May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1235: You don't need to hint

Qin Yue opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as he looked up, he saw Qin Yue's neatly dressed army commander standing by the side of the road waiting for him. It can be seen from the posture, the waiting time is not short, and the expression on the face can be seen, I must have heard what I said just now.

"An'an, I'll take you to the classroom." As he walked around, the co-pilot suddenly took the person out of the car and left the person half-armed while Feng Xiaoli and Chen Huaying were dumbfounded.

"I like being so overbearing." Feng Xiaoli said with envy, holding her face.

"Look, there!" Chen Huaying made a provocative move to Qin Xue.

Qin Xue shook her head helplessly, she didn't seem to be very popular.

"Be careful, my dad said she is not easy to mess with."

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Huaying said nonchalantly.

"Forget it! Doing more is worse than doing less, let me go!" Feng Xiaoli seemed a little unreliable, but she was smarter than anyone at the critical moment.


The small teahouse near the military headquarters has been closed for several days to thank guests. Originally, Li Xia's purpose was to get close to Su Yun. Now that the purpose is achieved, it doesn't matter whether the teahouse can be opened or not.

Some old customers came happily and went back disappointed. Although the door of the small teahouse was closed, people were sneaking in and out of the back door.

Su Yun is hiding here these days.

Su Jiang is looking for her, Su Hai is looking for her, and many people are looking for her. But they didn't think that she was hiding here. Su Yun was a little proud. These days, she relied on Next Magazine and newspapers and magazines to get news from the outside world.

When she saw the news of the divorce of military commander Meng Xingzhi from the military newspaper, she couldn't help standing up and walking out.

"Where are you going?" Li Xia asked coldly, standing at the door.

"I'm going to find someone to reason." Su Yun was frustrated, even if she was about to get a divorce, why was she so fast?

"Don't go, you will only make a joke if you go."

"Even you are laughing at me?" Su Yun turned around and asked unhappy.

Li Xia shook her head, "No, I just don't want you to be hurt. Once this man changes his heart, he can't pull it back. You will only hurt yourself if you go. I don't want to see you hurt."

"Yes." Sinong echoed: "We even closed the store in order to prevent you from being found. How can you be so ignorant?"

"I'm just too angry." In desperate situation, Su Yun is also slowly tempering her temper. In the past, she would never be subdued.

"I think Military Commander Meng divorced you. There must be someone outside. My man was like this at the beginning. If there is someone outside, he abandoned me without hesitation."

"Yes, men are the most unreliable."

What they said reminded Su Yun, yes! Why didn't she expect it? Xingzhi has always been very good to her, and their husband and wife relationship is harmonious and deep. Since Yang Wenying told Meng Xingzhi that he had an illegitimate daughter when he was an educated youth, the relationship between the two has become worse and worse.

In the end, Meng Xingzhi abandoned her cruelly.

A strong hatred burst into Su Yun's eyes, "It must be Yang Wenying this bitch, it must be her."

"Who is Yang Wenying?" Li Xia asked with interest.

"It's the head of the Thirty-Ninth Division Art Troupe." Su Yun said bitterly: "She has always been at odds with me. I am jealous that I live better than her, and my status is higher than her. It doesn't please me."

"Then she might..." Li Xia prolonged the ending, and the hint was self-evident.

"You don't need to hint." Su Yun said directly.

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