Director Xing silently walked towards Mr. Feng's study, feeling a little pity in his heart. Although Miss Zhen Zhen has the social skills to become an heir, she does not have a big picture.

For example, if you want to discover the role of Julien, you must stand at the highest angle. The heart is big enough and wide enough to have the perspective of looking down on the whole world.

The Fourth Young Master, ambition, and means are enough, but there is no righteousness in him. This is also the reason why the husband looks down on him.

There is also Miss Xin Tong, who has many hearts and ambitions, but it is a pity that she is destined to have no inheritance rights.

In order to ensure the purity of the family lineage, the old man would never choose a mixed blood as his heir.

"Knock..." Manager Xing stood at the door and knocked gently.

"Come in!" The old gentleman's voice came from inside. He was about to enter the door and found Qin Cuifen appearing with red eyes.

"What's the matter?" Manager Xing asked.

"Manager Xing, I...I..." Qin Cuifen started crying sadly before saying anything. He wanted to say something but stopped.

Manager Xing's face sank, and the whole person exuded a cold aura, "Go back if you can't say it, and give me a good thought. I warn you, don't rely on your husband to take you seriously, just interrupt because of a small matter. Sir. With so many daughters in the Feng family, you are not as bold as you."

Qin Cuifen was taken aback. She never thought that Director Xing, who usually looks the best to talk, would be so indifferent to her and looked at her with such cold eyes.

She involuntarily took a step back, feeling fear again in her heart. No one has ever told her that she can't bother the old man casually. The old man looks so kind, why can't you come to him?

It must be those Feng family daughters who want to make a fool of her on purpose, it must be!

"Not going back?"

"Okay." Qin Cuifen did not leave unwillingly, and slowly stopped when he walked to the door of his room, and took a look in the direction where he had just come, feeling very dissatisfied with Director Xing in his heart.

Humph! What's so great? Isn't he just a servant, really take yourself seriously?

She is now the future heir of the Feng family. When she is in power one day, she must avenge her today.

"Sister Shengning." A pleasant voice came from behind, Qin Cuifen quickly put away the anger on his face, and turned his head to see that it was Feng Xintong, who seemed to be the weakest and bullying.

"What's the matter?" she asked alertly.

"It's nothing, the kitchen has a very delicious little cake, I'll send it to you to taste."

"Thank you!" Qin Cuifen saw the little cake in Feng Xintong's hands and suddenly showed greedy eyes. She is very greedy, especially for things that have never been eaten. Since coming to Feng's house, she has seen food that she could not even think of before.

What kind of bird's nest, abalone, sea cucumber... In short, what she eats is the most expensive, and what she eats is the rarest. In just two months, she looked much plumper than before.

Manager Xing sent Qin Cuifen to Mr. Feng's study and saw the old man wearing a white Tang suit writing a calligraphy. So quietly stood aside and waited.

"How is it? Isn't it very lively today?" Mr. Feng made the last stroke and gently put the brush on the inkstone.

"Yes, it's very lively." Manager Xing skillfully picked up a clean towel from the shelf and handed it over.

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