"I'm already on my way back, I'll be there soon, I'll be there soon." Sheng Ning held the old man's hand tightly, "Grandpa, you must be good, you must be good, or someone will bully me and baby of."

"Grandpa...If you leave, who will protect me and baby?"

The old man smiled, but his dry face burst out with a strange brilliance, "There is a big river..." Without a word, Xu Qigang had already appeared at the door. He was holding Su Jiang, standing in the door covered with mud.


"finally came back!"

"Da Jiang?" The old man sat up suddenly, Su Jiang was in front of the bed by Xu Qigang, the whole person could not see the original appearance.

Sheng Ning knew that Lao Yuezi had been holding a sigh of breath to wait for his eldest uncle's return. As the eldest son and the future of the family, the old man had not had time to leave his last words with him.

She glanced at Xu Qigang, stepped forward and held his hand tightly, and came out and left the space for Su Jiang.

Xu Qigang has been sleepless these days, with long hair and beard. But people looked energetic, especially the eyes that looked at Sheng Ning were amazing.

"You slow down, you can't sit on the ground." Xu Qigang saw her sitting on the ground, and directly pulled the person up and placed it gently on the chair. Originally, he wanted to hug her, but when he thought that he was muddy all over for several days and hadn't bathed, he took a step back.

"Living Hades." Sheng Ning looked at him dependently, "Why don't you hug me? You said, do you despise me?"

"No! No." Xu Qigang waved his hand quickly, "How can I dislike you!"

"Then why are you so far away from me?"

"I...I am all muddy on my body, I am afraid of getting you dirty. You are pregnant now, pay attention to safety and hygiene." Xu Qigang looked at her helplessly, eyes full of joyful little stars.

"Xiaoning, thank you!" He said solemnly and affectionately.

Sheng Ning was taken aback, then bowed her head with a guilty conscience. It's over, how could the lie she just told in anxious situation be heard by the living king? It's over, she's not pregnant!

At this time, Su Hai and Su Huaian also came out, and there was only Su Jiang inside. When the two saw Sheng Ning, they also urged: "Ningning, you can go upstairs and rest! Don't tell me if you are pregnant, you are still busy these days."

"Yes, I almost fell yesterday." Su Huai'an was terrified, thinking that Ningning had been crying during this time, and people with a bad appetite were a lot more anxious than before.

It is clearly a sign of pregnancy!

"I want to guard Grandpa." Sheng Ning dare not look at everyone with a guilty conscience.

"The old man has just returned to the light, let the eldest brother give him the last ride!" Su Hai sighed, "You are useless here, go upstairs and rest!"

As soon as Xu Qigang heard that she almost fell, she was covered with mud on her body, so she hugged him and quickly walked upstairs.

"Living Hades, let me go down." It's over, this lie is too big.

"Don't let go, you are not allowed to get out of bed from now on." Someone's domineering command, he kicked open the door of the room, put the person on the bed, and stared at him.

Sheng Ning looked at the mud on her body, crying without tears.

"I'm sorry!" Xu Qigang apologized embarrassedly, "I'll find clothes for you, you first take a hot bath."

"You wash first, how long have you not rested." Sheng Ning insisted.

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