After Meng Xingzhi left, Su Yun knelt in the rain with a puff, pain, despair, sadness, cynicism... all the adjectives were not enough to describe her pain at the moment.

She gave so much that she didn't even give birth to her own child. Back then, she went to be an educated youth in a difficult rural area for Meng Xingzhi. In order to survive, she did not hesitate to commit herself to a lowly farmer.

Later, I heard that his wife was dead. She ran to the top of the mountain to sing in the middle of the night.

In order to return to the city to marry him, she abandoned her husband and daughter.

In order to win his favor, she did not even have her own child.

She gave so much, and loved him wholeheartedly, until she died. But everything is gone, all is gone. Since Sheng Ning appeared, it seems that the whole world is against her, everyone hates her, laughs at her,

She went from the enviable head of Su to a place like this one. There is no more home, no family, no lover...

She really has nothing left.

Suddenly, a black umbrella appeared above her head. She thought it was Meng Xingzhi who couldn't let go of herself, so she relented and came back. He raised his head and looked ecstatically, but it turned out to be an annoying aunt.

"Leader Su, don't be sad. Even if you are divorced, you still have a lot. It is much better than those of us who can't eat." Auntie actually envied Su Yun very much, even if she got to this point, she still envied her.

There are still many people in the countryside who work hard every day, wear patched clothes, and eat pickles and steamed buns all year round. It is a great thing for her to be lucky enough to cook for the chief's house.

Like Su Yun, who is rich, has a house, and has freedom, everyone will laugh to death with envy.

"Go away!" Su Yun pushed her aunt away, "How can a person like you understand my pain? Go away..."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The aunt flinched and went back. Su Yun sat on the ground alone, immersed in the world of grief and couldn't help herself.

"Do you want everything? Right, status, and beloved man?" Seductive words rang in front of him, and Su Yun looked up and said listlessly, "Why are you here?"

"You haven't shown up for several days, I'll come to see you." Li Xia squatted sincerely in front of Su Yun, staring at her in a very infectious tone and said, "Get up! What a woman wants to get? You need to fight for it yourself, and you don’t even have to do calculations. But you must never complain about yourself, no one will pity you."

"You're right!" Su Yun wiped away her tears, "This is the last time I am sad. Whoever makes me sad in the future, I can make anyone more sad."

"That's right!" Li Xia admired and gave a thumbs up, "It means that those who dare to hurt you should pay the price. It's not that I say you, your temper is too good, you are too easy to be bullied. Others are bullied. When it comes to you, you just give in blindly. This will only make some people with bad intentions worse."

"Isn't it!" Su Yun thought of Sheng Ning gritted her teeth bitterly, "It's the little **** who took everything from me step by step."

"Then let her die without a place to bury her!" Li Xia said lightly and hostilely.

Su Yun's eyes lit up, "You are too right. Dead and no burial is the best punishment for her. Will you help me?" She grabbed Li Xia's hand and said eagerly, "You Now it’s my only friend, will you help me?"

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