May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1229: My brother-in-law beat you up

Along the way, An An sat in the co-pilot with a sluggish expression, her eyes looking ahead but could not find the focus.

Before Qin Yue provoked her, she would still curse. Whoever talks to her now is sluggish, and the look in Qin Yue's eyes is also somewhat dazed.

Qin Yue couldn't help but feel distressed.

Ever since Sheng Ning was injured in the mourning hall, Qin Yue has been observing An An. After Renault was transferred away, he followed her all day long.

He is really a bastard, a good girl, how could he have become like this if he didn't protect him well?

Yesterday afternoon, President Feng organized a meeting with the professors of the school. The professors of the medical department discussed the result that the second stimulation caused the memory and data in the brain to be disordered. There is no way, but to test their own ability to slowly repair.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt the memory and wisdom, and the lessons, studies, and calculations were not bad at all. It's just the character, the reaction is affected.

Later, Hai Yunbing also came in person, and seeing his daughter look like this, he had the heart to kill Su Yun. He is also a person with a strong memory, and has studied his situation for many years. I have accumulated a lot of insights and experience, and I have also asked the school professor a lot.

An An can't accept him now, and it's really sad to be like this again.

"An'an, here we are!" Qin Yue stopped and walked to the co-pilot to help her open the door.

An An looked up at the three characters at the train station, nodded and got off the train graciously.

Qin Yue closed the door and walked beside her, "You follow me, don't get lost."

"I won't get lost, I remember the way." An An walked forward to the place where Xu Xianxiong and his wife had been sent back last time, and couldn't help but take another look.

"What's wrong? Do you think of something?"

An An couldn't help but cast a blank look at him, and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't have memory loss." The implication is, why are you asking like her memory loss, you can naturally think of many friends when you walk here without amnesia Time to play together.

"It's my memory loss." Qin Yue said shamelessly.

The professor said that An An would react more often when he was with him than when he was with others, which now seems to be true. This made Qin Yue almost jump up happily, and couldn't help but get close to An An's face and secretly kissed him.

"" An An stared at her in surprise, "You little rascal."

"Yes, I am the little hooligan."

"Go back and let my brother-in-law beat you." After finishing speaking, he walked forward angrily, just in time for Shen Luhua.

Shen Luhua also followed Shen Ming, and Qin Yue saw Shen Ming put away the rogue smile, and a sneer of unknown meaning appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Cousin." Shen Ming greeted happily.

An An didn't turn back for a long time, and Shen Ming stood still very embarrassed.

Qin Yue's sneer turned into a mockery.

"Okay, you can go back! I've already taken me to the train station." Shen Luhua couldn't bear the embarrassment of his nephew and took the initiative to rescue.

"Auntie, grandpa said that he must watch you get on the train, you let me go back now, how can I deal with it!" Shen Ming refused to leave, he came with a mission today. That's the relationship with the cousin, but I didn't expect the little gangster to also come.

Wherever he is, there is no good thing.

"It's up to you." Shen Luhua was helpless.

An An turned her dark eyes around the two of them, and then slowly said, "You two should stay away. I have something to say to my aunt."

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