May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 645: :There is no good guy for blond ion ironing!

Looking at the rain in front of him, panting and looking at his Dingchun, Yin Shi murmured: "Ding...Dingchun..."

With that said, Yin Shi came to Dingchun, knelt on the ground and gently rubbed Dingchun's big dog's head with both hands.

"Dingchun, do you still remember me..."

Before he finished speaking, Ding Chun grabbed Yin Shi's shoulders with his two front paws, opened his mouth wide and swallowed Yin Shi's head into his mouth.

While Yinshi and Dingchun were playing **** games between pets and their owners as before, Xiaoyu, who was holding an oiled paper umbrella, walked over slowly.

"Finally found it," said Xiaoyu, who was crushed by a club’s clothes and a wooden knife while holding the silver that was just redeemed while walking. ...And one."

When he tried to pull his **** head from Yin Dingchun's mouth, he looked at Xiaoyu who was approaching, and his face showed a bit of disbelief.

"Make me easy to find, Lord Yinshi."

Yin Shi's eyes widened and he muttered in disbelief: "Xiao...Xiaoyu, you... why?"

When he came to Yinshi, Xiaoyu, who was holding an umbrella for him, leaned down and comforted him softly, "Don't worry, even if the whole world forgets Lord Yinshi, you will not disappear from my data, because before I go to bed, I There is a good press RESET and then shut down."

(Note: In the FC era, pressing RESET and then turning off the power can effectively protect the cassette battery from being lost due to [sudden power supply abnormality].)

"Oh!" Dingchun yelled, or echoed.

Xiaoyu continued: "Also, please call me by my full name-FabilouseAndrericssarinumbakalonhoneylemon Xiaoyu II. The nickname is poko carbon, and the abbreviation is Xiaoyu."

Yin Shi couldn't help but smiled, and said, "It is the name given by an idiot. Hurry up and forget it, that idiot must have already forgotten it. He can only remember Opai... "

"In my opinion, Master Yinshi is also a hopeless idiot." As he said, Xiaoyu's expression softened a bit, and he continued self-consciously: "Indeed...that may not be as shiny as gold, maybe it is only Occasionally it emits a dim light, always arguing with each other, always fighting all the time, natural curly hair, fooling around, and sexually harassing the king, both in arrears with rent and wages. But...

Even so, it was better than the gilded false light. When angry, anger flows from the bottom of my heart, and when happy, smiles from the bottom of my heart. The silver with you is more beautiful. "

After a pause, looking at Yin Shi, who was kneeling on the ground without saying a word, Xiaoyu handed the wooden knife in his hand to Yin Shi while continuing to say: "You...didn't you forget the light? You weren't caught by the hypocritical light. Confused? Then, please stand up again, hold this sword again, and dye the golden world back to silver again."

With that said, Xiaoyu got up and dipped the ink in the bucket with the mop in his hand, turned around and came to the wall where the advertisement was posted with the picture of "Little Gold in the House of All Things" and the picture was Jin Shi.

Xiaoyu, who drew a big cross on the ad with a mop, went on to say: "Speaking of this world painted with gold, it will be dyed back to silver again. You won’t lose to Sakata Kintoki, you won’t lose to blondes, you won’t lose to Straight hair, you will not lose to gold, please remember what color your soul is."

"I haven't forgotten, how could I forget..." Yin Shi's hand holding the wooden knife gradually tightened, and at the same time he laughed slowly, "Mixed with you foolish colors...

Dirty silver--! ! "

When I used all my strength and carved a few large characters of silver with a wooden knife on the wall with a wooden knife, my eyes became firm again.

"Aw!" Dingchun dipped the ink in the bucket with his front paws, then straightened his forequarters, and patted the paw prints behind the characters that Yin Shi had engraved.

A silver hair, a machine, a dog, looking at the words on the wall with the same serious expression...

"Taking back our colors and subverting this golden world! Go!"


Early in the morning, the sky was just getting bright.

Ding Dong...

Yin Shi, who was standing in front of the House of Everything and pressing the doorbell, shouted, "Well, it's not a good idea to bother me. Is Jin Shijun at home, please?"

"Sorry, I'm taking a shower, can you wait a moment?" Jin Shi's voice came out.

"Ah, don't worry, it's okay." Yin Shi hurriedly waved his hand and replied, then took out the duel book with the words [Duel Book] from his arms and said, "Then I will take the duel book. Put it here..."

With that, Yin Shi suddenly thought of something, and then smiled and said, "Ah, I'd better come back another day...Ah! It hurts!"

Before he finished speaking, Yin Shi was hit on his head by Xiaoyu who raised the mop in his hand.

Xiaoyu uttered three consecutive questions: "Excuse me, what are you doing? Are you here to play? Are you stupid?"

Yin Shi touched his head and explained in embarrassment, "Then, even though it's his own home, he's not embarrassed to go in, and it's because his own home can't break in and make a big fuss."

"Please come here, there is no strategy, do you think you can win?"

With that, Xiaoyu stretched out his hand to grab Yin Shi's ear, and without giving Yin Shi any chance to resist, dragged him to the corner of the stairs aside.

By the way, Dingchun was lying on the corner of the stairs and yawning.

"I'll be straightforward," Xiaoyu said to Yin Shi, who was still rubbing her ears in front of him. "From the current situation, Master Yin Shi has no chance of winning."

"You just said that I wouldn't lose, right?" Yin Shi vomited.

Xiaoyu went on to say to herself: "The blond is straight, the character is straightforward, and he is very good at making money. Why do you think you can defeat him, this man who has overcome all the shortcomings of Lord Yinshi?"

Hearing the sound, Yin Shi's temple unconsciously burst into a blue vein, and said uncomfortable: "Huh? What? Do you want to lick a person's ass? Or do you want to pull the **** out of the person's chrysanthemum? Which one do you choose?"

"I'm going to pull out my **** to pump my ass." As Xiaoyu said, when Xiaoyu handed a pile of materials held in clips to Yin, "The so-called battle starts with understanding the enemy."

While taking away the silver of the information in Xiaoyu's hand, he curled his lips disdainfully when looking at the Jin Shi on the cover and the words in the [instructions], and said disapprovingly: "Instructions? Hey, what are you kidding me? That guy's. How can intelligence be written here? It's not a plastic model."

At this moment, the sliding door of the House of Everything was opened, and Jin Shi walked out with only a towel while still rubbing his hair.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I'm washing my hair."

Secretly poking out her head to look at Jin Shi, who was holding the removed head and still rubbing her hair, Yin Shi... was silent.

"Huh? Not here anymore."

With that said, Kim Shi took a step back and closed the sliding door.

At this time, Xiao Yucai continued: "Yes, Sakata Kintoki is the captain of the agency Wanshiya made by Masters of Yuanwai, commissioned by Master Shin Yacht and Master Kagura, and is the perfect Sakata who overcomes all the weaknesses of Master Gintoki. Silver Time-a complete body made of superalloy, Sakata Silver Time Unit 2! That is, Jinsang. By the way, the money for gold production...seems to be paid by Lord Jiang Cheng."

Gintoki, whose entire half of his face began to twitch, was holding the manual in his hand, dripping cold sweat on his face, and at the same time, his voice trembled: "K... the perfect Sakata Gintoki who overcomes all my weaknesses, eh, What do you mean? In short, it is...what's going on?"

At this time, Xiaoyu reached out and turned the page in Yinshi's hand, or turned to the assembly details page, and replied neatly according to Yinshi's request:

"He is a plastic model."

"That's how it is, it turns out to be a plastic model..." Yin Shi nodded and said, but suddenly reacted the next moment, threw out the manual in his hand, clenched his fist and shouted angrily: "Who Can accept this kind of statement! Idiot! It's too simple! Anyway, polish it up! No matter how you say it, it can't be a plastic model! Lie to me! Tell me it's lied to me!"

Xiaoyu explained: "The most recent plastic model has been painted before assembly."

"Who let your plastic model be colored! Why is there such a thing! Why can that kind of thing cover this whole street!"

Ignoring Yin, who was holding his head crazy enough to stop, Xiaoyu raised an index finger and explained to himself: "The reason is what I just said..."

——The exclusive dividing line of Xiaoyu’s memories——

One day during the day, outside the mechanical hall.

Xin Ba Hao, who stood at the door, said helplessly: "Really, I've been so busy and I haven't seen him. It's really a headache for the captain."

"So what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Cheng, who was standing by and holding an umbrella, squinted Doudou and asked blankly.

"That's it!" Kagura, who was also holding an umbrella, complained, "Here obviously even the cat wants to borrow Aru's hand."

(Even the cat’s hand wants to borrow: it means that it’s too busy and short of manpower.)

Jiang Cheng asked blankly again: "Hey, why did you drag me out of Yoshihara? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Master Jiang Cheng, didn't you ask me out?" Xiaoyu on the side said to Jiang Cheng, "Did you forget?"

"Hey? Is there such a thing?"

"What the **** is going on with this guy's head?" Kagura sighed with contempt, squinting his eyes, "Obviously you asked us to bring Miss Xiaoyu to the mechanical hall! Give me a good time to make an appointment. Alu! What is going on with Alu being two hours late?!"

"Ah..." Jiang Cheng remembered now, squinting his eyes and smiling and said: "Oh, when I remember, you did ask you to help me bring Xiaoyu to the mechanical hall."

Xin Ba Hao murmured a little speechlessly: "Jiang Chengsang, occasionally remember what he said..."

"But then again..." By the way, Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaoyu and asked in confusion, "What did I ask you to do here?"

"In the end, have you forgotten your purpose?!" Xin Ba Haw's eyes widened, and he vomited loudly, "Give me more than enough!"

"Isn't the purpose clear at a glance, Aru?" Kagura sighed with his hands, "Maybe he just wanted to have **** with the woman raised outside, Aru. What a terrible man~"

"Master Jiang Cheng, robots don't have that kind of function." Xiaoyu said, "Please don't think too much of me, Xiaoyu will be very embarrassed."

"No, I never thought about it." Jiang Cheng squinted his peas and raised his hand in reply.

"Yeah..." Xiaoyu's eyes flickered twice, and at the same time a certain electronic sound was emitted, and then in an instant, the mop in Xiaoyu's hand swung down towards Jiang Cheng's head.

boom! !

Jiang Cheng, who smashed the ground to pieces, raised his head tremblingly, with a **** forehead, and muttered in his mouth: "Why... why? Xiaoyu..."

Xiaoyu put away the mop in his hand, then bowed to Jiang Cheng, apologized and explained: "I'm extremely sorry. I don't know what happened. At that moment, the system mechanism distinguished Master Jiang Cheng as an enemy. Maybe the system just failed.”

"That's it..." Jiang Cheng stood up and shouted to the foreign father who was squatting on the ground with his back to the crowd and beating, "Master, please check the system for Xiaoyu, if possible, please. She turned into a more gentle character."

Xin Baji leaned into Kagura's ear and said quietly, "Kagura-chan, no matter how you look at it, Miss Xiaoyu's behavior was intentional, right?"

Kagura nodded without comment.

"I don't know if there is any problem with the system, but... Brother, your head is indeed a problem." Yuan Wai Dad said without looking back, and then looked back to the new Ba Hao and who were still whispering. Kagura went on to say: "Just now you said you were too busy or something, but there is something on my side that might be able to help you."

"Huh?" Xin Ba Hao and Kagura both looked at Yuan Wai Dad in confusion.

At this time, Yuan Wai Dad got up, walked toward the store, and continued: "Actually, I am passionate about making some boring little toys recently."

Coming to Yuanwai in front of a cloth-covered device, he stretched out his hand and tore the cloth off, revealing the perfect Silver Time No. 1 machine inside, which is the beginning of everything-put a sandbag with a silver time simulation head. .

"Hah! This thing is great Aru!" Kagura exclaimed as he beat the sandbag.

The silver time outside the memory: the captain's usage is wrong, right? !

Yuan Wai Dad akimbo and said: "Cool, right?"

Xiaoyu, who serves as the commentator for memories outside the memory: If it is just like Lord Yinshi, then forget it. (Kagura in the memory: Don't you think this natural scroll is a bit too curled, Aru?) With continuous improvement, it becomes more like Lord Ginshi, and more like Captain of the House of All Things. Unconsciously, everyone started to pursue the ideal captain...


"How does this feel?" Yuan Wai Old Man asked.

"It feels good, Yo Xi! I'll be the next one." Xin Ba Haw, wearing boxing gloves, touched his fist, and then roared with white eyes, "Go to death! Silver time!"

But before Xin Ba Hao's fist touched the sandbag, he was hit in the face by the fist that broke the sandbag from the sandbag, and the whole person flew out with nosebleeds.

Xiaoyu, who served as the commentator of memories outside of Memories: That has become something completely different from Lord Yinshi.

"Hey, I said you guys," he got out of the sandbag when there were no strands of gold. "What's the fun of beating someone who can't fight back? Is that a house of everything?"

Xiaoyu’s commentary: The ideal team leader produced by everyone is beyond the team leader’s complete body.

"The distorted sign should be removed Jin Shi, who came to the front of Xin Ba Hao, leaned down and stretched out his hand, "Stand up and come with me. Today is the birthday of Xinwanshiwu! "

Xiaoyu: It swallowed the silver light and turned into a dazzling golden light.

——Recall end dividing line——

Xiaoyu went on to say: "...The situation then developed rapidly. He led the House of All Things to show his talents with his own ability, and his fame gradually became known. The House of All Things instantly became a hero on the street. He merged into this street in a blink of an eye, but became a celebrity. After that, he was not satisfied. In order to carry out the sole mission of "Agent Bank of the Lord", he chose to become the captain of the real House of Everything. That is, the existence of Lord Yin Shi was completely erased from the memory of everyone on this street. "

Listening to Xiaoyu's words, Yin Shi suddenly thought of all his previous encounters...

Xiaoyu did not stop, "...He manipulated the memories in everyone's brains with special hypnotic waves, eliminated the memories of Lord Yinshi, and replaced them with memories about himself. The reason why the memories of Master Dingchun and I did not exist. It was eliminated because his brainwashing was ineffective for robots and animals. Do you understand? Sir Yinshi, his... Jinshi's purpose is to be a complete agent for the Captain of the House of All Things! That is, to become the real thing of the House of All Things team leader!"

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