May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 636: : There are many people in the world who are working towards things that are destined

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Jiang Cheng replied casually: "No, it's just a word someone asked him to hand over. That person can't say that kind of thing, and what he wants to say will feel a little different, such as... want to laugh. You can laugh unscrupulously at times, and howl unscrupulously when you want to cry. Right? Kagura?"

"Well! You can do Aru without any hesitation when you want to do anything! This is what my uncle taught me!" Kagura replied, and then his expression changed and he immediately rushed to Jiang Cheng, "So this You can do whatever you like, Aru! Hurry up and give me all my pocket money!"

"This kind of thing is not included!" Jiang Chengbai, who was thrown to the ground by Kagura, frantically complained.

"That sentence is...Ayi brother..." Xin Ba Hao's eyes widened, just staring at Jiang Cheng who was lying on the floor in a daze.

"Corps, humans..."

Ignoring Kagura, who was holding his wallet thiefly, Jiang Cheng got up and sighed slightly, and then slowly continued: "To be honest, I don't understand, body, soul, memory...what exactly should it conform to? The condition is the real life, or it is called life when the three are still there, or as long as there is a movable body and preserved memory, it can be called life, I don’t understand. So, at that time I didn't agree to the man's second request-to kill him."

"You...what are you talking about?" Xin Ba Hao was inexplicably stunned, and tears came from his eyes again, "Jiang, Jiang Chengsang, what are you talking about?"

"Because I don't know what the state of that man should be, whether he is alive or dead, and if he is already dead, then I don't know **** a dead person."

Jiang Cheng's tone was calm, and he continued without hurries.

"Then, I don't think I can do things that I can't do. If I guess correctly, that idiot is still doing stupid things."

With that said, Jiang Cheng glanced at Ah Miao and then at the new Ba Hao in front of him.

"...For your brother and sister."

"It's the boss," Sougo walked over with his trouser pockets and said, "It's so simple that you can see through the other boss."

Xin Ba Hao asked with some excitement, "What the **** is wrong with Yinsang? What are you talking about?"

Fourteen took a cigarette again, and at the same time he gave out a sigh: "So didn't you say it? The reason why we are here. It seems that your head is really not very good. What I have heard before is just just now. I can’t remember everything I have heard."

"So after all..."

Before Xin Ba Hao finished speaking, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the direction of his own door.

"Ha... really troublesome..." Fourteen sighed, then turned and walked towards the door of the courtyard.

At the same time, Dongcheng also turned around and walked side by side with Fourteen in the direction of the gate.

Facing the ill-faced arresters and other policemen outside the door, Shisi who stood in front of a group of true selection team members and the Yagyu family spoke casually:

"Sorry, I can't let you pass here. This is the jurisdiction of our really selected group."

Dongcheng, standing side by side with Fourteen at the forefront, also said: "Don't worry, we will thoroughly investigate every corner. You can go to the bathhouse and wash your own shares."

Sougou, who came to the yard, looked at the scene at the door and explained without looking back: "We are not here to catch Miichi, but to pin down the police chasing Miichi and protect you."

Shin Baja, who was standing behind Sougo with Amiao and Kagura, asked with some doubts, "Why... why do you want to do this kind of thing?"

Hearing the sound, Zou Wu, who was standing with Jiang Cheng, turned around and explained: "Because he begged us in a low voice, your general, boss, he...

He said he would find a way to catch Miichi Miichi alive, so let's not take action until then. That frivolous head is stuck to the ground. "

After listening, all three of Ah Miao, Xin Ba Hao, and Kagura stared in disbelief.

"In that case, do you want to take a look at the photos?" Sougo took out his flip phone and turned it over, "The boss's words have been sent to your mailbox."

As soon as Zou Gou's voice fell, Xin Ba Ha, who could no longer suppress the complex emotions in his heart, raised his right hand and grabbed Zou Wu's chest clothes.

"Why do you want to do that kind of thing?" Xin Ba Haw lowered his head, his clenched right hand was still trembling slightly, and there was a bit of gritted teeth in the quiet voice, "Why do you want to do this kind of thing... but nothing Don't tell us! That idiot!"

"So the boss just said it all?" Sougo casually slapped Xin Ba Ha's hand, and replied, "Of course it's for your brother and sister."

"It's to let us... stay away from Big Brother Omi." Miao lowered her head and showed a face of unbearableness, and said with complicated eyes, "The only person who hasn't given up yet still wants to save Big Brother Omei. The possibility... is zero, even so..."

"That idiot is still as stupid as ever." Jiang Cheng spread out his hand and said casually, then glanced at Xin Ba Hao and continued, "But, I told you before? When the general was stupid..."

"Punch him hard to wake him up!" Xin Ba Hao replied without thinking, then turned and ran towards the back door of the yard, "I'm leaving!"

After A Miao and Kagura looked at each other, they turned around and trot the same way to keep up with the new eight.

"Boss, if we let all the suspects go like this, we will be criticized." Sougo said without looking up while deleting the photos on his phone.

"Don't worry," Jiang Cheng said, picking up Qingtai who didn't know where he had come from, then smiled and said, "This kid is the big brother of the **** of heaven. It would be most appropriate for him to commit the crime."

"It's true, it's also Senior Brother after all." Zong Wu nodded, "Big Brother is simply right to blame the sin of Senior Brother."

"Brother Jiang Cheng?!" Qingtai's whole body became ill in an instant, "What are you going to do to bring me here?! Why are there so many policemen?!"

"Don't worry, Harita, don't worry about the Sun Wheel." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Sougou, who had handcuffed Haruta, squinted and said, "Twenty-three twenty, arrested on suspicion of provoking war and endangering public security."

"Hey? Hey—?!" Qingtai's whole person is even worse, "Why?! I was just dragged out by Jiang Cheng while sleeping at home! I don't know anything!"

Sougou, who reached out and found a laser sword on Haruta's body, went on to say, "People have gotten the money, so you can go back and ask for credit. Thank you, boss, and finally gave us such a great gift."

"It's too polite, I just think this kid is a bit too annoying."

"Hey! Who... who will help me!"

"Sougo, stop playing."

Accompanied by a burst of unhurried footsteps, the voice of Fourteen came from behind Zongwu.

"It's almost time to go."

Dongcheng's voice sounded immediately.

After stopping for another cigarette, Fourteen spoke again: "Come to our big brother."

"Being a little brother is really hard..." Jiang Cheng raised his head, squinted and looked at the starry sky above his head with a smile, and said softly with emotion.

"That's right." Zou Wu smiled non-committal. "But compared to the boss, it should be considered easy, right? After all, the boss's men...are all women."

Jiang Cheng smiled and scolded: "Quickly stop this dangerous speech. I don't remember having that kind of fierce and feminine tigress."

After just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng, who was stuck in the back of his head, rolled his eyes with blood and fell straight down.

"Who do you think is a fierce and non-feminine tigress?! Want to die?" Yue Yongbai shouted angrily, standing on the wall.

Looking at Yue Yong standing on the wall and the group of Baihua ladies on the side, I always realized with emotion: "It's not easy for the boss to say hard things."

"It's good if you understand..." Jiang Cheng murmured as he got up.

"Boss, there is another question I want to ask you before I leave." Sogo continued, "You said that Omiichi asked you to end his pain before, but the reason for not agreeing to him is really just not knowing. How to kill a person who has died?"

"Probably that's the reason." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "I can't remember clearly. After all, my memory is not so good. It's normal to forget some things."

"At that time, the boss hoped that Omiichi could see the siblings again in the future before he didn't start, right?"

"How is it possible, but I have brought all the last words and relayed them."

On the other side, in an abandoned building in Edo, Gintoki who caught up with Omiichi and Omiichi were still fighting.

However, UU reading unconsciously avoided attacking Omiichi's left body, and Gintoki gradually fell under the wind, and Omiichi seized the opportunity to give a severe blow.

Holding a laser sword emitting red light in her left hand, and a mechanical device on the right half of her right hand emitting a red laser beam that resembles a huge knife, Omi looked at her not far from being blasted against the wall by herself. He grinned when he smashed a piece of silver.

"Hmph, you will unconsciously avoid attacking my left body."

When the clothes all over his body became dirty and there was some panting silver, he gripped the sword that had fallen on the floor, struggling to get up slowly.

"Is this the blow of the first sword saint in the universe? It's nothing remarkable. Compared to that kind of high name, the name eldest brother is more suitable for you.

Relax, O Miichi, no one will come here except me. Your hands will not be stained with more blood, and I will not make them dirty, so come back! O Miichi, just as the eldest brother, returned to them again! "

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