Xu Qigang was taken aback for a moment, before taking off, strode forward to the two of them.

"Xu Qigang, head of the war wolf regiment, came to report."

"Okay! OK... OK..." Shen Feihu got better in a row. The eyes that looked at Xu Qigang were happy from the bottom of his heart, "I know you kid won't let me down, no matter what you do, I believe you."

"Thank you teacher for your trust."

"That's also because you never let me down." Shen Feihu patted his shoulder earnestly, "How is it? Are you willing to go back with me?"

"If you don't come, I will go back too."

"Okay, that's great." He patted Xu Qigang twice, "Let's go! Let's go back."

"Yes!" Xu Qigang saluted a military salute and stepped aside in silence.

Shen Feihu wanted to say something, but was pulled by Chen Yingjie.

"Teacher..." Chen Yingjie winked, "Just now our team leader said more than this month." The implication is that you have said too much. The team leader will ignore you, and you will save face. make life difficult for.

"I see." On the surface, Shen Feihu was the most heartless, but his inner worries were no less than anyone.

It's just that he and others are worried in a different direction.


N province, provincial capital city government

Su Hai was transferred here, and his life was countless times lower than before. No one knows that he comes from a military and political family, no one knows that he is from the heart of the motherland.

Once transferred, he was the director of the Cultural Bureau.

This is an important post. He is so young that he has been the focus of many people's attention ever since. Some say it is hard backstage, some say it has a deep background, anyway, there are all kinds of gossip.

However, in just one month, he relied on his ability to leave everyone speechless.

No one is better than him when it comes to political skills, decision-making power and creativity.

He used his strength to prove that he can rely on strength, ability, not background.

In fact, no one in the city government knows that he is definitely a poor man when he comes to be a small director. In the past, the deputy mayor of the heart of the motherland, even the mayor of the provincial capital, did not change.

Asking him to be the governor is entirely a punishment for him.

"Comrade Xiao Su, you have worked hard."

"Director Su will give me some face and have a meal together, so he will come to our house and taste your sister-in-law's craftsmanship."

At the end of the meeting, many people tried to make a good relationship with Su Hai.

When he faced other people’s invitations, his answer was slick, "I'm sorry, I will be the host when you have time, I haven't invited everyone in N Province yet!"

"Okay! Then it's settled."

After everyone came out of the conference room, they dispersed, Sun Gu stayed outside, waiting until Su Hai's greeting with the last person ended. Then walked over, "Director."

Secretary Sun has been following Su Hai for a long time, no matter how his position changes, he is still used to calling him director.

"How is it?" Su Hai stopped and asked when the two stood in the corridor.

"Really, you have a bit of eyebrows." Speaking of this Secretary Sun, he was overjoyed. They investigated for so long. In order to fully investigate, he put down all his work and stayed at the Tianjin Port terminal all day long. If there is no progress, then he will not Face to see the director.

"Say!" Su Hai's calm face showed a hint of surprise, "Quickly tell me, hurry up."

Originally, Su Hai had already lost all thoughts about Shengning's death. But the day before the eldest brother left, Chen Yingjie had an inadvertent sentence when he was drinking with them in the yard, which made him remember.

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