said at the same time, "The Cowherd Sashimi Platter."

Looking at Kondo and Hasegawa, who were also covered with mosaics on the wooden board, everyone present was silent for a while, and Kondo and Hasegawa, who were stared at by everyone, might be embarrassed and turned their faces away.

next moment……

The whole Gao Tianyuan turned into a scene of jumping around, wine bottles, tables, sofas, etc., as long as the things that can be picked up were all used as weapons by the demons and Liu Sheng.

Seeing the intractable chaos scene between the two parties, Xin Ba Haw with his eyes widened, pulling his neck and struggling to complain: "It's just adding fuel to the fire!"

"Hurry up and stop them! Who will think of a way!" Fourteen exclaimed in a somewhat collapsed voice.

"Is there any way..." Xin Ba Hao was panicked and at a loss, but then suddenly thought of something, his expression was happy, "Right! Crazy Langsang!"

However, after just finished speaking, after seeing the mad death man who rolled his eyes with a subtle expression that was obviously no longer conscious, he was in the same posture as Kondo and Hasegawa before, and the words of Xin Ba Hao stopped abruptly, and his expression instantly solidified.

After a few seconds of silence, Xin Ba Haw clasped his head and exclaimed frantically: "Crazy Death Langsang--! It's over! There is no way to receive his wife!"

"How can it be repaired! What should I do!" Fourteen was a little mad.

But at this moment, along with the roar of something heavy hitting the ground, Xixiang let out an angry roar: "It's so noisy!!"

Seeing the table that smashed in front of the crowd and plunged straight into the floor, all the shemales stopped their movements.

At the same time, after a few extremely fast blades pierced the air, the wine bottles in the hands of all the female makeup giants under the Yanu Sheng family were also completely broken.

The Liu Sheng family also stopped their movements and settled down.

"Don't you know that you are making trouble for the store?" Xixiang clapped his hands, raised an angry face on his brows, and then raised his hands to remind him, "There must be a limit to play."

After all, Xixiang turned around and walked away slowly. The Jiu Bingwei on the side left a sentence "The banquet is over," and slowly followed Xixiang.

When passing in front of Xinbahao and Shisi, Xixiang left a sentence: "I'm causing you trouble..."

Seeing the crowd of ladyboys and Liu Sheng's family walking outside the door one after another, Xin Ba Hao was still a little unbelievable.

"So many people are...what a monster."

After putting away the disbelief on his face, the fourteenth took out a cigarette and bowed his head, "Anyway, this time can finally be normal..."

Without waiting for the fourteenth to finish, Xixiang, who was sitting on a certain deck holding a large glass of draft beer, smiled and said, "Well, since it has been quiet, let's start drinking again."

On the side were Jiu Bing who also held the draft beer glass and the little ape who was **** in the air by a black cloth blindfolded. In front of the little ape, there was a bottle of wine suspended in the air by a rope.

"Cheers~!" ×3

Looking at the scene in front of him, the fourteen and the new eight are as good as the whole person. With his mouth wide open, he collapsed and complained in his heart.

[Why do you guys stay here? ! 】

At the same time, the exhausted Yin Shi, who had been tossed before, mixed in with the demons and Liu Sheng, taking advantage of everyone's carelessness to prepare the soles of their feet.

[Very...very good, I also take this opportunity...]

But before Yin Shi had finished thinking about it, she was still walking to the door but was suddenly stopped by a strange female voice in front of her.

"Excuse me," Mrs. Yagami, a young woman wearing a black looking noble dress, a black top hat and a black collar on her neck, stood in front of the shop and said to Yin Shi. "I made an appointment before, my surname is Ye Shen."

Looking at the young woman in front of him who was obviously living in a different world from the rest of the people, Yin Shizuo's mouth was open and her whole body was not good.

【night God? Could it be... Could it be...] Yin Shi twitched his mouth and thought in his heart.

"That person...should you remember?" Mrs. Yagami took off her top hat, showing a face with a paralyzed expression, "The appointment is made or something. Can you help tell that person? Just say that the agreement was made. Ye God is here."

[Madam is here——! 】 Yin Shi exclaimed in her heart, 【And luckily, I chose this kind of opportunity! The monsters are still having a party! If you don't design to escape quickly, you will definitely be involved in a major accident! 】

Thinking of this, Yinshi had already figured out a reason for excuse, Dang Even raised his hand and lied: "I'm really sorry, the manager is not in the store now..."

With that said, Yin Shi walked towards the door, "I...I'll call him back right away--!"

But at this critical moment, a hand suddenly pulled Yinshi's back collar and dragged it back.

"Reassure, GIN," Fourteen, who held his mobile phone as if he had contacted someone just now, gritted his teeth and comforted Yin Shi, "I have just contacted the store manager."

"Before he comes back, please wait while drinking." Xin Ba Hao smiled at Mrs. Yagami, then turned sideways and stretched out his hand, "Come, please come here."

Looking at the fourteen and the new eight haws beside him, Yinshi's cheeks were blistering, and he gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: [You two bastards! ! 】

[Do you think you can run if you drag others into the water? 】Fourteen bursting blue veins and glanced at Yin Shi.

Xin Ba Hao stared at Yin Shi with wide-eyed eyes: [Let us all be enlightened to receive Madam. 】

[Don't... stop kidding! Yin Shi's bloodshot eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth and retorted with his eyes, [Where is everyone what? ! When will the store manager come back! There is no way to recover it! Do you know the consequences of letting the lady join the group of ferocious drunken masters? It's like throwing a "chair" into a group of Jackie Chan! After being cruelly treated as an acrobatic prop, the tragedy of "exploding the enemy's head" will finally come to an end! 】

[No... it's okay, crazy dead Langsang will definitely be able to come back, he will definitely be able to cross that world line and come back again! ] Xin Ba Hao comforted with his eyes, then smiled again and looked at Mrs. Yagami again and stretched out his hand to signal, "Come here with us..."

"No," Mrs. Ye God said again at this time, "I...not here to find Mr. Crazy Death Lang."

"Hey?" The three of Xinbahao were stunned at the same time, and then at the same time looked blankly at Mrs. Ye God.

"What did you just say?" the three of them said blankly at the same time.

"That person...isn't there?" Mrs. Yagami raised her eyes and glanced at the scene in the store.

"That person?" Xin Ba Hao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Wait, Mrs. Ye God, the person you are talking about refers to..."

"I don't know his real name," Mrs. Ye God shook her head slowly, "I only know that his Cowherd name is...KOU."

[Yes... is that idiot? ! ] Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao collapsed at the same time.

"Who is KOU?" Shisi looked at Yin Shi and Xin Ba Jia with a puzzled expression on his face.

"It's Jiang Chengsang! The earth mulberry." Xin Ba Haw reminded quietly.

"Hey?" Fourteen froze for a while, and then said quietly, "That guy? Hey? Wait, isn't that guy Yoshihara? What does it have to do with Cowherd? Hey?"

"Jiang Chengsang... occasionally comes here to play." Xin Ba Haw explained in a low voice.

"It's really not Mrs. Yagami lowered her head, and said with a little bit of loss, "But it is also true. For a woman like me, the promise made by herself is indeed No need to care. Stupid...Is it me? "

[Oops! Silver mulberry! Although she and Jiang Chengsang didn't know what happened, but now this situation is completely beyond our expectations! It's completely bad when Jiang Chengsang is not present! Mrs. Ye God is definitely angry! 】

[Cold... Calm down! New eight! Yin Shi comforted his eyes, [It makes no difference whether that idiot is present or not! It might be worse if he is there! 】

[But Mrs. Ye God is here for Jiang Chengsang! ] Xin Ba Hao retorted.

[Anyway, I'm going to Yoshiwara. Before I come back, you are responsible for holding Madam! 】

[Don't think about it! ] Fourteen moments, I pressed Yinshi’s shoulder, [Definitely want to push everything to us and sneak away, right? You stay here for me! Just contact with your mobile phone! Does that guy have a cell phone? 】

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