May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1342: Find a way to escape

I guess I went to see Qin Cuifen.

Julien is a local snake, the information in various places is very well-informed, and the relationship is complicated to provide sources of supply for the major gray transactions.

The white women spoke in English that Sheng Ning could not understand, and talked for a long time, then each gave a piece of bread and a glass of milk, and shut the three people into the inner room.

The room is about twenty square meters, and there is nothing else left out of a carpet on the floor. There is only one place on the wall with windows, and they are all sealed.

Sheng Ning got up and tried to push the door, only to find that Yi Jin was locked. She had no choice but to sit on the carpet and start eating. She has a lot of appetite now, and a small bread can't fill her belly at all. After eating, she touched her belly helplessly, and silently said sorry to the baby.

"Yeah." A whole bread was handed to her, and Sheng Ning looked up surprised and found that it was a black girl who didn't speak a word. The girl is about eighteen or nineteen years old, her eyes are surprisingly bright, and her silhouette looks particularly charming.

No wonder Julien was left alone.

"Yeah." The girl said a simple note, then pointed to her belly and then to her own, making a sad expression.

Sheng Ning actually understood it, she meant that it was very hard for pregnant people. She was pregnant once, but the child was not born, so she was very sad.

"You..." Sheng Ning didn't expect her to have a baby when she looked so young.

"My name is Ada."

This time, Sheng Ning understood her words, "Thank you!" She took her bread, moved in her heart, and secretly vowed to double in return in the future.

Ada smiled, shook her head again, and sat back to her seat. He leaned back against the wall, regaining his numb expression when he was in the box.

Sheng Ning was eating bread bite by bite, but his brain was lacking in rapid rotation.

She could not be numb, let alone accept her fate.

Believe that Julien will take action soon, that time is the best time for her to escape.


Next week

Xu Mo recuperated for two months before returning to work. This time the incident dealt a great blow to him, especially when he learned that Shengning had not been rescued, the self-blame in his heart is conceivable.

Being hostage together, he was actually rescued, but the person who really should be saved was not saved.

As a man, he feels very useless.

Of course, although he has different hobbies, he has never denied in his heart that he is a responsible and responsible man.

"Hello, editor in chief."

"Editor in chief."

When the staff of the magazine saw him showing admiration, they knew that the editor-in-chief had been kidnapped, and the big guy admired him.

Someone even made an idea to write an interview for the general manager, but was scolded by Xu Mo, and no one dared to mention it when he was almost fired.

"Editor in chief, Manager Wang is waiting for you in your office."

The little fat man now has a managerial position in Mengping's company, which can be said to be less than 10,000 people. Of course, the most popular one is the factory director of a state-owned enterprise. No one will buy it when his manager goes outside.

It was mentioned that the little fat man Xu Mo hated gritted his teeth. If he hadn't called himself to rescue Meng Ping, would he be taken away?

Xu Mo rushed to the office aggressively, just in time to see the little fat man playing with the globe in front of him.

"Do you still have a face?"

"Why am I shameless? I'm your boss." Forget it, because he is helping the boss, he doesn't care about him.

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