May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1214: come back quickly

Qin Xue took a deep look at Sheng Ning, and calmly walked out of the mourning hall.

There are many people coming and going outside the mourning hall, and there are also places for rest and memorial services specially set up by the master’s house. Because many people came from various places, several memorial services have been held.

Qin Xue glanced at the younger brother who was busy with his work. Since he came to the Northern Military Region, this younger brother has completely left the family behind.

"What are you doing?" Qin Yue said unhappy when he saw Qin Xue.

"Does it mean you want to bully An An like Qin Shuang? It's useless. Now An An is higher than me, and people dislike me." Qin Yue couldn't help but sneer.

"No, I just came to see you, my brother ran away from home, can't I take the initiative to find him?" Qin Xue said calmly, "Don't be angry that it was your second sister's fault before, I have already criticized her. You are the heir of our Qin family. This is a fact and no one can change it."

"I do not care."

"Brother, don't be angry. Mom passed out crying at home."

Qin Yue was stunned, but he didn't plan to go back. He wasn't angry or was playing around.

Qin Xue knew that his younger brother had been thinking right from a young age and had a stubborn temper. If you want to move, you have to take it slowly, anyway, she has time.


Those who came in the morning were all senior generals, but in the afternoon there were more juniors.

Haishen, Shangguantao, Jiang Shaobo, Meng Pingping, etc... everyone came to the spirit one by one, silently mourning. After bowing, Meng Ping glanced at Sheng Ning silently, and whispered, "Don't be too sad."

Sheng Ning did not speak, just lowered his head.

Meng Ping sighed and had to leave lonely.

The next one is Shen Jianguo. Since returning from a mission in the Soviet Union, he has been immersed in training in his battalion.

This time I also came here deliberately, bowed deeply ninety degrees, and after offering the chrysanthemum, he gave Shengning a deep look, and then left.

Behind was Chen Huaying, she first glanced at Sheng Ning, and then when her gaze fell on Su Huaian, she almost shed tears in distress.

Originally, she was very annoying to Su Huaian, and also very afraid of him. Now at school, she always couldn't help chasing his figure, and she couldn't help but look at him more after passing his office.

In class, it seemed that he would still stare at him all the time, allowing her to subconsciously concentrate on learning.

During this time, her academic performance improved by leaps and bounds, but she was not happy at all.

Without him, Chen Huaying felt lonely and uncomfortable all at once. Even if all the girls in the school followed her and called her Chen Shao in admiration, she would feel bored.

Let her be honest if she misses Su Huai'an.

After bowing, Chen Huaying stopped in front of Su Huaian, and then took the initiative to hug him.

Originally expressionless, Su Huaian looked up at her in shock.

"You have to come back quickly, or I will go to the marching singing and dancing troupe every day to spy." Chen Huaying said vowedly, and then left with a guilty conscience.

The corner of Su Huaian's mouth aroused a sense of helplessness, this silly girl still doesn't know what she wants at this time?

Following Chen Huaying is An An. They are alumni. She has now resumed her studies. So Chen Huaying, An An and Feng Xiaoli came together.

An An's delicate little face was expressionless, but when she saw Sheng Ning, her face wrinkled into a bun, "Sister, don't be sad, I'm also sad to see you sad."

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