As a result, I came to Shengning in the middle of the night. God knows how happy he was when he saw Shengning.

No one would come to save himself, but there would definitely be someone in Shengning, and he would be saved if he followed the light.

"Since ancient times, being a hostage has never ended well. You'd better prepare mentally in advance."


"By the way, find the right opportunity and help me get a gun." As long as they have a gun, their survival rate will increase greatly.


This humble hiding spot was arranged before Li Xia entered the city, and it took a little effort. It's safe for now, but she will definitely be found tomorrow morning. She is well aware of the ability of the Living Hades to pursue.

Once the time is long, it will definitely be exposed.

"We are running out of time." Li Xia said while eating the steamed buns: "There will be no secret strongholds in the future." She didn't expect to play this big, and she didn't prepare enough.

"How can we guarantee that the living Hades will be killed, and then safely returned to southern Xinjiang is a problem." Her mind is running fast, this time the purpose of coming here is to kill the living Hades, nothing else matters.

"It's not easy to lead him to southern Xinjiang and kill him."

"Now so many people want to kill us, it's hard to go back."

"What are we afraid of taking hostages?" Yoda said triumphantly, and was slapped backhand by Sinon as soon as the voice landed. "The Living Hades didn't dare to do it because of the hostages. Will anyone else do it?"

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Shen Yu, who had been slumberingly with her eyes closed, and said in a calm manner, "I'm afraid that the people of the Shen family won't care about the hostages at all."

Shen Yu suddenly opened his eyes, "Yes, our old man must be crazy about killing me. He will never take hostages alive."

"Then...what should I do?" Yoda panicked suddenly.

"Calm down." Li Xia gave Yoda a disappointed look, then turned to look at Shen Yu and put on a gentle expression, "Shen Yu, since we are cooperating, let's talk about another sale now."

"Say!" Shen Yu was also thinking about how to get out. Just relying on Jia Meng is definitely not enough. Now that all the people betrayed their relatives and left, the mainland has no place for him, and the only place to survive is southern Xinjiang.

"We must act separately, one from the sea and the other from the land to the south of Xinjiang." Li Xia said what she had calculated countless times in her heart.

When she came in from southern Xinjiang, she was travelling by land, which was difficult and difficult. At that time, I planned with Ruan to go back by sea. When I entered the sea, would I still be afraid of Xu Qigang's pursuit?

"Good way." Shen Yu sneered, looking at Li Xia diagonally with cold eyes, like a poisonous snake, "Who is the hostage handed over? Who will take the land and who will take the sea?"

Li Xia calmly said: "I go by sea, of course the hostages will be handed over to me."

"You're looking for death." Jia Meng, who has not spoken, drew his gun angrily. "You have all the good things. How can such good things happen in the world?"

"Chief Shen, let your dog be honest."

At the same time, Sinon and Yoda also drew their guns and pointed at Shen Yu.

"Hold my gun and point to my head. Who gives you the confidence?" Shen Yu smiled yinly, "You can't compare to a scar face, but this cheeky is much better than a scar face. ."

Li Xia suddenly smiled, her smile was very bright, she waved to let Sinon and Yoda take the gun away. Then Jia Meng pointed at him, still calm and free, his expression unchanged.

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