May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 713: : Outstanding is very important!

"So what class did you go to!"

"Don't care, don't care," Jiang Cheng waved his hand indifferently, "Anyway, you can't get rid of something, so it doesn't matter if you don't understand it."

"It's so irritating to hear this..." There were blue veins on Xin Ba Ha's face silently.

"In short, the next step is to use a well-known method to push the combination out." Jiang Cheng said with one hand around his chest, and the other hand supporting his chin, "First of all, I will contact you for the first time. The talent show, just go straight to it like this."

"Hey? The talent show?" Xin Ba Hao said with some surprise, "Is it so straightforward? Although there is no problem with the popularity of Atong sauce, the two of them have not even had a complete cooperation."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, as long as I remember the next points, I can definitely become famous," Jiang Cheng's expression gradually became more serious, "What I want to say next, I must definitely remember it! It’s about the first step for the two of you to debut as a combination! Whether you get down directly or rise to the top, it all depends on whether you have firmly remembered what I said!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's appearance, Xin Ba Hao also took a mouthful of water nervously.

"First of all, first! Forget about winning, knocking out, and being promoted! If you think about that in your head, it is absolutely impossible to go to the end!"

Xin Ba Hao nodded and analyzed: "Indeed... Indeed, at this time, you only need to finish your performance. If you think about that, it may affect your performance."

"No, you misunderstood the new eight haws. What I mean is... the victory or defeat doesn't matter at all." Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders, then raised an index finger again, "Our goal is not to say victory or something. Our goal is only one, and that is... to be brilliant! Let everyone, judges, mentors, live audiences, and audiences in front of the TV remember you all at once! No matter what method you use, just let them have a deep impression of you. That's it!"

"So that's it!" Xin Ba Haw tapped his palm, "That is to say, even if he didn't win the game, he could do a good job of publicity and win popularity!"

"When introducing must compile your own life experience, the more miserable the better! The more bizarre the better! The more sensational the better! Do you understand?!"

"Isn't that a lie?" Xin Ba Ha's eyes twitched.

"Then, second point, be serious when you should be serious," Jiang Cheng held up his hands again, closed his eyes and continued on his own, "meaning, don't give me seriousness when I shouldn't be serious. do you understand?"

Xin Ba Hao spoke again: "No, then you should explain when you should be serious and when you shouldn't be serious..."

"Be serious when performing!" Atong clenched his fist and was full of energy.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand and squinted Doudou's eyes and replied: "No, no, you can just come here at that time. If you can, I would like to trouble you to deliberately run a tune and deliberately fall down or something."

"Is it okay to sleep Aru?!" Kagura raised his hand and asked.

"Ah, yes, it's all about making the performance a mess."

New Eight Haws cast their eyes blankly and spit out loudly and shouted: "You can be bigger! The judges and instructors will definitely get angry!"

"Well, Xin Ba Hao-jun is very smart, and I found it when you should be serious." Jiang Cheng nodded in praise, and then continued to Atong Jiang and Kagura, "Yes! It must be done at the end of the performance. When the judges and mentors open their criticisms, cry seriously! No matter what they say, just cry! Cry very sad! This is probably enough. By the way, don’t cry too early, the timing is very good. It’s important, it’s best when the instructor has just criticized it."

"Um... did Jiang Chengsang learn this method from which idol in which country's talent show?" Xin Baja asked Xiang Jiangcheng with black lines all over the corners of his eyes twitching.

Jiang Cheng put up an index finger and said, "Chuang [Beep—] Yang [Beep—]."

Ignoring Jiang Cheng who was twitching from time to time when he was stuffed into the floor by himself and Yin Shi, Xin Ba Ha pushed the body on the bridge of his nose, cleared his throat, and whispered to Kagura and Atong Jiang, "Sorry, Jiang just now Please forget what Cheng Sang said."

"Hey? People still think that method is super easy Aru~"

"Relax your head! Stop this kind of dangerous words!" Xin Ba Haw reprimanded with a serious expression, and then bowed to the camera, "Sorry, we definitely didn't mean it, please forgive us. "

"I also understand Jiang Cheng's method roughly. In short, no matter what method is used, first find a way to become famous, and then you can have a lot of opportunities to fish casually..."

"Shut up for me too!" Xin Ba Haw quickly covered Yin Shi's mouth, "How did you come out with such a dangerous thing! There is a possibility of being directly sealed! This is not good!" Only this one will never work! Give me another method to push the two out!"

"That's it, then use my method. After all, after that method is launched, various problems may arise." Yin Shi nodded, and then showed a serious expression, "First is the combination name HDZ48, although it sounds like It's in Japanese, but it actually means "infinite possibilities" in Spanish. "

"You are really serious nonsense." Xin Ba Hao vomited.

"It also means "son of Bz·WANDS". "

"Why do you say that Bz and WANDS are the same as couples?"

"I intend to push this combination like "Yokohama Silver Rope" recommended "Shima Daisuke". "

(P: When Daisuke Shima was mixed with the Bozou clan, he was accidentally spotted by the producer of Yokohama Silver Rope, and then packaged by his own office and entered the entertainment industry. "Men's Medal" was its famous song.)

"The method is so old! It's much older than Jiang Chengsang's messy method!"

Yin Shi shuddered his shoulders: "This kind of eventful autumn can only imitate whatever the office's Dongfeng can imitate, and if the permission is granted, wait until the fish is finished... I'll talk about it later."

"Sure enough, I just want to make money..." Xin Ba Hao spit out black lines under her eyes, and then sighed again, "And no matter how they live, they are idols."

Atong nodded: "That's right, at least change to a female model, producer."

"No, the problem is not here, Atong sauce." Xinba Haw twitched the corner of his mouth awkwardly and reminded.

Kagura raised his hand and said, "Yes! Compared to Daisuke, I think Tetsu Sugimoto pulls Aru a little bit more! Producer!"

"What do you two think of idols? What do you remember except for Daisuke!"

"Then what do you think of this?" As he said, Ginshi closed his eyes and slowly continued: "A long, long time ago, at the end of the universe, the great pair of musicians Bz and WANDS gave birth to forty-eight children."

"An inexplicable view of the world." Xin Ba Hao's mouth twitched.

Yin Shi continued on his own self: "48 children wandered to all corners of the universe. Among them, the last twin, ranked 48, landed on the earth."

"That's it!" Xinba Haw nodded and raised an index finger, "Similar to the "I'm from the korin star" setting of Ogura Yuzu. "

"...And then enter the political arena."

(P: After Shima Daisuke retired in 2013, he held a press conference to announce his participation in the Senate election. Although it was not implemented in the end.)

"What's different from just now! Didn't you still become Daisuke in the end?!" Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically.

Gintoki impatiently added: "HDZ48 is for Daisuke who wants to enter the world..."

"Come to the end!" Kagura and Atong-chan, who didn't know when they changed into suits, took the words seriously while clenching their fists.

"Don't think about Daisuke! Now it is you who need support!"

Atong-chan looked at her blue suit and said, “But the idol in the suit may be refreshing. If the suit pants are not enough to kill you, you can change it to a short skirt. Then make the accompaniment band a little more fashionable, maybe you can create it. A super handsome and cute new idol!"

Looking at the song named "Woman's Medal" that Ah Tong-chan had imagined in his mind that directly used the tune and copied the name, Xin Ba Hao once again complained: "Let’s not talk about the clothes, why is this song still holding big Don't let it go?"

"That's good, Aru?" Kagura raised an index finger, and at the same time a picture began to appear in his mind.

Seeing that the song in Kagura's mind was directly changed to "Girl's Mark" with the name of the song, Xin Ba Hao said again: "It seems a bit changed."

"Then I think it's okay..." As he said, a picture appeared in Yin Shi's mind.

Looking at the title of the song "Days with Large Volumes" in the screen, Xin Ba Hao frantically complained: "How can I let an idol sing this kind of song! What does a woman's medal mean? A girl's mark is this kind of imprint?!"

"Hey, UU reading, where did you think of it?" Gintoki glanced at Xinbajia with a weird look in his hands. The day of the assistant."

"What the **** is that! Why is this guy again? Why is so lingering? Hasn't this guy all entered the political arena?!"

Gintoki spoke again casually: "For Daisuke who has returned to the showbiz, HDZ48 said..."

"Support to the end!" Kagura and Atong took the words without thinking.

"I have said things that made you forget Daisuke!" Xin Ba Hao vomited excitedly, then glanced at Jiang Cheng who had just gotten up from the floor, "Anyway, should we consider a more comprehensive promotion model now? How should the two person settings be better?"

"Um...or just make it simpler, just use the current tubing master's set." Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Which set is the tubing master's set?" Xin Ba Haw asked with a look of contempt.

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