May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1264: Opportunity here

"Sit down now and read the novel." Li Xia nodded to Su Yun and followed in.

When her figure disappeared behind the door, Su Yun stood up quietly. She always finds it strange to live here for so long. It is clear that Sinong is the boss, and Li Xia has taken refuge in her, but the two of them have always been weak when they talk.

He may not be smart in other aspects, but after all he has been the head of his life for half his life, and he knows better than anyone how to get along with the superiors.

It was obvious that Sinong was a subordinate and Li Xia was a superior.

If this is the case, why do they pretend?

Su Yun was very curious in her heart and sneaked up outside the door and listened carefully.

In the room, Sinon took a big gulp of cold water, which relieved his breath.

"The captain is not good, something has happened."

"Speak slowly." Li Xia had guessed in her heart, but she is the boss, and she must remain calm as the boss at this time. Otherwise, she panicked, and her men will panic even more.

"Something happened to Ruan, I...I didn't even get closer to find that all the secret whistles I had arranged before were all pulled out.

"Did you go in later?"

Sinon shook his head, "I didn't dare to go in, for fear of getting stuck inside."

"You are right to do this, and we must be waiting for us to cast ourselves into the snare at this time!" The loss of so many people at once made Li Xia's eyes black for a while. She managed to die this time but it was her own. Direct line.

"Yes... Is there any other news."

"Yes!" Speaking of this Sinon gritted his teeth, "We just got the news that Shen Yu finally came out of prison."

"How could it come out?" The news was too sudden. She made people notice that Shen Yu was ready to put a long line to catch a big fish. Now that the opportunity came so suddenly, she subconsciously doubted whether it was another game. .

"Yes... I heard that I am going to worship his mother."

Li Xia's eyes lit up, "The opportunity is here, let's do it."

"But now we add you and me to only three people." The other person was Yoda who Li Xia had sent out to stare at Shen Yu.

"Enough! As long as we can unite with Shen Yu, there must be a way for him to be a local snake. At that time, it will be no matter whether it is to kill Yan Wang or Meng Xingzhi."

"Hi..." Su Yun, who was hiding outside the door, couldn't help taking a breath when she heard the words to kill Meng Xingzhi. Gosh! She... what does she do?

How could she mix up with the enemy agent?

Su Yun's head was dull, as if there were countless bees dancing and buzzing. The details of the past came to mind one by one, causing her to get goose bumps all over her body.

"Who is it?" Sinon scolded loudly.

Li Xia winked her hastily and motioned her not to make a noise. At the same time, he touched the position where the gun was placed on his body, and said kindly: "Is Su Yun you? It's okay, you come in and sit down."

The two walked slowly towards the door, and when they opened the door, the outside was empty.

"Damn it!" Li Xia was so anxious that she capsized in the gutter. It's all because of Su Yun's stupid death that caused her to relax her guard. Forget the fact that she had been a soldier for decades and was once a regiment leader.

After all, he is a soldier, but basic military knowledge has not been completely lost.

"What to do with Captain?" Sinong wanted to chase out anxiously, but was held back by Li Xia.

"It's too late, let's rescue Shen Yu first."

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