Sheng Ning sat on the boat and fell into contemplation. Now she must be more cautious, creating advantages under unfavorable conditions and looking for opportunities to return to China, otherwise she would really collapse.

She slowly lay back on the bed and closed her eyes to rest.

What can be done now is to take care of the body so that the baby in the belly is safe. She stretched out her hand to touch her slightly bulging belly, clenched her teeth, all forbearance passed, and the hardest moments will always pass.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, the door of the room was kicked open. With a grunt, Sheng Ning opened her eyes in surprise, but when she saw the person who appeared in front of her, all her previous doubts were resolved.

It's really Yuanjialuzhao, and I've been living to this point, and I can still meet Qin Cuifen.

Sure enough, it is the hatred formed in the previous life, and this life is destined to be endless.

"Aren't you surprised?" Qin Cuifen didn't see the surprise and fear, and was quite disappointed in her heart.

"Surprised, why not surprised? I heard that you went to sell it in the county town. I didn't expect that in less than a year, your business was so big that it went to foreigners' sites. It's really amazing." Sheng Ning couldn't help applauding.

"Qin Cuifen, the current job is very suitable for you." Sheng Ning looked at her clothes up and down, her clothes were revealing, her makeup was vulgar and she still had a smell.

This is just getting off the man's bed, right?

"Don't be proud, your fate is worse than mine." Qin Cuifen walked to the bed, grabbed Sheng Ning's hair, and looked at her condescendingly. Gritting his teeth and said angrily: "Little bitch, without Xu Qigang, without the Su family, I see how long you can be proud of. I will have a chance to kill you in the future."

"You don't have the ability to kill me now, and you won't have the ability in the future." Sheng Ning looked at her without fear, "Let go, I will let you go immediately."

"I won't let it go." She dreamed of torturing Sheng Ning and killing Sheng Ning. Now that she finally has a chance, how could she give up this great opportunity?

Qin Cuifen grabbed her hair tightly, using great strength, and even lifted her whole body almost off the bed.

"Little bitch, wait! I wanted to throw you off the sea when I knew it was you. But now I figured it out. It's too cheap for you. I will torture you slowly, Let you taste all the pain I have suffered."

"Are you suffering?" Sheng Ning looked calmly and glanced at her up and down, "I think you are enjoying it! And what does your present situation have to do with me? It was the person Hailan asked for sleeping with you, but not I."

"Tsk tusk tusk... you're so stupid, it's so rare."

"You..." Qin Cuifen reached out angrily to grab her face, but was pushed away by Sheng Ning, "Fuck! I really thought I couldn't beat you when I was lying on the bed? If I can't even beat you, I will jump into the sea without you."

Sheng Ning was also suffocated during this period of time, and remained depressed. After being caught by Li Xia, she realized how weak she was, and there was no room to fight back. She secretly vowed in her heart that she must learn fighting skills to defend herself.

This time she suffered a loss and paid a heavy price. She still doesn't know what to do in the future. However, she can swear that she will never eat the same loss twice in the future.

"You are arrogant, a sold pornographic goods, dare to be proud and arrogant." Qin Cuifen almost raised his head and laughed with his hands on hips. "I'll wait, how miserable you will be when you get to the shore."

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