May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1298: Show your military ID

Outside the military district compound, soldiers are busy with martial law and checking the situation. A sneaky figure is hiding behind the trash can and watching secretly. If you don't look carefully, you will never find that this person is Su Yun.

The clothes he was wearing were from that day. Although the materials were expensive, it was dirty and wrinkled. Where could one see the scenery of the former military commander’s wife? The hair is also messy. When observing the surroundings, his eyes rolled round and round, completely different from the previous condescending.

She ran out of the small teahouse and was busy hiding in Tibet. She tried to enter the military department to find Meng Xingzhi to inform her, but she was deceived because of her military certificate, and she was afraid of being found by Su Jiang.

Since yesterday, all the money on her body has been spent, and she cannot live in the guest house. When she had no food and nowhere to go, she could only hide outside the compound secretly.

This is the place where she grew up, hiding here and accidentally heard a major news.

Sheng Ning was arrested!

Su Yun is very happy in her heart, it's good to be caught, it's good to be caught! In the future, no one dared to steal the love of her family from her. Now that she is arrested, can't she go home?

The mercenaries in southern Xinjiang are so vicious, she must be dead if caught.

From now on, she will still be the only girl in the Su family. The older brother and younger brother will still love her as much as before.

Thinking of this, Su Yun's gray face was filled with excitement.

She straightened her hair with her hands, trying to make herself look brighter, but because of the smell of not taking a bath for several days, she almost felt sick.

Even when she was an educated youth before, she had never been so embarrassed as she is today.

Because of the smell on her body, she couldn't help it anymore, she had to go back. Hiding is not a way, now is a good time to go back.

Su Yun straightened her back as much as she could, and walked toward the compound with her head upright. Before she got close, she was surrounded by a dozen soldiers with live ammunition. The muzzle of the black hole pointed to the head, heart and other locations.

The kidnapping incident raised the security of the military district compound to the highest level, where so many old chiefs lived. Whichever happened is a disaster.

Su Yun's legs trembled in fright, but because she had been in the army for so many years, she barely knelt down and made a gesture of surrender.



"Report your name."

"It's me, I'm Su Yun, the younger sister of Army Commander Su," Su Yun said loudly.

The company commander who took the lead was all newly transferred, so I had seen Su Yun. But before I came here, I heard the name, Commander Su did have a sister named Su Yun, and she was also Commander Meng's ex-wife.

The Soviet commander has been looking for his sister during this period.

"The Soviet commander is in the military district, not here, how do we know you are his sister?"

"Please show your military ID."

Before Su Yun retired, she was also at the rank of regimental commander, and she must have all the officer certificates.

Su Yun's face turned green and white, and she scolded Li Xia countless times in her heart. Damn bitch, the vicious mercenary really hurt her so badly.

"My officer ID is lost." She didn't dare to say that her officer ID was cheated by a mercenary, otherwise her fate would be similar to Shen Yu.

"Can you lose the officer's ID too? Isn't it a lie?" The company commander was very vigilant. "Tie her to me. She will be locked up first."

"Wait, I'm the leader, do you dare to tie the leader?"

The company commander was shocked, if it was really Su Yun, it was indeed higher than him.

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