May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1203: It's a monster

"Yes, Chief of Staff."

"The Qin family is really arrogant. It is right for the little gangster to break away from you, and I support him." After speaking, he left calmly.

Qin Xue stood still, her face pale.

"Am I doing something wrong?" she asked the Chief of Staff of the Second Army who followed out uncertainly.

"I kept winking at you just now, you all seem to have never seen it." The Chief of Staff of the Second Army hated iron and steel and said: "You are going too far. The Northern Military Region did not immediately withdraw. For the face of the Su family, this time it completely offended people."

"We... don't believe that little girl did something wrong?" Qin Xue was very puzzled. She was always strict and her eyes were above the top. The Sheng An just now couldn't gain her trust.

"Wrong, very wrong. Do you know who Sheng'an is? She is a genius specially recruited by the National Defense University. Before she enrolled, she caused a battle between the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Scientific Research. And she has a talent for memory and thinking. Our chief of staff is even higher."

Another staff officer went on to say: "I think everyone knows how powerful our general staff is, but her talent is many times higher than that of his father."

Qin Xue stared in horror, "Really?" She asked uncertainly.

"People in the Northern Military Region know about this, so Su Huaian will bring her here."

Qin Xue scolded Qin Shuang countless times in her heart. Because what Qin Shuang told her family at the time was not a genius, she contemptuously said that Sheng'an was a village girl who was admitted to the National Defense University through her sister and brother-in-law.

"I see. I did something wrong. I will find classmate Sheng'an to apologize to her." Although she is proud, she is never arrogant. If she is really wrong, she will sincerely apologize.



The search and rescue work in the mountains is difficult, and many traces of the previous heavy rain have been washed away. After Xu Qigang received Sheng An, he showed that he gave her clues from his side.

His field tracking ability is very powerful, if he can give him a rough goal and direction, everything else can be solved.

"An An, can you?" Xu Qigang asked uncertainly.

"Yeah!" An An nodded, looked at the wreckage of the plane on the ground intently, and quickly drew in the notebook with a pen. "Wait for me, let me simulate the trajectory of the plane crash at that time."

"This is all right?" Chen Yingjie couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Strong data analysis capabilities are required." The sudden voice made everyone look over.

"Chief of Staff, why are you here?"

"It's too dangerous here, you can't come, **** it, who made you come?" Xu Qigang could not help but swear. Bringing such a major general with him is a test of the soldiers' heart tolerance.

"Yes, there are swamps everywhere..."

"Stop talking!" Hai Yunbing interrupted, "I've already come, what else do you want to do?" Bao'er is here, how can he be relieved? If he didn't follow him and watched him personally, he would suffer for a lifetime in case of any accident.


The chief of staff ordered that they only obey.

"Don't be noisy!" An An interrupted impatiently, "I need to be quiet." After finishing speaking, he walked forward along the inconspicuous traces on the ground with a pen and paper. After she has watched it for a while, she quickly calculated on the paper.

Hai Yunbing stood behind and looked more and more surprised.

The middle-aged doctor was not reconciled because he had been despised before, and he followed him with a faceless expression. At this moment, he was standing on the other side of An An and couldn't help holding his mouth, "Chief of Staff, she... she... is a monster." He is already the most powerful expert in the staff. But the girl's computing power is simply terrifying.

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