May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 621: : Something similar may be imitated!

Looking at the hot tea sprinkled on the ground, Princess Cheng Ye complained: "Grandpa G is so true. I just told me to take it. The tea I finally made was overturned."

   "Sorry, sorry." Liu Zhuan Wu Zang smiled quickly, then took out a towel and knelt on the ground and wiped the floor.

   "Really, I have to re-bubble again." Princess Cheng Ye puffed up one side of her mouth cutely, and said in a loud voice.

   "Cheng Ye," the teenager turned around and reprimanded softly, "This kind of thing is not important, just re-soak after sprinkling it. Lord G is also getting old, so you need to be considerate."

   "I see, elder brother." Cheng Ye replied, then turned and walked outside the door, "Master G, this time I can do it alone."

   "Hi." Liu Zhuan Wu Zang, who was still wiping the floor, lowered his head and responded quietly.

   "Just let other people do that kind of thing, Lord G, you should go take a rest, Cheng Ye has already filled you up a lot of trouble." Mao Mao said to Wuzang Liuzhuan.

   Liuzhuan Wuzang quickly smiled and said, "No, this kind of simple thing can still be done. Let me do it, and will... Master Mao Mao."

"Okay, then." After responding, Mao Mao replied with a hint of apology to Jiang Cheng on the side: "But if it is something that is so remote in the age, then such a person may be really hard to find for a while, but I will …I’ll convey to that Highness that he would help him find it. After all, the wandering also a citizen of this country."

"Then thank you." Jiang Cheng replied, but then he continued as if he had thought of something again, "But after all, it is a very old thing. According to the most normal interest rate, the debt is owed. The interest is very, very high. Even if he finds the debtor, he may not dare to admit it because of his embarrassment. That would be a headache..."

   "Should...n't something like that happen, right?" Mao Mao replied with some uncertainty, "Is it because he owes a lot of money? If that's the case, then..."

"You can't afford it, young general." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and interrupted Mao Mao's words with a smile, "but that's what I said. If you really find it, please help me tell him, and help him with interest. Forget it, but... even if you fight for your life, you have to pay me a lot of money back. After all... the creditor is also fighting for his life."

   "Hey, after I find that man, I will tell him what Jiang Chengsang said intact."

   Hearing this, Liu Zhuan Wu Zang, who had just wiped the floor clean, couldn't help but raised his head and said, "Master Mao Mao, I..."

   Before Liu Zhuan Wu Zang finished speaking, a rough man's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"It's a rare sight, Shigeru." I don't know when to arrive, the former general Tokugawa Sadazu, who is wearing a dark green hakama and a dark yellow haori, said to Shigeru, who was standing at the door with his hands on his back, and said, "You unexpectedly There will also be times to play with such vulgar things."

   "Master Dingding." Wu Zang hastily bowed to Dingding.

   "My uncle." Mao Mao quickly got up and apologized, "I'm really sorry."

"No, it's okay." Dingding waved his hand and smiled, "At least compared to you a while ago, today you are a lot easier for me. But then again, the one next to you... is not Edo Castle. People in here, right?"

   "Ah, this is Jiang Chengsang." Shigeru introduced, "Yoshihara's..."

   "The new Night King." Jiang Cheng stood up, squinted his eyes and smiled and took the conversation.

"Suga..." Dingding smiled softly, "I didn't expect it to be from Yoshihara. It seems that the straight-forward Shigeo has also begun to come into contact with places like Yoshihara. Although it doesn't matter, it is a proper reminder. I hope it will not be self-defeating."

   Hearing the words in Dingding, Mao Mao didn't show any emotions, but just bowed his head and responded softly.

   Ding calmly continued, "But what did Yoshihara's people do here? After changing the Night King, remember to come to the shogunate to report?"

   "No." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and corrected it with a smile, "Before taking office, Mr. Feng Xian didn't tell me that Yoshihara was under the control of the shogunate. In the past, most of the time...should be regarded as a cooperative relationship, right?"

   Hearing something in Jiang Cheng's words, he smiled unconsciously: "Hahahaha, what I said, Yoshihara has always been my good partner before. Shigeru, are you ready to follow me?"

   Without waiting for Shigeru's answer, Dingding went on to say: "But it's been a long time since I've been to Yoshiwara, I don't know how it is now."

"Added [BEEP—] stores, [BEEP—] stores and even [BEEP—] series stores." Jiang Cheng replied, "If you are free, if you can be an ordinary guest, Yoshihara welcomes you too. of."

"Oh, I didn't expect that there will be real changes." Dingding said in surprise, and then showed a look of emotion. "When I was young, Yoshihara didn't have so many tricks, and the times are changing...but still Forget it, my body is no longer young. [Beep—] and [Beep—] Although they can barely bear it, but the shops in the [Beep—] series should not be able to hold it. Let Mao Mao be young anymore. People try new tricks..."

   After listening to Dingding's words, Mao Mao seemed a little cramped.

   "But, Mao Mao, you have to stop having fun," Dingding turned her back and said to herself, "I have seen too many people who have caused fires because of their beauty. That's right, you have to be careful."

   Hearing this, Mao Mao whispered softly: "Qingcheng..."

   "What's the matter?" He surely asked.

   Mao Mao replied: "No, just listening to my uncle said that, thinking of the wandering girl who was owed...paid by Jiang Chengsang just now."

   "Is there anything like this?" Dingding was surprised, "Yoshihara will be owed [BEEP—] capital. This is the first time I have heard of such a thing."

   "Ah, I heard that I owed it a long, long time ago." Mao Mao replied, "It hasn't been returned until now."

"That's it..." As he said, Dingding turned around again with his hands on his back and looked at the Jianhui group who was patrolling around outside the door. At the same time, the conversation turned around, "But I didn't expect the Jianhui group to let strangers into this city. It seems that they did not come here to guard this place. Look there, although they appear to be guards, they are actually not like that. In fact, they are monitoring. Now the shogunate is divided into two factions and supports the current general. Shigeru, you belong to the faction of us, and the faction that recommends the Young Master Hitotsubashi as the new general. I think you should be very clear, right?"

   "Nephew understands."

Dingding went on to say: "Furthermore, in the recent official assassinations, the victims were basically members of the First Bridge faction, so they began to doubt us. Seeing that the Hui group is an organization deeply favored by the First Bridge faction, it might not be possible for Hoi An. I'm giving you an unwarranted crime. You must be careful not to get caught by them, and be cautious in your words and deeds. And remember not to make the naive mistakes of a while ago, and even put forward such naive policies that offend the other party or even force them to leave. A few people from our side."

   Shigeru's eyes flashed together struggling, but soon he was hidden again, "Nephew...understand."

"Ha, I just came to ask for a debt. I didn't expect to hear something like a state secret." Jiang Cheng touched his head and smiled. Isn't it impossible to get out of the gates of this city?"

   "Well, it's not an outsider after all." Dingding turned around and said to Jiang Cheng, "Isn't it Maomao's friend and partner?"

   "No, it's not." Jiang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "I just came to find a friend named Xiao Jiang and take a look at if I can get back the debt that I owed many years ago."

   "Hmm..." After humming twice, a cold light flashed in Dingding's eyes, "Do you mean...Lily of the valley?"

   Jiang Cheng thought for a while before smiling and speaking: "It seems that the name is correct."

   "Uncle, you..." Mao Mao suddenly noticed something and looked at Dingding in disbelief.

"Really... Lily of the valley is still alive..." Dingding turned around and looked up at the sky as if she continued with emotion, "I really miss it, her loving eyes, gorgeous and light manner , Smooth hair, delicate lips, soft skin..."

   said, Dingding closed the door gently, and then said: "And...the blood-stained hands..."

   bang bang bang!

   Looking at the countless assassins or guards in uniform armed with sword blades that overturned the screen and the sliding door, Jiang Chengcheng just sighed slightly and shook his head.

   "Yeah, you should leave early."

   "Uncle, what are you..." Mao Mao's eyes widened, and he looked at the cold light flashing in his eyes in disbelief when he turned his head back.

"So, can't you just admit it early and pay the debt with me?" Jiang Cheng grabbed his hair a little irritably, and then glanced at Liu Zhuan Wu Zang, who was still kneeling on the ground and afraid to raise his head. "We have to let things change. It’s so stupid and loyal to have to be so troublesome. I thought it would be a good man like me, but it seems that I was wrong. The man who is waiting... is really not worthy of waiting. ."

   Liu Zhuan Wu Zang did not dare to answer.

   "Master G, you..." Mao Mao was surprised again.

"I guess..." Jiang Cheng turned his head to look towards Ding Ding, and squeezed his chin to analyze, "I want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the director of the bridge group or group you are talking about, and then he will be charged. On my head, right? Now...your people should do it too, right?"

   "My uncle, are you really going to do this?" Mao Mao was surprised, "Stop! Jiang Chengsang has nothing to do with us!"

   "Maomao, your heart is too soft. Uncle will give you a good lesson today." He said, Dingding raised his hand, "Take it down."

  In an instant, everyone rushed towards Jiang Cheng with their blades.

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