May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 667: : Men and Women

Just when Yinzi, Jiangzi, Xinbahao, and Jiubingwei were in a stalemate, a strange woman's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Um... I'm sorry." The woman sitting on the side deck said to Jiang Zi, "If you don't mind, I will teach you."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Zi and Yinzi turned their heads and looked over. After seeing the mature beauty with a strong figure holding a coffee, with Erlang's legs tilted, and a soft long blond hair, they immediately made a tacit understanding in their hearts. The choice is no different.

"It was a man, but now it is a woman." The woman put down her coffee, brushed her hair and said, "If the situation is the same, it will be fine, right?"

"Hey...that, were you also a male before? It's...unbelievable." Xin Ba Haw spoke tentatively, and his blushing face was a normal reaction to glasses of this age.

"Give me the glasses that are in the way." Jiang Zi threw off his double ponytail and pulled the new eight aside, and then started to the woman's side without any hesitation, "Sa, let's start."

"This person is terrible." Xin Ba Haw murmured, clutching his face that was flushed and swollen.

"It shouldn't be too late." Yin Zi said solemnly.

"This person is also on par." Xin Ba Hao vomited again.

"It's okay, the more you need to help each other at this time." The woman smiled indifferently, then got up and walked towards the store door slowly, "I didn't know it at first, but it was easy. You can get used to it."

Yin Zi, who followed the woman behind her, thought as she walked: [Although she was originally a man, but this sister is really beautiful and understanding, is it really okay to let her teach me how to use the toilet? Can not! Because it is force majeure! And this is this kind of crew! 】

[I do feel very unlucky recently, but... it's not all good. 】Jiang Zi thought at this moment, 【Yo Xi, let me see it! All of my sister Daoupai! 】

"Big sister~" Jiang Zi cried out pitifully, "Can you hold me a little bit? Can't keep up~"

"You want to sneak away so soon?!" Yin Zi gritted his teeth immediately.

"Hey~Yinzi, what are you talking about?" Jiang Zitan started to retort, "The Lun family’s body is so small that it’s easy to get tired~"

"It's okay," the woman stopped, turned her head and smiled and said, "I have to help each other when this is the case. Come on, kid."

Looking at the woman who leaned down and opened her arms, Jiang Zi smirked secretly and rushed towards the woman.

[Nice pie~] Jiang Zi thought to himself.

But...Yinzi didn't give Jiangzi this opportunity.

"Don't worry," Yin Zi picked up Jiang Zi's back collar with one hand, and lifted Jiang Zi with great ease. "Leave this to me. Didn't you just say it? The more you get this, the more you need it. Help each other."

[You guy! 】Jiang Zi stared at Yinzi bitterly, 【I like the pie of my confidant sister! I'm not interested in a dirty party like you at all! Let me go! You dirty sow! 】

[Whose pie is the dirty pie? ! Who is the dirty sow? ! Want to die? ! You sow? ! 】Silver replied with eyes bursting with blue veins.

Just when Jiang Zi and Yin Zi were walking and chatting through internal voices, the woman finally stopped.

Walking out of the store with Yin Zi and Jiang Zi, she came to a woman at the entrance of a small alley, and pointed at the unidentified mosaic object surrounded by several flies on the ground deep in the alley.

"It's just there for ordinary sex."

In an instant, Yin Zi and Jiang Zi, who were still bickering with their eyes, became expressionless at the same time.

After a moment of silence, Yinzi said, "Um... sorry, I'm not talking about big ones but small ones."

"You said it is small," the woman replied naturally, "I think you have accumulated it for a long time and thought it would make a big lump."

"No, it's not about the size." Yinzi shook his head, and then pointed his finger to the alley. "Speaking of which, before I say it is big or small, it's wild shit, right?"

"It's not so much wild shit, it's better to say it's a foreigner..."

Jiang Zi squinted his peas and interrupted the woman's words: "There is no doubt that it is wild feces, no matter how you look at it, it's wild feces."

After the woman was silent for a while, she raised her hands and closed her eyes and slowly explained: "Men's toilet, women's toilet, when I was confused and didn't know which toilet to go to, I finally chose freely..."

Yinzi retorted, "This is wild shit, right? No matter how you quibble, it's just wild shit!"

The woman was silent for a while again, and then slowly explained again: "Sorry, because I am chasing someone, I can't find the toilet at all. Ah~ that's right!"

The woman turned around, pointed at herself, and said, "Don't look at me like this now, I'm a search officer!"

Immediately afterwards, the woman draped Zhensengumi's jacket on her body, held her hands up and said: "That said, but I am not chasing the prisoner, but Miss A Miao!"

Seeing the slogan "Kondo Ton♀" that appeared suddenly, Jiang Zi and Yin Zi once again became expressionless and spoke at the same time.

"Well, that's wild shit." ×2

At this moment, Ah Miao who flew up and kicked Kondo... the ape flew out, and at the same time, there was a sound of Ah Miao...

"What are you doing?! Bastard—!"

Of course, this kind of attack did not relieve Ah Miao, and saw that she reluctantly rode on the fallen ape in the next moment.

"Why can gorillas become such Takarazuka beauties?!" Ah Miao burst into blue veins, gritted his teeth with white eyes, and then reached out and grabbed a piece of fat with force. "And why are there two pieces like this? Obstructive fat?!"

Apes... tears in the corners of his eyes, and he exhales directly: "It hurts... It's going to burst, and the double [Beep—] is going to be pinched... Um..."

"Huh...really?" Xin Ba Chi twitched at the corner of his eyes, "Is that really Kondo-san?"

Apes sincerely apologize: "I'm sorry, Miss A Miao, I didn't want you to see me like this. But I can't stand by when I see you in trouble. Because...because much more **** than Miss A Miao. ."

Because of these last words, Ah Miao didn't leave her hand anymore, and went down with a heavy hand knife, and the ape...there was no more sound.

But at this moment, the horns placed on the telephone poles above everyone's heads rang.

"Discover heretics! Find heretics!"

After hearing the sound, Yinzi suddenly exclaimed that he was not good, holding his head was just a scratching: "Hey! I was monitored! What is the problem? Is it wild shit? Or Miao? There are too many clues, and there is no way to tell. Which one is it!"

"Anyway, run quickly!" Xin Ba Haw hurriedly said.

"It's too late." Jiang Zi shrugged his shoulders, and then looked at the countless congregants holding Zen sticks who were coming towards the crowd from both sides of the road.

"Catch the heretics! Catch the heretics!"

The neat attire, the neat footsteps, and the neat low groans made Xin Ba Haw a little panicked.

"Oops, I'm surrounded." Xin Ba Haw panicked.

"Really, the hands and feet are all tied up. Even if you want to do a fight, it's impossible." Jiang Zi moved his neck and said impatiently, "It's the worst situation."

"Hey!" Yinzi shouted to the gorilla who was still lying on the ground, "Police, you are trying to find a way to do something!"

"No... don't worry," UU Reading www.uukā said aloud the ape with the blood on his face, "The country... the country did not abandon this street. I came here not only to chase Miss A Miao." Yes. I sneaked into this street alone in order to guide the new special forces with the heavy responsibility of saving this street."

As soon as the ape’s voice fell, Jiangzi and the crowd suddenly heard dense footsteps from the roof on the side of the street.

After Jiang Zi and the others looked over, a group of women in Zhenseng Group uniforms had already jumped off the roof and landed in front of Jiang Zi and the others.

"Let's go on, young ones." Mr. Okita, with a chestnut hair and a ponytail, said, "The Wanxuan team is dispatched~"

(I have explained the meaning of "10,000" before, so I won't explain it anymore.)

Looking at the people in the Wanxuan group in front of them, Xin Ba Hao frantically complained: "It's just a group of idiots who have been turned into girls! What is going on with you policemen who are so deadly but also get recruited?!"

At this time, Ah Miao, who had grabbed his mortal enemy (a piece of fat in the head), had a worse expression on his face in a sense.

"What's the matter with you one by one?" Ah Miao, with violent veins on his face, expressing his unhappiness recklessly, "Is this mocking me? Is it mocking me?!"

"Big sister, the enemy is over there!" The painful Chief Son hurriedly stopped.

"The enemy should be your [BEEP—]!"

Looking at Ah Miao, who was reluctant and even getting worse, the son hurriedly asked for help: "Sang Mulberry, it's awful, there is an unexpected enemy! Sang Mulberry! Must be killed!"

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