May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1292: mission accomplished

Don't think she can't see that Shen Yu's mental state is already in the extreme. Even if he has been holding back and covering up, he can't escape her eyes.

The only prayer now is that Ruan Nengren can be interrogated, or die directly.

"Sinong, I didn't want you to help him by asking you to follow Shen Yu."

"Captain, you say."

Li Xia took out Su Yun's military card from her body and handed it to Sinong, "You take this. I have a hunch that things will not go well here. You take this military card and approach Meng Xingzhi to help me kill him."

When Li Xia uttered the three words to kill him, her face slowly twisted, with a trace of fierceness, "If I can't kill the Living Hades, then killing Meng Xingzhi is the same."

"Captain, rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."

"Okay! I don't worry about your work, and I find a chance to slip back."

"Yeah!" Sinon rubbed his eyes and turned back to Shen Yu.

She knew that the task she received was more dangerous than following Shen Yu, and there was a one-thousandth possibility following Shen Yu. But to assassinate Meng Xingzhi, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he will definitely die.

But being able to kill a military commander of the People's Liberation Army can make her name thoroughly resounded among the mercenaries. When I first embarked on this road, I was much prepared to die.

She is also not afraid of death.

Before dawn, Sheng Ning was already hungry, and Xu Mo was even hungry. He was arrested for so long without eating at all.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm almost starving to death." Xu Mo shouted hungry, but was kicked viciously by the man called Xiaosi.

"What is the name of the ghost? We haven't eaten it ourselves yet!"

"I have money, I can give you money to buy it."

"Grandma, do you have money?" Xiao Si's eyes lit up. I searched Xu Mo's body and found out a wallet when I opened it and found that there were a lot of large bills inside.

All clusters are new clusters are new.

"Are you buying food for me?" Xu Mo said flatly, "Look, I have given you all the money."

"Fuck! Let's die!" Xiao Si kicked Xu Mo to the ground impatiently, and greedily packed the money and left.

Xu Mo crouched back in pain, cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Does it hurt? Did it hurt bones or internal organs?" Sheng Ning opened her eyes and asked anxiously.

"Hiss..." Xu Mo took a breath of air, and it took a while to get better, "It shouldn't be there. The money has already been given out."

"I hope he can use it soon."

Xu Mo is a literate person who often encounters things like signing and approving, so he engraved his own personal seal on him at any time in order to be lazy. The money just given out has been stamped with his seal.

Because there is no inkpad, the writing is very shallow, I hope it will work.

Just when the two of them said this, Shen Yu and Li Xia came over, and the bright light of the flashlight couldn't open their eyes.

The two stood condescendingly against the light looking at Sheng Ning, and Shen Yu wanted to step forward and be grabbed by Li Xia.

"She can be strangled to death if she is thin, or forget it, I will do whatever you want to tortured to Nanjiang."

"Huh! It's cheaper for you this time."

Sheng Ning opened his eyes hard, staring at Shen Yu, and said shamelessly: "Shen Yu, I despise you. Thousands of people will spur you."

"Gum her up for me and take away." Li Xia ordered.

Yoda stepped forward to arrest people without saying anything. Sheng Ning didn't dare to struggle. She knew that the result of her struggle would only be punches and kicks.

Forbearance, concession, softness, cowardice...Only in this way can we just find a chance to turn over and keep the child in her stomach.

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