May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 626: : It's not easy to replenish your stamina when fighting.

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"Only you are not qualified to evaluate my behavior, and..." Jiang Cheng put aside his umbrella and glanced lightly at Ding Ding, who had passed out with his eyes rolled on the ground, "Teacher's sin."

After observing that Dingding was still breathing, he faintly glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was holding his chest again, his face unchanged but spitting out two large mouths of black blood, a look of regret appeared on his face.

"Is it a counterattack before dying? But it's only once, it's over..."

"One time?" Jiang Cheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then carried the umbrella in his hand again. Although he squinted murderously, he went straight to the sky. Little animals, they can only kick a kick before they die. My counterattack is a counterattack that can drag everyone into hell..."

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes suddenly, and only a certain deep level of desire to fight was left in his eyes full of cold light.

"As you said, I am... a beast!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's longing for fighting in his eyes, Ossy's eyes were still indifferent.

"Sure enough, this feeling is the blood of the night rabbit? No matter what the situation, I only enjoy the instinct of the night rabbit in the battle itself. I thought that the mutant night rabbit did not have such a thing, but I did not expect... Woolen cloth."

On the other side, the faithful woman who was fighting while covering Mao Mao suddenly noticed something, and after slashing and killing a guard, she glanced at Jiang Cheng's scene.

"Master General, we'd better retreat as soon as possible. That man probably really wants to get serious." The letter girl murmured.


Before Shigeru finished speaking, Sasaki took the words, "It's okay, Lord General, for that beast, that little poison is okay. I think you haven't heard anything about this most mysterious and powerful one. The rumors of the former barbarians? "A sword can destroy a country, an umbrella can prevent natural disasters, and a shout can be king." This is the evaluation of all those who have fought side by side with him at the same time. Even the Four Heavenly Kings in the period have never denied it...their strongest backing and comrades in arms. "

At this moment, the sound of a rumbling spaceship engine suddenly came from the sky. When everyone raised their heads, they realized that a huge houseboat was slowly approaching Edo Castle.

"Unexpectedly, there will be reinforcements..."

After Nobujo beheaded the two approaching Narakusho, she took a few steps back and leaned against Sasaki and the rest of the meeting team members.

"We can only retreat. More than half of the Nairobi people have been dispatched." The believer continued, "The difference in number is too bad. It seems that Obi is here specifically to complete the set task and solve the man this time. "


Jiang Cheng, who lifted his feet and flew into the courtyard with Narakusho, who was approaching several people in front of him, walked out of the smoke without haste.

Taking a faint glance at the house-shaped boat that was about to arrive above him, Jiang Cheng lowered his head and gently hooked his mouth.

"If you want to play, I'll just move it a little bit..." Jiang Cheng raised his head with a grinning smile, "Sa, let's play happily, and don't let me play happily." If you don’t think about leaving the stage today~ the crows who dare to appear in front of me in broad daylight..."

On the other side, really selected Zutunsuo.

The corpses on the ground have been piled up in every corner of the garrison, the corpses of the dark guards, the corpses of Naruto, and the corpses of the true selection team members.

Panting and full of injuries, Shichi, Sogo, and Kondo, who were leaning against each other, were surrounded by the surviving Shinsho team members.

The Naruto people who hadn't seen any decrease still rushed towards Sougo and the others without stopping at all.

"This number is too much!" Fourteen casually chopped off a Nairobi and calmed his breath a little, and cursed impatiently at the same time.

Sougo took a step forward and slayed the two Narakusho who were forcing him to come forward. At the same time, he asked, "But who instructed these crows?"

"I don't know." Kondo, who was also facing the two Narakusho who was pushing up in front of him, said without looking back.

Seeing Kondo's weapon and weapon stalemate together, Shichi and Sougo stabbed the sword in his hand at the same time.

"Thank you, you two." Kondo retreated his sword and replied thanks.

"Starting in the morning and fighting until the afternoon..." Fourteen turned his head and glanced at the team members who were obviously exhausted at this time. "The team members are obviously already exhausted. If this continues, they may really be exhausted. Extinguish..."

"Tufang-san seems to have nothing to do," Sou Wu turned his face and looked at Fourteen. "It's really surprising."

"Ah, I just added up my strength." At fourteen, he nodded and replied.

"Hey?! How did you do it? Fourteen!" Kondo said in surprise.


"Hold it." Fourteen threw a bottle of mayonnaise at Kondo. "One bottle can keep an ordinary adult man fighting for two hours. Everyone has them. After all, they are all members of the true selection team. I don't Will hide private."

Looking at the mayonnaise in his hand, Kondo was silent for a long time before raising his head to look at Xiang XIV, and tentatively shouted: "Ten...Four?"

"What's the matter?" Fourteen who had just inhaled a whole bottle of mayonnaise casually threw the empty bottle on the ground, wondering, "Now my stamina has completely recovered, don't you dare. Now is not the time to be polite with me, after that everyone will return two bottles of me!"

Although I really want to vomit, my physical strength in this situation is indeed about to bottom out soon. Looking at the mayonnaise in his hand, Kondo was silent for a long time before finally made up his mind, unscrewed the lid, raised his face, and started to suck.

Behind him, the reactions of the members of the Zhenshou team were exactly the same as Kondo, closed their eyes and raised their faces, and started to suck.

After all... this is the only way to regain strength now.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Fourteen asked Xiang Xiang in a puzzled manner, "Your physical strength should have bottomed out, right?"

"Sorry, Tufang-san, I don't have the habit of eating dog food."

Ignoring Fourteen’s madness, Sougo returned the mayonnaise in his hand to Fourteen, and then began to take out his inner pocket of his clothes.

"Yes!" Sougo took out a bunch of Zhensengumi sausages and chocolates from his pocket.

"Captain Okita..." Yamazaki looked at the sausage and chocolate in Sougo's hand with tears and complained, "Since there are other foods, we should take them out earlier. We don't need to eat that kind of food..."

"What is that kind of thing?!" Fourteen moments of frying, bursting with blue veins and white eyes angered, "Want to be chopped by me now? Yamazaki! After the battle, give me the mayonnaise and immediately give it back to me. Go cut your belly! Bastard!"

"Sougo..." Kondo glanced at the sausage and chocolate in Sougo's hand from time to time while fighting Narakuzu in front of him, "That Shinsengumi sausage and chocolate..."

"Captain..." ×n

Everyone except the fourteen was drooling and looking at Sougou who was munching on sausage and chocolate like no one was beside him.

"God?" Zou Wu grumbled back while chewing, "Could it be that you want it too?"

"Captain Okita, you will be doubled back after the battle!" A team member hurriedly said, "Please, give me the chocolate! Sausage too!"

"Hey? When you usually go out to perform tasks, don't you have anything on your body that can replenish your energy?" Sougo was choked, and quickly reached into his pocket again and took out a bottle of savage bull. , After unscrewing the lid, drank gulps.

"Hh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's over, go ahead."

"Captain! Please!" ×n

"Please what?" Sougo asked all the team members suspiciously while easily cutting off two Nairobi.

"Distribute sausages, chocolates, and bulls to us!" ×n

"Hey? Don't you guys?" Sougo pretended to be surprised, "I should have prepared these things myself? By the way, I also have red bean bread and bananas here."

"You have prepared too much!" The Fourteen who had just killed several Naluozhong turned around and spit out frantically.

"After all, it's a waste of energy when performing tasks. If you don't replenish it in time, it will be a terrible thing." Sougo shrugged and explained, "It is very difficult to replenish energy during battle.

Therefore, in order to prevent the lack of physical strength when I am ready to chop the earth, I carry these convenient things that can replenish my physical strength with me. Say you don’t have it? "

"Is the task you mentioned just assaulting me?!" Fourteen burst into blue veins, spitting out with white eyes, "I just wanted to praise you for coming!"

"Captain Okinawa..." The eyes of the true selection team members stared at Sougo pitifully, "Please, give us the food and the bull..."

"Why?" Sougo asked casually while slashing the enemy.

"It will really be doubled! Please! Captain Okita!" Yamazaki prayed earnestly, "Give me the red bean bread!"

"We will pay it back too!" The rest of the true selection team members shouted.

"Sougo...cough cough...understand?" Kondo coughed twice with his back to Sougo, and stretched out his hand to Sougo calmly, "Should understand? At this time, that...cough cough ,Right?"

At this time, Zongwu lightly raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a black belly smile: "Sausage...5,000 yuan. Chocolate, 10,000 yuan. Bull, 20,000 yuan. Red bean bread, 30,000 yuan. Banana, 50,000 yuan. Yuan one."

"Are you still starting a business at this time?!" The whole person was not good in the fourteenth moment, "still fighting the enemy! You give me a little bit more than enough, bastard! And your price is too expensive. Bar!"

"Well, if you don't want to buy, then forget it. I didn't buy or sell," Sougo replied with a shrug. "This kind of transaction can only be carried out if both parties agree. It can't go on."

"I...I buy it!" A team member raised his hand and paid after the battle, "Chocolate!"

"Yo Xi, the third team XXX is 10,000 yuan." Zongwu took out his notebook and started memorizing it, and then took out a chocolate from his arms and handed it to the player in front of him.

However, at this very important moment when the team member was preparing to take over the chocolate, a new eight chirp's voice suddenly came from behind the team members of the Zhenseng Group.

"Wait, Okita-san just said that both parties agree to the transaction to continue, so that means that the transaction can be cancelled later when it has not been completed."

Seeing Xin Ba Ha, who was kneeling behind him on a tablecloth covered with various small foods and beverages, and Kagura, who was acting as the proprietress on the side, Zou Wu immediately complained.

"Hello! What are you doing here? Are you here to grab business?"

"Don't miss it when you pass by. All the small foods in Edo are here. Aru, the price is definitely fairer than that bastard." Kagura shouted to the true selection of team members.

"And the new store opened, now it's 50% off~" Xinba Haw pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a glint flashed in his eyes. "Converted, it is only three times the store price, but it is also better than Okita. Sang sells much cheaper..."

"Hey! Really?!" A team member was surprised, turned around and surrounded him, "Ah, really! The price of chocolate and various beverages is only three times that of the outside! Come on, everyone! Buy it!"

"And it's more than that, and the steaming ramen just out of the pan~" Kagura said with his arms on his hips and raised his eyebrows, "It's just that the delivery fee is a little bit more expensive, Aru, but with the addition of delivery The fee is only three times the original price~ you can come here to pay if you need it, and it will be delivered soon."

"Hey! I want I want it!"

In an instant, with the exception of Fourteen and Kondo who stood in front, all the Shinsho team members rushed towards Kagura with cash.

"This is a malicious competition!" Sougo gritted his teeth before Kagura, "This is the site of Shinsengumi! Who made you run out without permission!"

"Huh huh~" Kagura said indifferently while receiving the money, "We were only commissioned to come here to take a look. Aru, after hearing that you were short of food, we bought a little bit nearby and delivered it. You should thank us, right, Aru?"

"Everyone, you have to wait a few more minutes for ramen." Xin Ba Hao said to the group of real team members in front of him, "The delivery staff will be here soon, don't worry."

"Delivery person..." Sou Wu suddenly thought of something, and looked at Xin Ba Hao in disbelief, "Couldn't the delivery person you mentioned is..."

Before finishing talking, Shiv and Kondo, who were facing the crowd of Narakus at the forefront, seemed a little unable to withstand them.

"Hey! It's not the time to do those things! Get me back on top soon!" Fourteen shouted while slashing.

"Don't forget my banana!" Kondo shouted while slashing.

"Ah! Sougo, I want ramen too, but I have to drizzle it with mayonnaise. I won't pay if I don't have it!"

As soon as the fourteenth voice fell, a certain silver-haired natural curled voice suddenly came in front of him.

"Ramen is coming!"

Seeing that suddenly appeared in front of the fourteen and a group of Naluozhong holding two large silver delivery lunch barrels in their hands, everyone present stopped their movements, including the group of Naluozhong.

Ignoring all the people who were in a daze, Yin Shi squatted down and put two bento buckets on the ground, and took a portion of ramen from it, stood up and handed it to Fourteen’s hand: "Your large portion of ramen with mayonnaise Thank you for your patronage."

"Hey...wait...hey—?!" Kondo reacted at this moment, "Wan...all things house?! Why are you here?!"

Ignoring Kondo's bluffing, Gintoki turned around and rubbed his hands at the nearest Narakusho and smiled and promoted his ramen.

"This gentleman must be very hungry too, right? The ramen that just came out of the pan~ You can eat it for three times the usual price~ After fighting for so long, you must really want to have a bowl of ramen with hot soup, right?"

After speaking, without waiting for Narakusho in front of him to reply, Gintoki turned around and took out a ramen noodle from the delivery box and handed it to Narakusho in front of him.

"You guys at the back, don’t be polite. If you want it, you’ll only need three times the usual price. For some special reasons, the delivery fee is a bit more expensive, but it’s great value for money! As long as you eat a bowl, you can restore your energy. Continue to fight with this gang!"

At this time, Nairojo, who was standing in front of Gintoki, moved in an instant. While taking a step back with his right leg, he pierced the sharp blade of the Zen stick in his hand toward Gintoki.


"Guest," Gintoki lifted his eyes and glanced at the Naruto in front of him. At the same time, he drew out the wooden knife that he stabbed the opponent in the abdomen. "It's very impolite to eat free meals."

"You..." Fourteen opened his eyes unconsciously.

"Don't get me wrong," Gin Shishi rushed straight to the re-charged Naruto, and at the same time replied casually, "We are not here to save your scumbags, we just accepted the commission."

"Entrusted?" Fourteen puzzled.

But shortly afterwards, there was a verbose noodle sound from the gate of Zhenxuan Zutunsuo. Fourteen and Kondo followed their voices and looked at it before discovering that Matsuhira, who was in tatters all over, squatted on the ground and ate his ramen.

On the side is the Rokuzen Maizo who walked out of Edo Castle before.

"Ha...hiccup. UU reading" After burping after drinking the soup, Mr. Matsudaira threw the bowl in his hand to the ground and stood up, "Hurry up and take care of all the ramen. over!"

"It's the enemy, right!" Fourteen who met a Narakuchu turned his head and exclaimed Aosuji, "What's the matter with ramen after solving it?!"

"Uncle means that the ramen and the enemy will be resolved." Kondo who was also on the Narakuchu snorted, " can let go of your hands and feet to fight! Everyone! Go!"

After listening, all the true selection team members rushed to a crowd of Nairobi.

"Hey! Please don't be in arrears for this commission!" Yin Shig shouted to Matsuhira at the door, "the last time a police chief owed commission money and hasn't paid it yet."

"Don't worry, Sasaki and I are not the same kind of person." Matsuhira took a cigar in his mouth and replied casually, then raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of Edo Castle. Although I reminded the General to guard against the incident, I didn’t expect to be so anxious..."

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