May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1251: Deserve to be caught

People nowadays just think that pregnant women should not be cold. Is that so fragile? She also watched the news on TV in her previous life, the news that a pregnant woman was confined to death during the summer!

Really ignorance killed people.


Sheng Ning was speechless, "Head, are you here?" What he said last time hadn't been fulfilled yet! She would feel shameless when the head came.

"I'll see you, thank you by the way!"

"Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for helping me solve my troubles. I have officially started working and praised me in the organization?" Yang Wenying smiled. She loves everything in the army very much. If she really leaves, she will definitely feel sad.

"Really? Your speed is so fast? Great." Sheng Ning couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Congratulations to your head."

"You don't know?" Yang Wenying stared in surprise.

"What do I know?" Sheng Ning was confused.

Yang Wenying suddenly understood why Shengning could refuse such a moving invitation from Qiubai, and went home desperately to have a baby. With such a husband, no one can bear to change.

"Xu Qigang first went to the People's Liberation Army Daily two days ago, and then led someone to smash Next Magazine, and took Meng Ping into the detention center. Then the news of the People's Liberation Army Daily and Next Weekly came out one after another." She shrugged. Shrugged and even blinked at Shengning, "As a result, as you can imagine, I cleared my suspicion."

"Qi Gang really caught Meng Ping?" Sheng Ning asked softly like a cat.

"Well! Not only was it arrested, but it hasn't come out yet! I heard that Zhao Changqi was in the detention center."

"Hahaha..." Sheng Ning smirked, covering her mouth, "Deserve it!"

"It really deserves it."

"It's best to close it for half a year, and see if he dares to write indiscriminately. It's really bold and asks for it." She was very happy to have the opportunity to watch Meng Ping's jokes. And she seriously suspects that Living Hades is taking the opportunity to avenge private revenge!

But why didn't he tell himself? Obviously, everything was done, but I didn't mention a word when I came back so beautifully.

Is this not asking for credit? Hehehe...Her man is excellent.

At the entrance of the hospital, Xu Qigang was moving things on the outside car. Shangguan Tao and Chen Yingjie came side by side, and couldn't help but smile when he saw everything he did by himself.

"Head of the regiment, this is different from when you are in the regiment." Chen Yingjie grinned, "In the regiment, do you need to come personally for these things? Even in southern Xinjiang, some people rushed to do it."

"That's right, why didn't Liu Chun come?" Shangguan Tao said dissatisfiedly: "This guard is going back more and more."

"This is my own family's private matter, so I don't need him to come." Xu Qigang drove Liu Chun back. His daughter-in-law is hospitalized, what is it like to let his guard come?

Even if Liu Chun is willing, he is still not willing!

Xu Qigang closed the car door, leaning back against the car door, and watched the two of them in time, "Is there any news?"

"I know I can't hide it from you, we were betting on the way here." Shangguan Tao shook his head, "I lost again. Chen Yingjie said, as long as you see us, you know where we came."

Compared with the tacit understanding and mutual understanding, this own chief of staff is really ashamed.

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