May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1377: The head is back

If Shen Feihu hadn't come to tie him back in person, he wouldn't know when he would be back. However, he left Du Xiaosong to continue to stare for him.

With such a big piece of fat, he will never let go. Even if it is impossible to get a return now, it will definitely have unlimited potential in the future.

Xu Qigang walked next to Shen Feihu, and there was no response to his eyes.

"Don't bother you in vain. You want Xu Qigang to promise you unless your rank is higher than him." Kong Jie grinned gleefully, "Xu Qigang is stupid. He won't listen to anything except military orders."

Meng Ping was silent, his handsome face was full of evil spirits.

Shen Feihu walked to the car and stopped, "You go back and have a good rest. I have arranged for Guo Siming to wait in the group. I will be relieved by an inspection first."

"Yes!" Xu Qigang paid a military salute, looking at Shen Feihu distressed with a thin appearance.

"Yeah! Don't let me down." He patted Xu Qigang on the shoulder and took a deep look at him. "You have a long road ahead and the responsibilities on your shoulders are also very heavy. Remember!"

He pursed his lips, facing the worried look of the old leader, he replied after a long time: "...I will."

"I believe you." Shen Feihu patted him on the shoulder, and then took the person into the car and left.

"Head, let's go back!"

"Head, everyone is waiting for you!" Renault blinked his smart eyes, looking at Xu Qigang expectantly, "Hurry up! Everyone must be happy to see you come back."


It was almost dawn when returning from the military locomotive to the Wolves Regiment. Zhou Hong and Shangguan Tao, who had received the news in advance, took Wu Houhai, Chen Baoshan, and Li Duoxi, and others stood straight at the gate of the regiment.

The soldiers who stood guard and patrolled at night were curious to see them.

"Good political commissar!"

"Good chief of staff."

"Battalion commander, why did you get up so early?"

"Yes! It's not light yet!"

Li Duoxi wiped the dew off his body, "I have been standing all night."

"Ah? Battalion commander, what are you doing?"

"The team leader is back, we are waiting for the team leader." The honest Chen Baoshan explained, speaking with uncontrollable joy on his face. Not to mention waiting for one night, even if it is three days and three nights, he is willing.

Although the others didn't speak, they looked happy.

Since the sister-in-law's accident, the head of the regiment has not returned for a long time, which makes the war wolf regiment full of tension and worry from top to bottom. It was more of a kind of fear that came out of the bones, fear that the leader would just leave, fear that the leader would leave the war wolf regiment and never care about it.

Here, one-third of the people used to follow Xu Qigang to the Southern Xinjiang battlefield. There is also a small group of soldiers who used to be Meng Fan, especially the soldiers of Meng Fan before. Their regimental leader took many brothers away and never returned. The pain and despair that was left behind in the end of life and death has penetrated deeply into the bones.

Therefore, they are even more afraid that Xu Qigang will leave them behind and never come back.


"Really? The captain is back?" When the soldiers on patrol heard that the captain was coming back, they couldn't help their eyes moist and their voice choked. They dropped the battery lights in their hands and hugged each other and shouted excitedly.

"The head is back, and the head is finally back."

"Our head is back!"

The straight guard soldiers are still standing motionless in their posts like swords with unsheathed handles, but they are already in tears when they look closely.

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