May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 695: : Exposing the embarrassment of the past to each other can only be done by old friends

The latest website: "It is not the evil spirit who beheads the head, nor the death **** who takes the soul, but the one who cuts off his sins and saves his soul. Human..."

One night at dinner time, after reading the evening news about the recent "Reaper" incident, Jiang Cheng said such a thoughtless remark.

"Oh? It's really rare." Yueyong, who was leaning on the window and holding a cigarette pipe, slowly spit out a second-hand smoke and then casually replied: "Where did you hear such a thing?"

"It's worthy of Yueyue. It's so simple to hear that it's not original." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and praised him, and then slowly thought about it with his chin. Where is it?"

"It sounds like something the executioner would say, maybe you were caught in a prison and almost beheaded, right?"

"Hahaha, Yueyue, you can really laugh." Jiang Cheng smiled casually, "I am a good citizen who has always abided by the law. But it does seem to have been heard in a dark prison."

"No, it's just a squat at a waste house, and what you are going to is not a prison, but a school reform, a school where you can make you waste people return to society."

"This is too much, Yueyue." Jiang Cheng complained, and then showed a somewhat relieved expression, "but it is true that prison or something is really not the place I should go. If you want to ask why, I will commit nothing. Regardless of sinners with forgivable sins, or those who have violated the laws that were enacted by someone who is defined as criminals, they...after all, are just human beings."

Hearing a trace of something wrong with Yueyong, he turned around and asked indifferently: "Aren't you human?"

"What about the strange question," Jiang Cheng slowly got up, and at the same time raised the corner of his mouth lightly and hummed softly and replied, "This kind of question, don't you understand if you sleep together?"

Yueyong, with a blushing face, took a sip of his face and said, "I didn't ask if you were a man, scum!"

Jiang Chengtan handed it, shook his head pretending to sigh and said, "This is really ruthless. To know whether the creature in front of you is human, the easiest way is to see if he has anything that humans have. To put it simply-sex..."





Ignoring Jiang Cheng who was bleeding after landing with a smile on his face, Yueyong said coldly: "I don't know if the guy who judges whether the person is human or not is human or not, but it's a personal scumbag thing. It's clear at a glance."

"Then, Yueyue, how do you judge whether the creature in front of you is a human or some kind of monster with a humanoid shape that you have never seen before?"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's voice from her side, Yue Yong's pupils shrank suddenly.

【when! ! Looking at the empty floor, Yue Yong was startled, and then quickly turned her head to look next to her.

"Jiang Cheng Sama~"

"Don't always accompany the Reaper, come to our store to enjoy the light~"

"That's it~"

The wandering girls downstairs greeted Jiang Cheng, who was standing by the window, kindly.

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng replied with a smile, "When have I been with such a fierce woman? I still like you a little more when it comes to speaking."


"Of course," Jiang Cheng smiled, "I will go if I have time, but...I like to be gentler~"

"Don't worry! I'm the gentlest Yoshihara! I will definitely gently squeeze out the last drop of Lord Jiang Cheng!"

"Get out of the way! I am the gentlest! I will definitely let Jiang Cheng sama go to heaven very gently!"

"All start! My gentleness will follow Jiang Cheng sama to heaven! By the way, I just saw Jiang Cheng sama, I was a little wet..."

"You [BEEP——], get out of here!"

"No, I'm talking about eyes only."

Listening to the jokes of the travel girls below, Yue Yong smiled easily and said: "I only know that I can make such jokes with these travel girls, and I didn't vote for them because of their identity. A guy with a strange vision is by no means a normal person. If he insists on speaking, he is just an idiot."

"Hey?" Jiang Cheng, who was standing at the window about to jump down, looked at Yue Yong suspiciously, "What did you just say? I didn't hear him clearly."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's performance, Yue Yong's face instantly sank, and he asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Cheng touched the back of his head and explained with a silly smile: "No, what? I just think that since they all said that, it's hard to be kind, so I have to experience it, hahaha..."

"Wash for me——!!!"



When he opened the door and walked in, he looked at Jiang Cheng, who was obviously already in a pool of blood, and said with a sneer: "It's really the same as before. Going to a custom shop will cause some accidents."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng, who was slowly getting up, pulled out one after another on his head. Will the protagonist be allowed to go to that kind of place?"

"No, you've been in a place like this for seven hundred chapters," Yin Shi pointed to Jiang Cheng, staring at him and spit out, "I stayed in such a place from the beginning, and I haven't moved at all. Ass, I really enjoy the life here, by the way, do you know that in the animation, the street scene here must be mosaicked to be played? Hey, don't you know at all? Are you idiot? Are you idiot?"

"Hey? Is that the case?" Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and looked unclear.

"You... really are an idiot."

"But Kabukicho is almost the same, right?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied casually. "In Kabukicho, if the street scene is in the picture, it must be all mosaics? It's no different from Yoshihara, right?"

"Is it a big difference!"

"No, there is no difference at all." Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"Kabukicho also has a good business man!" Gintoki retorted, and then made a serious appearance, cleared his throat and said: "For example, our house of everything, the house of everything that can solve everything."

"Isn't it just a small gray workshop that takes care of everything." Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, "When did that kind of thing become a business man?"

"Don't underestimate the House of Everything! Bastard!"

"Although it has that meaning, but I underestimate you even more, make no mistake, silver... idiot."

"Asshole, do you want to fight after long time no see?!"

"Not interested, because I'm afraid my hands will get dirty."

"You bastard...!!!" Yinshi clenched his fists and looked at Jiang Cheng with a burst of nerves, but then he changed his conversation and said, "Hey, when the war ended ten years ago... Where did you go? ?"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng said in surprise, "Hey, did you come to Yoshihara in the middle of the night to ask such boring questions instead of contributing to GDP?"

"Enough! Answer me quickly!"

"" Jiang Cheng held his chin and thought for a moment, then tapped his palm with his hand, "Oh! Do you want to come back now... I'm sorry, Yinshi, we can't go back anymore." When I come back, I don’t remember having been with you, me or me, so forget it."

"What kind of **** eight o'clock gear! You give me more than enough!"

Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders: "So what you want to ask, I don't know anything at all."

"You should understand," Yin Shi finally got serious, raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Cheng lightly, "Thinking about all the experience after the war, in some remote and dark corners, it may not only be darkness. You. …"

"You are really disgusting..." Jiang Cheng showed an expression of disgust or disgust, and said with black lines all over his head: "Do you want to say that you can find me? You guy... is too disgusting? Anyway? , Please give up, I like women!"

"I said it's not that!"

"Stop your mouth... I really can't stand it," Jiang Cheng said, turning his face away from the wall and vomiting.

Σ_(???」∠) Vomit...

"That's why you guys always make people feel uncomfortable!" Yin Shidont cursed bitterly, and then thought: [Really, that stinky papa (grandmother Dengshi) didn't say anything. . When are you going to play tricks one by one! 】

"By the way, can you go back?" Jiang Cheng, who wiped his saliva, asked, "It's too disgusting, so I hope you can go back. In short, we still seldom see each other afterwards. This may reduce your mind to me. Then, when you have time, you can go to the street to see women or something. It may be helpful to you. And don’t worry, I will forget what happened tonight."

"How can you pretend to be stupid!"

"You..." Jiang Cheng looked at Yin Shi with a shocked expression, "Are you still serious?!"

When the silver veins on his face were violent, he flexed his hands: "Ah, seriously, I seriously want to send you to the kingdom of heaven."

"Σ_(???"∠) vomit..." Jiang Cheng spit out again while supporting the wall.

"Ahem," Yue Yong, who didn't know when to arrive, cleared his throat and said, "So what, I just passed by, but if he is really reluctant, is it a bit unpleasant for you to be so reluctant? .Um...let's give up, and then this is a coupon for the tavern, this time to buy drunk once and forget it. Then don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, I won’t discriminate against you or even watch with colored glasses You, after all... I also know that there are various forms of love."

Looking at the Cowherd's wine voucher in his hand, Yin Shi's expression instantly sank.

"Speaking of which, Jiang Cheng," Yue Yong raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Cheng, and asked tentatively: "Are you better to take Kagura here? What about that..."

"Isn't this just starting to discriminate!!" Yin Shih roared, "By the way, I am not that kind at all... Wait, I am also a little nauseous, I feel like vomiting, wait...Σ_(???"∠) Vomiting ..."

"Yin Shi, forget about me, I really can't accept it." Jiang Cheng, who had just vomited, turned around and kindly persuaded him, but he couldn't help but vomit on the wall after he just finished speaking. .

Σ_(???」∠) Vomit...

"I said it's not like that! Bastard!! Are you deliberate?!" Yin Shishi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and exclaimed, but he couldn't help it as soon as the voice fell.

Σ_(???」∠) Vomit...

"Anyway, don't talk about this again!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and said, "That's it! Yinshi! Otherwise, when I think of you sneaking into my tent in the middle of the night during the war, my back will get cold. It's not just me. , The tent of the wig, the tent of Takazai, and the tent of Sakamoto, you guys have all been drilled. Although they were kicked out because their feet are too stinky, you really...Σ_(???」∠) vomit..."

In an instant, Yin Shi clenched his fist and argued loudly: "That's just a person sleeping in a place full of corpses, feeling a little scared asshole! By the way, you guy also secretly ordered a takeaway from a custom shop at night because of fear. Right! Then the wandering girl who came to the door said the next day, "That guy didn't do anything. He just slept together for one night. He had to urinate late at night and had to be accompanied by him, so he thought he was going to play in the wild. In the end, I still didn't do anything, what a weird guy~" Such a thing! "

"No, that's not me, it's you." Jiang Cheng replied, squinting his eyes and raising his hand.

"Ah! It seems to be true!" Yin Shi was startled, "but why didn't I have the impression of paying?"

"It was the wig and Gao Zi who pooled money to dismiss the wandering girl, because a scumbag said that he did nothing, so there is no need to pay for anything."

"So that's the case." Yin Shi held his hand and knocked, but then he reacted again, "Huge!! It's not talking about this kind of thing at all!"

"Did you do nothing to the visiting girl..." Yueyong murmured under his chin, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Speaking of which, shouldn't you also tell Amiao to ask the glasses boy to consider changing jobs? What. And, don't worry."

With that said, Yue Yong looked at Yin again, "I won't talk too much about other things."

"Shut up your mouth! Don't give me crookedness! Do you need me to prove it? You stinky woman!!"

"Yinshi, things that are barely coming..." Jiang Cheng turned his face silently, "Forget it."

"That's right." Yue Yong also turned away silently.

"Kill you guys——!!!"


Watching the street downstairs violently leave, saying that he is going to find a place to prove his silver Jiang Cheng hooked his mouth calmly.

"As always, an idiot..."

"You too." Yue Yong replied lightly.

"No, I didn't have to call my name every ten seconds because I was afraid to let the wandering girl go to the toilet with me."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"Why would you know such a thing?"

"In fact, during that period..." Jiang Cheng turned away silently, "I often suffer from insomnia (because of fear)."

"It makes no difference! Is it because you are afraid? Is it because you are afraid of ghosts? You are too powerful? Are you idiots if you are afraid of such things during the day and do not dare to sleep?"

"Who... knows."

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