May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1221: Unexpected and reasonable


"By the way, you can help me call my uncle." She had already figured out how to deal with Su Yun.

"Okay." Xu Qigang nodded, before leaving with a kiss on her forehead.

Su Hai stood guard outside the corridor, his face calm and serious. Seeing Xu Qigang coming out, he came back to his senses, "Ningning is awake, right?" Qin Yue just came out and said everything with his big mouth.

"Well! I'm going to have a meal, you can take care of Xiao Ning for me first."

"Okay!" Su Hai nodded and pushed the door in.

In fact, he had been thinking about how to deal with Su Yun next time. This is true for his sister, who has been protecting herself for many years. But this elder sister was really too much, his only tolerance for Su Yun also disappeared because of Su Yun's actions.

Especially she almost hurt the child in Ningning's stomach, which is absolutely intolerable.

Sheng Ning watched Su Hai come in, his complexion was not good, and his clothes that had been so straight that there was no wrinkle all the year round looked wrinkled. Knowing that Su Hai's life is not easy, he really loves himself very much.

Sheng Ning sighed and shouted, "Uncle, sit down."

Su Fox glanced at her suspiciously, "My mouth is so sweet, is there something to ask me for help?" He said half-jokingly.

"As expected of Su Fox, his mind is faster than others."

"It's not big or small, I'm your uncle, how can you call me a nickname?" Su Hai dragged a chair and sat down in front of her bed, "Do you want to talk about Su Yun?"

"Hmm!" Sheng Ning nodded.

"I'm thinking about it too." At the mention of Su Hai, his brows frowned unconsciously, "We sent someone to look for her, but we didn't find a trace for the entire 24 hours."

This is unbelievable. Su Yun's stupid person can hide so that he can't find it. It's unimaginable.

"No?" Sheng Ning opened his eyes, "Where is Army Commander Meng? Can't find it?"

"Meng Xingzhi has already filed for a divorce with her, and the application has been submitted to the Organization Department. Yesterday the Organization Department called your uncle and our family had no objection, so the application was approved."

As a senior general and commander of the group army, Meng Xingzhi approved the divorce that was supposed to have caused a huge wave.

Everyone thought it was unexpected and reasonable.

Such a daughter-in-law who has forged a feud with her natal family, whoever changes her job will divorce.

At most, it was a woman about the same age as Su Yun, and she sighed. Su Yun was so beautiful back then! Unexpectedly, it would be reduced to where it is today.

"Chief Meng divorced her?" She knew how much Su Yun loved Meng Xingzhi, and now even Meng Xingzhi doesn't want her. No wonder she is so crazy. Surely the present days will make her worse than death, right?

"You said, the foxes of your family, why are Su Yun such a stupid person?" Although he was stupid in his previous life, he still woke up after being in prison.

But Su Yun... is already at this point, don't you know how to wake up?

"I was used to it when I was young! She is the only daughter in our family, and everyone spoils her. The old man is very famous for short-term care, and when I grew up, I unconditionally followed Su Yun to clean up her mess."

Sheng Ning secretly decided to keep the child away from Su's family after the baby was born, especially away from Su Hai. Otherwise, the good children will get used to getting crooked.

The fox Su Hai can guess what she is thinking by looking at Sheng Ning's expression, "Don't even think about it, what about Huai'an? Why isn't Huai'an crooked?"

"That's because the cousin is a boy, who is completely raised by you and treated as someone else's child."

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