May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 710: : The important thing about a daughter and a wife is probably a married man with a dau

"Yeah..." Princess Cheng Ye propped her chin and thought for a while, then she frowned and explained slowly: "Don't look at their giants, stars and stars, but only if they listen to hip-hop, they can stand by themselves. It's just that there is. a little…

The royal family of the giants, each generation seeks women from other planets to marry, and after they find them, they will behave very abnormally. In order to take the genetic genes as their own, they don't want the excellent genes of their spouses to fall into the hands of other peoples. They will kill everyone on the planet where the bride was born, leaving no genes behind. "

The screens on both sides of the road are showing current affairs news that is being broadcast live.

In front of the camera, the anchor Hanano holding the microphone raised his head and looked at the huge disk-shaped spacecraft hovering above him at a low altitude in Edo.

"Have you seen it? The giant clan that suddenly appeared in Edo, and the huge spacecraft that now occupies the low altitude of Edo, where are they sacred?"

On the other side, outside of Edo Castle, after listening to Princess Sumiya’s explanation, Xin Ba Hao was surprised and said: "What?! The little one is going to destroy the earth?! How come, is it because we didn’t entertain him well? It’s because of us. Is your mother's family too boring, right?"

"That's not the case..." Princess Cheng Ye just smiled awkwardly.

"I thought I was here to see my father-in-law, but in the end he came to destroy the earth. I thought it was a golden tortoise son-in-law, but the result was to smash our planet into pieces!"

Looking at the new eight haunts with a constipated expression in front of him, Princess Cheng Ye quickly turned around and said: "Anyway, I will immediately report to my elder brother and let him dispatch the shogunate army."

"It's not over there..." Xin Ba Haw said silently, then turned and left slowly, "It is not the giants that should be stopped. It is not the giants that are really terrifying at all, but... Sorry, Mrs. Jiang Hua, things really can't be done today. Let the woman intervene."

After all, Xin Ba Hao turned off the tablet in his hand and stuffed it into his arms.

On the other side, Jiang Cheng and three people standing on the roof like Ackerman were silent, looking at the big spaceship above their heads, but they were silent...

Looking at the giants in formal suits who suddenly jumped off the spaceship one after another, the very dedicated anchor Hanano who was still conducting the live broadcast hurriedly said into the microphone, "Ah! Have you seen it? Dressed? An army of giants in formal suits descended from the sky!"

boom! boom! boom!

These giants in black suits, who had fallen to the ground and destroyed the ground, tidied up their suits and ties, and came to the little big in white suits.

Sitting in an oversized chair wearing sunglasses, the little big mouth opened.

"Everyone on earth, I would like to thank you on behalf of the giants. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us the perfect bride. Cheers, after this wedding, the people on earth can share eternal prosperity with our giants!"

With that said, the little general took the pink bed on his lap with both hands and slowly got up, walking towards the huge cross that had just been made by the giant. If you look closely, you will find that the little big hand On the bed in the middle, Kagura was still asleep with nasal blisters.

"How about all coming to bless us?" Xiaoda stopped, looked at the cross in front of him and said softly, "Bless the grand wedding of the two of us."

"This is the wedding ceremony?!" The host Hanano who held the microphone exclaimed, "The giants actually destroyed the streets as their wedding scene! Ah!"

The anchor Hanano suddenly discovered something, it was Kagura in Xiaoda's hands.

"That was... an earth girl! An earth girl was caught by giants!"

At this time, the middle-aged giant wearing a priest's costume and holding a Bible slowly said: "Then, please swear the bridegroom, regardless of health or illness, please love her and cherish her, and unswervingly remain loyal."

"I swear." Xiao Da said.

"I didn't expect the bride of this wedding to be that girl!"

"The bride, please swear that, regardless of health or illness, she will cherish him and cherish his unwavering loyalty."

"She swore it before." Xiao Da said.

"Then please exchange vow kisses next."

After the priest's words fell, Xiao Da raised up Kagura in his hand and pouted toward Kagura.

"Ah! A lovely girl, her purity is about to be ruined in two huge lips!"

I have to say that the anchor Huaye is indeed very dedicated, no, no, this is not the time to talk about this kind of thing.

Seeing Kagura getting closer and closer, Xiaoda was delighted: [Kagura, then your powerful genes will be mine! I am the only one in your eyes! 】

But at this moment, a certain glasses came out handsomely, and he kicked the priest and said loudly, "Wait for me!"

The priest, who was kicked on his head by the new eight-jaw who came to him, fell forward unsteadily, and coincidentally took away the purity (lips) of his prince.


When he fell to the ground while releasing Kagura, Xiaoda pushed hard against the priest who was unconscious in front of him and pressed on him.

"Wait for the priest! You can't do this! I don't have that special hobby! Father! Father—!"

At this time, Xin Ba Hao walked forward slowly, and at the same time said slowly: "Little Big, I'm very sorry, Kagura-chan cannot be handed over to you, you are not qualified to be Kagura-chan's boyfriend."

Looking at the new Haw with a serious expression, Xiao Da directly grabbed the bed with Kagura sleeping on the floor and stood up.

"You bastard, what did you do to this sacred wedding, to my first kiss!" Xiao Da scolded angrily, clenching his fist.

"It's a pity," Xinba Haw lowered his head and continued unhurriedly: "You stepped on all of our feelings for the exclusive use of Kagura-chan, and you want to take away our most precious things."

"It's your shit! Give me a step!"

"Can you understand?!" Xin Ba Haw's voice became louder, and then he clenched his fists, his face was also a bit unbearable: "The baby girl who is as big as a pearl in his palm is hooked away by a wild boy who does not know where it is. I lost my soul, but even so, I chose to greet my daughter with a smile... the mood of that bald dad...!

Can you understand? !

Let go of the daughter who has always cherished and guarded, since she is the man she chooses, she unconditionally believes and even wants to entrust the sword of responsibility to him... the father's feelings like that of the gray-haired father...

Can you understand? !

Although she didn’t live together, she ignored her in the nearest place and was constantly watching and worried that she hoped to keep watching her and guarding her growth. After learning that Kagura, who is like a daughter, had made her boyfriend, even if she didn’t know I was taken aback but forced myself to look away, just wanting to have a good chat with the man she chose for a drink... How dad Nit’s mood...

Can you understand? !

Even though he is extremely lonely, but for the happiness of Kagura-chan, he is willing to swallow tears and laugh and spit out, the mood of that father's glasses! "

"The father on the left and the father on the right, what are you guys! It's really unpleasant to make irresponsible remarks about young people's love!" After expressing such an upset, Xiao Da jumped aside and just landed from the spaceship. "If you can’t let go, let me help you make a clean break!"

Slowly ascending into the sky, Xiaoda reached out and pointed at his tribe on the ground and gave an order, "Before the wedding, kill all these annoying Earth monkeys for the blood sacrifice! Offer sacrifices for our wedding! The whole army marches forward. !"

After that, countless giants fell from the spaceship.

"Ah! Giants jumped off the mothership one after another! This situation is like the end of the world!"

"Bye bye! Dads! Your lovely daughter is going to be my Royal Highness's person!"

After arrogantly saying such a sentence, Xiaoda suddenly felt that something had fallen on the back of his head. He touched the back of his head with some doubts and then said: "Hey? I don't seem to be preparing for the rice-sawing ceremony..."

At this time, Xiaoda realized that the blood on his hands turned out to be blood! At the same time, the people on the ground also discovered unusual phenomena above their heads.

"This is... a rain of blood?! It is not rice that fell from the sky, but it was a rain of red blood! Ah-! It turned out to be the blood of giants! It turned out that it was not the attacking giants, but the sunk giants!"

Xiao Da, who was about to rise into the spaceship in the air, looked at the people around him who had lost the back of his neck and consciousness who were still falling, feeling very bad.

"How... how is it possible!"

"It's unpleasant? Then it's unpleasant." Xin Ba Haw on the ground pushed the body on the bridge of his nose, and then raised his head indifferently, "Men want to monopolize women's possessive desires, and their genetic monopolized desires, Men are such unpleasant creatures. But at this level, it is not worth mentioning compared to the exclusivity of fathers who "don't want to give their daughter to anyone"! "

Xiao Da, who had already ascended into the spaceship, saw the tribesmen on the ground who were already full of GGs and the very kind Jiang Cheng trio, who were standing there covered with blood of their tribesmen, grinning, She immediately guarded Kagura and stepped back in shock.

"Oh, boyfriend, it's really impressive," Yin Shi praised, "I didn't expect you to take away Kagura at all costs of destroying the earth. To take away other people's precious girls, you really have to have the courage to destroy one or two planets. what."

"Yes, whether you are marrying a wife or a daughter." The owner of Xinghai Fang took the words indifferently.

"You...!" Xiao Daqiang pretended to shiver calmly, "Do you want Star Wars for a daughter?!"

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and smiled slightly. "It's just that the father of the bride on our planet also needs to attend the wedding. You didn't ask... Forget about the rice-spreading ceremony."

"That is to say," Xinghaifang said in a disdainful tone, "Who would do such a thing for a yellow-haired girl? Big (mature) adults wouldn't do that."

Yinshi took the words: "Take it if you want, but..."

"Wait until you become an adult who understands etiquette!" ×3


Xiaoda, who was hit by the three brain hammers on his head at the same time, vomited blood, then smashed through the bottom of the spacecraft, and screamed and fell to the ground.

"Really, I've been doing this for so long." Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly, and turned around first.

"But I finally said a few words that an adult should say." After saying this casually, Gin Shi also slowly turned around.

"Yes, in this way we are also excellent adults."

With that, the owner of Xinghai Fang also turned around and left with Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi, but suddenly the three of them, who realized something at the same time, stopped at the same time.

"Ah, forgot there is Kagura." ×3

At this moment, a pair of fair hands grabbed the hole that Xiao Da smashed into, and Kagura, staring at the three of them with gleaming eyes, emerged from the hole.

boom! !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" ×3

The three people who fell fell into the river head-down at the same time and made a loud clatter.

All things house.

"Wow! Wait a minute!" Looking at Kagura who walked in through the hallway holding an oversized envelope, Xin Ba Hao hurriedly stopped and asked, "Where did this huge letter come from?"

"This is a letter from Xiaoda to me after returning to China, Alu." After saying that, Kagura put the envelope on the table, "You can read it too."

"Huh? Did the prince send it?" Xin Ba Haw looked at the envelope in front of him with some panic, "Is it okay? Isn't it a declaration of war or something? What if you come to grab Kagura again? Yinsang? Jiang Chengsang?"

"Xin Ba Hao, write back quickly!" He hurriedly said when he was wrapped in bandages so that only the silver of his eyes was left.

"You must be happy! I will always bless you!/Little girl is vulgar, please take care of me,"

Jiang Chengyu, who was in a wheelchair with his two legs in plaster cast while his body was covered with bandages, squinted and smiled with an index finger upright, sat on the sofa with a neck brace and one leg was covered with plaster. The owner of the bandage Xinghai Fang spoke at the same time.

But the next moment the three of them were smashed into the floor by Kagura's sofa and wheelchair.

Seeing Kagura closing the door and leaving, and ignoring the three people who were on the floor, Shinba Hae took out a huge conviction from the envelope.

"Um..." I was taken care of during the time I visited the earth. I learned about the importance of family members through contact with different cultures, especially the greatness of my father, which has benefited me a lot." Hey! It's just like two people! "

"The only letters written by this guy are always remarkable," said the owner of Xinghai Fang who came together.

"...Waiting for the next time I have a girlfriend, I will definitely get rid of the old habits of cherishing her family, especially for her father, I will never defy the least bit."

Xin Ba Hao silently complained: "I feel that his girlfriend's father is already his psychological shadow..."

The owner of Xinghai Fang said with emotion: "Although a lot of things have happened, it is pretty good. He has also grown a little. The atmosphere of that big planet will also be better."

"It's true." Jiang Cheng echoed with some emotion.

"No, it doesn't seem to be the case," said Yin Shi, who was immersed in reading the letter, and then handed the letter back in his hand.

"Ps: I recently discovered a strong genetic gene that I like very much. Sure enough, Odosan (Father) is the best~"

Looking at the attached photo of Xiaoda embracing the priest's arm shyly, Jiang Cheng, Xinghai Fangzhu, and Xinbahao were silent.

Xin Ba Haw twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Then what... the atmosphere hasn't changed for the better. If this continues, the planet will perish."

"Isn't it all your fault? Doing something like that to the priest made him awaken or something." Yinshi shook the pot for the first time.

Jiang Cheng and Xinghai Fang nodded at the same time.

"Don't put all your mistakes on others, okay? You obviously did it too much!"

Yin Shi retorted: "You go and tell Ackerman about this, he prepared all the equipment and weapons."

"No, wait! It doesn't matter to me? It's right to tell my father! I am not Kagura's father for the time being, so it has nothing to do with me."

The owner of Xinghai Fang instantly retorted: "What are you talking about? I'm still from the older generation! What does it mean for the time being?"

"What kind of brother? The hair is gone."

"For the time being, it means that it will be one day in the future."

"Kill you! Brat! And... they didn't retreat! They are attacking hairy people! You white hairy!"

"No, where is brother?"

At this moment, sitting at the corner of the stairs outside, ignoring the Kagura of the noisy people in the house, holding an umbrella and writing a reply on the cardboard on his knees.

"To Xiaoda:

Thanks to Xiaoda, I also learned a lot, although I still don't understand the difference between love and family.

Anyway, now, it's enough to have them as my boyfriends. "

Attached is a photo of Kagura with three men who are pulling and the one being pulled, a pad frame that is obviously a spectacle frame but temporarily used as a pad frame...

"That..." Xin Ba Haw suddenly thought of something, and looked at Jiang Hua, who was smoking a cigarette on his back on the ipad standing on the side of the table, "Speaking of which... Mrs. Jiang Hua's side... I don't feel angry yet..."

"Puff—" The owner of Xinghai Square directly forced a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground, "Then what... Jiang... Jiang Hua, the injury is a bit serious this time, I might go back a few days later..."

The implication is...I want to wait until you're angry before going back.

"I don't have to come back anymore." Jiang Hua turned his head and glanced lightly at Xinghai Fangzhu who was twitching on the ground.

"Can I send you the divorce agreement personally?" Jiang Cheng asked hurriedly, "Don't worry, this bald man has already signed it."

"You don't want to take advantage of the fire! Brat!"

Looking at the owner of Xinghai Fang who pounced on Jiang Cheng, Jiang Hua said lightly on the screen: "Huh? The injury turned out to be healed, so the reason for not coming back is..."

"No, it looks good. In fact, the internal injury is quite serious. Although it is not big from the outside, the internal injury is quite serious to be honest."

"Xiao Jiangcheng, please help that bald man be tested for injuries."

Jiang Cheng: "Understood! Hey! Bald, cut your belly open for me to check."

Xinghai Fangzhu: "Who is the bald bald bald?! Does it mean that there is an open stomach examination?! Go to the hospital for me!"

Jiang Cheng: "Successful!"

Master Xinghai: "Ah—! My hair! You **** really got it off! Didn’t it mean that it’s the abdomen?! Hey? No, this is not my hair? This one is for nothing. …"

Silver Time: "It's my hair! You bastards!"


"My glasses! Why do you want to implicate my glasses! The three of you are enough for me!"

Looking at the chaotic four people, Jiang Hua on the ipad screen slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and then coldly looked at the few people, the Queen Faner.

"Mom's opinion is the most important thing, do you understand it? Four fools?"

"Hi! We were wrong!" ×4


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