May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1308: Hey, what a coincidence

"Bitch, I must kill her." An An, who was hiding in the dark, saw the scene just now, and was incredibly angry. Knowing that swearing is not good, but still can't help but scold it.

"Don't worry, I will kill her." With a gun in her hand, Chen Huaying carefully aimed at the author. But Li Xia was experienced and knew how to avoid sniper points, so she couldn't start.

"Look, how sure are you?"

"Not a single point." Chen Huaying put down his gun decadently, "If only I had Shengning's marksmanship, I can kill that **** even if I close my eyes."

Chen Huaying scolded Li Xia's slut, becoming more and more smooth and more addicted. Now I finally understand why Qin Cuifen and Hailan liked to curse people so much before, and they were really relieved.

"Should your gun be fake?" An An said suspiciously.

"How can it be."

"It was stolen from the shooting room when I left. This is what I use every day in training." Chen Huaying is best at shooting, so he usually uses real guns from the instructor during class.

When the two ran out secretly together, Chen Huaying stole the key to the shooting room as previously stated. When I go back later, she is very guilty, and she may be dropped out of school.

But as long as people can be rescued, everything is worth it.

It seems that their ideas are still a little simple. Thinking of this, Chen Huaying grabbed An An's arm and said seriously: "An An, don't be impulsive, we just hide here and don't go out."

"Bear-hearted and leopard have eaten it, dare you say not to be impulsive?" A grim voice sounded from behind.

Chen Huaying turned her head in fear, and smiled flatteringly: "Hehehe...Big brother, are you here too? What a coincidence!"

Chen Yingjie’s angry mouth turned crooked, "Okay, you! You have been able to do it? I sneak out of school and steal a gun. There is no organization and discipline, what else you dare not do? Would you like me to lend you a mortar directly Rush up?"

While speaking, he didn't see how he made the move, and the gun Chen Huaying was holding was confiscated by Chen Yingjie.

"Just like you, the three-legged cat still want to save people? If you dare to go up, it is not to save people but to send another hostage to the enemy. No, it is two." Chen Yingjie satirized people, that poisonous mouth can definitely kill people To poison to death.

"I wonder if the two of you were sent by the enemy to sabotage."

"Brother, I was wrong! Can't I be wrong if I am wrong?" Chen Huaying's aim is to pretend to be grandson at the critical moment, and dare not say if the gun is handed over.

"Chen Huaying, you are too courageous. I think I will throw you to the old man and give you a severe lesson."

"Captain Chen, it's not Chen Huaying's fault but my fault." An An took the initiative to say, "I asked her to come with me, so don't scold her."

Chen Yingjie sneered, "Do you think you can run away? You both wait for me."

"It's over!" Chen Huaying whispered: "My brother holds the most vengeance and the least angry. He can remember one thing for a long time."

"No! I heard my sister say that Chen Yingjie is very good."

"Then they are lame and don't know how my brother crushed me since I was young." Chen Huaying talked about the blood and tears of being bullied by Chen Yingjie when he was a child.


"Don't whisper." Chen Yingjie didn't have such a good patience, otherwise the chief of staff was waiting outside the pier, and he would like to let someone knock them out.

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