May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 703: : I still remember the art teacher said that colors are malleable.

The latest website: It’s still a devastating midsummer. A bald man who can video chat with his daughter all day because of his jealous wife, is wearing a gray gown that wraps his whole body tightly, with most of his head exposed. Walking slowly down the streets of Kabukicho under an umbrella.

"Although Kagura always says she's okay, does it really matter?" The bald uncle, who is different from ordinary people and always frowning, walked as he continued to mutter quietly, "Even if there is nothing wrong now, what if Will there be any hidden dangers to the body if I live for a long time?"

At this moment, there was a male voice of scornful scorn with a hint of playfulness.

"Hey, look at that."

Hearing the sound, the owner of Xinghaifang turned his head and looked at him, only to see a pair of shamelessly dressed non-mainstream dark-skinned punks looking at him jokingly.

The boy laughed and said, "That uncle, he is holding an umbrella even though it is not raining."

"It's better for your head to get more exposure to the sun and more photosynthesis, right?" the girl with heavy make-up raised her eyebrows and asked playfully.

At this time, Xinghai Fang finally couldn't hold it back, and took the girl's hand directly.

"Hey! What's the matter with you two? Your whole body is scorched!"

Asked in such a panic.

"What are you doing? Uncle!" The boy pushed the owner of Xinghaifang away, and asked uncomfortably.

"Cheer up!" The owner of Xinghai replied with a serious expression, "I will call an ambulance for you right now!"

Seeing the owner of Xinghaifang who was pressing hard, the black-skinned couple turned around and ran away in panic while shouting at the police.

At this time, Xinghai Fang's expression and mood were the same, becoming more and more solemn.

[This planet is really dangerous! If Kagura stays on this planet, one day... his whole body will be scorched! With a scorched boyfriend, there is also a scorched new life in his stomach! In the end, there is no other way but to hold a scorched wedding.

But within a few months, the marriage life will become scorched (divorced)! The abandoned scorched single mother has nothing to do, sitting in the scorched (irregular) shop with scorched (irregular) work, and finally her soul becomes scorched (lost hope, refers to self-breaking)...]

The owner of Xinghai Fang, who had already thought of the charred Kagura after committing suicide, could not calm down after all.

"I will never allow you! Dad will never allow you to be scorched!" As he said, the owner of Xinghaifang ran hurriedly, "Stay in this place, everything will be scorched! I still want to send you to other places. Where to go! Before everything about you is scorched..."

At this moment, a little brother's shout suddenly came from the street.

"Father over there, our product is being tried for free."

The owner of Xinghaifang, who stopped, looked over, and saw that the little brother in the shop on the side of the road held a can of spray, sprayed it into the air and said: "How about it? Try it, just spray on the top of the nozzle It will become scorched."

next moment…

"Unforgivable!" The owner of Xinghaifang, who was scorched above his head, stared with bloodshot eyes, clenched his fists while running and shouted angrily: "The only thing that needs scorching is Dad's head! It's enough! Dad's hair is enough! That's enough! It should be enough, right? Isn't it enough for life on the earth or Dad's hair? Hurry up and say goodbye to this kind of place!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, the corner of Xinghaifang's eyes suddenly noticed something, and at the same time, he slowly stopped and looked at the shade of the big tree not far from the corner.

The owner of Xinghaifang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Kagura standing with his back on the back of a big tree facing a boy of the same age who was probably only a little bit taller than him.

[That is... Kagura? Great, it seems that it hasn't been roasted black yet. 】

But before the owner of Xinghaifang could relax for a while, he suddenly noticed that the boy squeezed out from his pocket a letter with "To Kagura" on the cover and handed it to God. happy.

"Please...please take this..." the boy twitched.

"Huh?" Kagura took the envelope in his hand and glanced at it with some doubt.

"Answer next time..." After saying this very hard, the boy turned around and left slowly.

"Hey..." Kagura raised his hand to stop, but before he could say anything, the other party had already walked away.

Looking at the boy walking away, Kagura lowered his head and glanced at the envelope, and wondered: "What is this?"

With that said, Kagura took out the letter from the envelope, took it in his hand, looked at it, and said softly:

"To Kagura-chan, since the first time I saw you, I have cared about you very much. Although I have always played with you as a male friend, I can no longer suppress this feeling. Please associate with me. My heart has been scorched by the scorching love...""

Of course, what Kagura didn't know was that at two intersections not far from his side, two other people were also scorched in black.

One is the bald guy just now, and the other is...Jiang Sung who just bought a game on the way back...


The safe and "nothing" house of everything was suddenly attacked by the white poles, and there were still two white poles.

"I said—! What is this?! What the **** happened?!"

Hearing the noise, Xin Ba Haw ran out quickly and shouted in panic.

While sitting on the office chair with silver in his hands, a solid telephone pole is inserted on each side of his head.

"Pasan, I asked you to bring me the spoon," said the dead-eyed silver without energy or carelessness, "Since you have given me such a big spoon, the pudding will also give me a large portion. , No, it takes two. After all, I gave two spoons."

"No, just eat that."

"As your last supper, Silver Time."

The two men (the owner of Xinghaifang and Jiang Cheng) stepped into the living room at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that the expressions and movements of the two men are surprisingly similar.

"Jiang Chengsang! Xinghaifang master Sang!" Xin Ba Haw said in surprise.

"Alala, isn't this Odosan and your uncle?" Yin Shi stood up slowly, and came forward lazily, staring at her eyes. "If you want to come, make a call in advance. I have prepared a pudding, ah, one is enough."

As he said, Yin Shi stretched out his hand and patted Xinghai Fang's forehead, "Ou Duo Sang comes with it, Puqi Pudding!"

(Pudding, a pudding from a Japanese brand.)

The owner of Xinghai Fang became unhappy for a moment, bursting with blue veins and angrily said: "Whose head is Puqi Pudding!"

Yin Shi complained: "What makes you angry when you come? Isn't it just saying the puttsun pudding wrong? It's too rude, right?"

(Puttsun pudding: TAMA-shaped pudding.)

"I don't want to be taught by someone who points to someone's head and says pudding!"

"Get out! TAMA pudding!" Jiang Cheng, who was finally unbearable, took away the owner of Xinghai Fang, grabbed Yin Shi’s collar, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Hey, you bastard, they will treat your lovely niece (in the future) 'S daughter) is fostered here, how do you look after her?"

"What is TAMA pudding?! Is it talking about my head? Is it talking about my head?!" The owner of Xinghai Fang pushed Jiang Cheng away, "It was just my line! And the future daughter in parentheses is What do you mean? What do you **** want to do?!"

"Shut up, you can't take care of the useless bald guy at both ends! Hurry up and die, and give me all Jianghua sister and Kagura!"

"Hey! Let's say it! Let's finally say it! Not only your disgusting wish, but also a bald! Brat! I will definitely kill you today!"

"Come and try it! You TAMAATAMA!"

"What does TAMAATAMA mean?! Do you want to die?! Do you really want to die?!"

"Hey, what's the matter? Did you find a place to quarrel?" Yin Shi dug his nostrils with his little finger, staring at the dead fish eyes with no energy, and complaining with the sound of rotting dead fish cans.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng and Xinghai Fang took action at the same time, and at the same time they jammed Yin Shi's neck.

"Before that, you have to go to **** first! Bastard!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and said bitterly, at the same time he couldn't control his hand strength.

"I said you bastard, no matter how poorly you take care of it, there should be a limit?" The master of Xinghai Fang gritted his teeth, his facial expression was a bit uncontrollable, and his hand strength was also a bit uncontrollable.

Ignoring the silver that was lifted up in the air by the two of them and had begun to roll their eyes, Xin Ba Hao suddenly got something and asked aloud, "What happened to Kagura-chan?"

"I'm back~"

While shouting, Kagura also walked into the living room. After seeing the master of Xinghaifang and Jiang Cheng, he smiled and waved: "Ahhhhhhh! Dad! Uncle! Both of you are here! Long time no see~"

"God, Kagura..." Because of the arrival of Kagura, the owner of Xinghai Fang who released Yin Shi had a panic expression on his face.

Similarly, the expression on Jiang Cheng's face also showed a bit of panic.

Kagura said happily, "It just happens to be Alu, I have good news to tell everyone Aruna."

"No! I don't want to listen!" Xinghai Fang said, covering his ears and closing his eyes. UU reading

"Kagura, hey... wait... hey... don't... you..." Jiang Cheng trembled, his pupils trembling, and his face was full of rejection.

"I have a boyfriend with Aru." Kagura smiled innocently compared to scissor hands.

On the other hand, the personalities of Jiang Cheng and Xinghai Fangzhu have been completely ruined by this sentence.

[Wait...wait! The owner of Xinghaifang glared at the bursting eyeballs, opened his mouth wide, his face was full of horror and sweat, and he thought to himself, [Not receiving a love letter but directly making a boyfriend...]

[Boyfriend... Hey? Boy friend? what is that? what is that? What is the boyfriend? How did you write the words for boyfriend? Hey? Hey? Hey? 】

Jiang Cheng's head was completely messed up, and his whole body was dull in place.

"I'm going on a date tomorrow, what should I wear?" Kagura uttered a misery like a girl, and at the same time walked slowly towards the attic stairs on the side...

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