"What's the meaning?"

Xin Ba Hao replied: "Because the two people under the car are not the bar owner and the bartender! They are Wang Jun and Harukochan who want to have the last memories! They are just playing with Xiao Mei at the end It’s a hide-and-seek game!"

"So how did you tell it!!" Haruta had completely collapsed, and then suddenly discovered something, and again furiously complained, "If you can tell me if you can show such a shocked expression! I don't understand it at all. !!!"

"There is neither a love triangle nor a plastic relationship between the three children," Xin Ba Haw walked over slowly, and said to himself as he walked, "there is only the purest friendship, they …I just want to play the last hide-and-seek game before Xiao Mei leaves, and keep this memory deeply in my heart. So the answer here… should be “We’ve made an appointment and will see you in ten years. Waiting for the best (Mature) Xiaomei...""

"It's worthy of virginity..." Qing sighed subconsciously, but then suddenly reacted, "No, no! Stop it! That's enough! I don't want to listen to anything you say anymore! "

"Hahaha! New Eight Chi-kun!" Kondo's voice suddenly came over, "Your conclusion is too early!!"

"What are you talking about!" Shinpachi was startled, and at the same time he turned his head to look at Kondo, who didn't know when he was coming.

Kondo held his hands, closed his eyes and said solemnly, "Although the analysis is already decent, you have overlooked the most important point!"

"Yes...what is it?" Xinba Haw swallowed, and a few drops of cold sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

"Have you not found it yet?" Kondo walked over to himself, and continued at the same time. I have been dating your sister Miss A Miao all night long in the car!"

"Why! Why did you even show up!" Qingtai complained again, and then looked at the crowd of Jiang Cheng on the side again, "I said that I shouldn't show such a shocked expression again!"

"No, this shock is different from the shock just now." Jiang Cheng's expression changed instantly, squinting Doudou's eyes and pointing behind Kondo, "If you want to ask why..."

"What nonsense are you talking about here as a gorilla!!!"

Miao, who didn't know when to arrive, roared with white eyes, and sent Kondo to the ceiling with just one shot...outside.

boom! ! !

Looking at the big hole in the ceiling and the meteor that had just risen into the sky, everyone present was silent.

"Really, if you don't pay attention, people will spread rumors." A Miao clapped her hands, and then narrowed her eyes to show a smile. Do you mind?"

"Don't mind or mind." Everyone shook their heads at the same time.

"But speaking of it... I just heard what you were talking about," A Miao continued with a smile, and raised an index finger. "Speaking of which, everyone, haven't you found out yet?"

[Are you going to have a kick? ! ] Harita spit in her heart.

Ah Miao went on to say: "It's the scene... there really is a corpse."

[Ah, I know, there is indeed an orangutan's body standing at the scene. 】Harita thought silently in her heart, 【And the prisoner has also been confirmed. 】

"And..." Ah Miao narrowed her eyes again and tilted her head slightly, "Don't you think... Haruko and Xiaomei look alike?"

[So how do you see it! Harita spit in her heart, [I didn’t see anything! There is not even a picture in the question! By the way... why Jiang Cheng, you are showing such shocked expressions again! Why! ! 】

Ah Miao seemed to be energized, clenching her fist and then said, "Yes, the image of a good father and a good husband are all pretends! That talent is not that kind of person! The murderer who murdered that orangutan is really Xiaomei's father. !"

[No, it's you. ] Everyone present thought to himself at the same time.

"Big sister," Kagura, who didn't know when to arrive, said with a hand in her arms, "No, no. Xiao Mei's father and Haruko's mother do not have any intersection, it's just that ordinary neighbors will occasionally say hello when they go out. That's it!"

【Hey--! You can just keep it up! 】Haruta has completely collapsed, 【Please! Don't go on anymore! I am not interested in those things at all! As for your shocked expressions, I almost vomit! 】

"How, how come!" A Miao looked incredulous.

Kagura exclaimed earnestly: "Ordinary people...how could they kill the orangutans who happened to pass by so cruelly!!"

[No, there is a woman in front of you who will brutally kill orangutans. 】Everyone present retorted in their hearts at the same time.

"Exactly... unexpectedly...!!!" Ah Miao covered her mouth with a look of unwillingness to believe it.

"No, it's too early for you all to say." The little ape who didn't know when he arrived said aloud, "because...under the car is neither the bar owner and the son of the bartender, nor Wangjun and Haruko-chan, nor apes. , But... Yinsang and I!"

As he said, Xiao Yuan excitedly rushed towards Yin Shi, "Yin Sang~Are you sleeping under the car together tonight? Ah~ I'm so excited just thinking about it... Ah ah ah ah!!!"

After kicking the little ape out of the window casually, Gin Shiki raised his nostrils like a okay person.

At this moment, the voices of two women...Shiki God sounded.

"No, sir, you said it too early." Waidaowan said in a flat tone, who didn't know when he arrived. "First of all, there are not two people but three people under the car. You didn't notice it!"

Immediately afterwards, Waidomaru and Kuzuya picked up the futon they were carrying and said at the same time: "It is the us who spent the night with Jiang Cheng Sama under the car! This is the proof...Ahhhhh!!!"

After flying out the two spoiled Shikigami from the window, Jiang Cheng raised his hand and said freely, "In short, this is too troublesome. It's better to show your hands and vote. I think Haruko and Wangjun are under the car. People please raise your hands—"

Xin Ba Haw seriously raised his hand high and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I will never allow you to insult the friendship of the three of them!"

"Okay, virgin glasses." Jiang Cheng waved his hand casually, and then continued: "Also, please raise your hand if you think the bar owner and the bartender's son are under the car."

Swipe it!

"If you think it's a passing orangutan, please raise your hand."

Swipe it!

"Think it's me and Yinsang, please raise your hand!!" The little ape with blood on his forehead slammed the edge of the window and tried his best to reveal a head.

"Think it's us and Jiang Cheng Sama, please raise your hand!" Waidomaru and Kuzuya who returned to the scene of the crime raised their hands and shouted at the same time.

"Think... BZ, please raise your hand~" Ah Miao asked with a smile and raised her hand.

"Think it's..."

"Think it's..."

"Think it's..."

In such a noise, Haruta... silently picked up the test set on the table, lowered her head and silently retreated out and closed the door.

Haruta, who was leaning outside the door, looked down at the set of test questions in her hand with her head down and black face.

In the end...Qing Tai slowly picked up the pen and wrote a big one on the paper-"I really don't know!!"

(End of this article.)


One weekend, in the Zhicun family and Heng Daoguan dojo, Xin Ba Hao was guiding the disciples to swing their swords in a decent way.

Although all the staff except Harita are homeless people, and the purpose of these homeless people is only to get chocolate, but...the new eight chicks are indeed good-looking and pretentious, and even...the expression gradually became a little fluttering. .

Looking at the people in front of them who were still wielding their swords, who could be called disciples for the time being, the new eight-chills corrected their colors slightly, and after a clear cough, they took them up and practiced with bamboo swords and said seriously: "Listen! In my heart! If you don’t have a firm will, people will easily succumb to others! Just swinging the sword will not become stronger! Let’s talk! Why do you want to be super strong? Why do you come here? Dojo?"

At this moment, Ah Miao came over with a smile, stopped and smiled and praised: "Everyone is really energetic, it's almost time to take a break."

As he said, A Miao lifted the two plates full of Wei Yi Xia chocolate fruit in her hand, "It's time to eat Wei Yi Xia chocolate fruit."

In an instant, everyone present simultaneously threw the bamboo swords in their hands aside, scrambling to squeeze towards Ah Miao.

Looking at the crowd that was still crowding, Xin Ba Hao was just silent...

After being humiliated by the vagrants who got the chocolate, Xin Ba Hao forced a smile and sent the crowd out of the door, and even sent a sentence: "Come back next time, how much does the Wei Yi Xia chocolate fruit cost?" How many..."

After sending everyone out and closing the door, the smile on Xin Ba Ha's face disappeared...

"That's not the case, right!!" Xinba Haw knelt and hammered the floor heavily, "Everyone just came for the Weiyixia Chocolate Fruit! Only Haru Tae-kun seriously studies swordsmanship! "

"Hey—" Qing Tai, who squinted her peas while chewing on the Weiyi Xia chocolate fruit, deliberately dragged a long tone, "Is that so?"

"Why did you even eat it!"

"Sister A Miao, I still want more~" Harita raised her hands and shouted with a smile, "It's really delicious, this Wei Yi Xia chocolate fruit, I really like it!"

"Are you also for Wei Yi Xia Chocolate Fruit!!" Xin Ba Hao was not well.

"No, to be honest, I've been doing it for Weiyi Xia Chocolate Fruit recently." Harita answered honestly while eating.

"Don't just say it like that!" Xin Ba Haw shouted heartily, "My heart will hurt! Say you are a real disciple!"

"To be honest, Brother Xin," Harita replied, squinting Doudou's eyes, "Recently, your attitude is indeed a bit unpleasant, and your face is always arrogant and even a little airy, which is too annoying."

"Hey? Really? Is it true?" asked Xin Bahao, "I'm just imitating my father, just imitating the way he taught his disciples."

"The times have changed," Qing said with a soft sigh, sighing her shoulders. "How can you attract disciples with that outdated method? Let's change a little bit."

"Even if you say that..." As he said, Xin Ba Hao lowered his head and sighed, "But so far, besides you, there are people who are coming for Wei Yi Xia Chocolate Fruit."

"How about adding a few flavors?" Harita suggested. "It's all one flavor that only attracts homeless people, but if you add a few flavors, you might be able to attract other people."

"It's not just a tramp..." Xin Ba Haw thought carefully.


The next day, Xin Ba Haw, dressed in casual clothes, looked at the homeless people in the yard, and thought to himself as he walked towards the gym: [Forget it, don’t think about that. If you can spread the genre left by my father well If you go down, I think this is also good. That's enough...]

Before I finished thinking about the new eight chis, I came to the door of the gym and looked at the homeless people who were lying on the ground on a certain side and looking boredly at the JUMP’s natural scroll in their hands to contact the turtle school qigong. People are not good.

"What are you doing!!" Xin Ba Hao struggled to complain, "For Mao you, teach people Guixianliu in other people's dojos!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corner of Xin Ba Hao's eyes suddenly discovered that Jiang Cheng was leading a crowd of homeless people sitting on the ground to meditate (sleep).

"Listen well, you guys." Jiang Cheng said casually, "The heart is used with a sword! The heart must also be exercised! In short, you must enter the state of selflessness! Show me well! Close your eyes, what Don’t even think about it! Start!!"

After all, everyone, including Jiang Cheng, closed their eyes at the same time, and after a while, everyone screamed.

"You are even more outrageous!" Xin Ba Hao, who rushed forward, instantly kicked Jiang Chengji aside~www.wuxiaspot.com~What kind of **** training! Isn't it just sleeping? ! In other words, why are you in the dojo! "

"I entrusted them to be a temporary lecturer." Ah Miao said with a smile when he arrived.

"First of all, in order to make them interested," Gintoki said, "you still need to start teaching with gorgeous nirvana skills."

"No, that is someone else's nirvana, it has nothing to do with swordsmanship! And you will definitely not use it!"

"Also, it is necessary to combine work and rest. This feeling." Jiang Cheng nodded and continued self-consciously, "Probably it will be fine."

"No, your one is just sleeping! It has no effect at all!"

"Finally, it is enough to be able to produce turtle style qigong while sleeping!"

"No, I have never heard of it!"

"Head of Sakata, head of Jiang Cheng, zzzz" Kagura shouted with his eyes closed, "I think I can already do Alu ZZZZ, I feel like something is coming out!"

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