May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1223: Mother-in-law fought with someone

Xu Qigang wrinkled his eyebrows when he heard it. He didn't know that anyone in Shixi Township would dare to fight with their family. Is it because I haven't been back for too long and someone has forgotten the reputation of the little Yama?

Wrong! Even if he does not go back, Dad is still at home! As a well-known local rogue who is famous for being ten miles and eight townships, people walking in front of their house are frightened.

"Because of what's the fight? How is my mother? Is there any injury?"

"No injury, just a bunch of hair was caught." Xu Yingshan couldn't help shivering when he thought of the scene where his aunt was fighting with someone two days ago. My aunt used to be the daughter of a landlord. I heard that she was a young lady who had studied the Four Books and Five Classics. Later, when I married an uncle, I rarely even went out, and occasionally quarreled with people, and the curse was not dirty.

It sounds more elegant than ordinary old rural women. I didn't expect the guy who fought the battle this time, that sturdy.

The two old rural women had never beaten her, they just didn't scratch her face.

Xu Qigang was relieved to hear that he was not injured. Xiao Ning is still lying on the hospital bed! Mom can't be hurt anymore.

"My aunt was because someone said bad things about her sister-in-law, and it was terrible anyway. My aunt had to bear it, but those eight wives actually said that their sister-in-law can't have children..."

Xu Yingshan got angry at the thought of those foul language. He was embarrassed to say it, he really didn't understand what those women were saying, and there were still many unmarried people among them.

What kind of profligacy, what is mean, what can’t give birth because of messing up the relationship between men and women before marriage... It’s right for aunt to fight them. I really thought that if you were behind the scenes, others would not know?

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and I don't know how powerful their Xu family is if I don't fight hard.

When Xu Qigang heard that someone dared to say bad things about his wife, his handsome face instantly turned black, and water dripped gloomily.

"Let my mom and my dad answer the phone."

"it is good!"

Xu Yingshan ran to shout in excitement. Xu Xianxiong was the fastest, running in less than two minutes. Mainly when Xu Yingshan shouted, he chatted with people at the door.

"Son! You finally know that you are back." Xu Xianxiong said loudly.

"Father, has your reputation improved?" Xu Qigang asked coldly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm not at home now, and some people dare to bully my daughter-in-law, my mother. This does not mean that your reputation has improved, and no one is afraid of you anymore."

"Who said that?" Xu Xianxiong's eyes widened, and he was fierce and terrifying. "Lao Tzu is young but a well-known local ruffian, who sees Lao Tzu not retreating from Sanshe? Even if Lao Tzu is old now, it's still Yu Weiyu. in."

Xu Xianxiong slapped his chest, solemnly defending his generation of ruffians.

"Then... how could this be?" Xu Qigang knew his Laozi's character well and could bear it in other ways. But no one is allowed to despise him and look down on his dignity as a ruffian.

This is indeed very similar to the little hooligan.

"Nonsense, I'll take a machete and go door to door to greet me."

"Yeah! Just pay attention to greetings."

"I see! I am so old, is he still like a young man?" Xu Xianxiong suddenly felt that his son was very annoying. How could the tone of this command be reversed like an identity?

He is Laozi, but not a son.

Xu Yingshan was listening, and he could already imagine what the village would look like in the next month. It must be a joke, every house is closed and locked when it is dark.

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