May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1383: Ningning is definitely not dead

"Captain Qin? Captain Qin?" Principal Feng called for a long time, Qin Xue had been in a trance, and finally recovered, apologized embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who lost my mind."

"It's okay, are you thinking about classmate Sheng'an?"

"Yes." Qin Xue replied somewhat disappointed.

President Feng is also very grudge, he can clearly remember how proud Qin Shuang was when he represented the Qin family and how he looked down on people. So he smiled and said a more surprising fact.

"Sheng'an is the pride of our National Defense University. Although she has not yet graduated, she has officially entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is now a member of the country. Neither I nor Hai Yunbing can be her master."

"So that's the case." Qin Xue felt bitter in her heart, and at the same time felt more distressed for her brother. It was they who caused the chaos, and the family dragged down the younger brother. If Qin Shuang didn't openly deal with Sheng'an, maybe his brother had already married him back home.

The Qin family has Haiyun soldiers as relatives and a national treasure-level scientific research genius. The heights they can reach are simply unimaginable.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

She stood up and paid a military salute to Principal Feng, and calmly said: "President Feng, my brother's affairs are on your behalf. We hope that he will finish his studies and return to the Southern Military Region as soon as possible."

She came this time to take Qin Yue back. Her father gave her a task, so she didn't have to go back if her brother did not go back.

"I know, but it all depends on Qin Yue's own decision."

"I know, thank you anyway."

"You're welcome."


Su Hai came out of Principal Feng's office and directly found a stone chair under the plane tree and sat down. I thought I would have to wait a while, but I didn't expect Xu Qigang to rush over like a gust of wind in less than ten minutes.

Looking at the stern man, Su Hai's mouth was chuckled, "I heard that you killed in Southern Xinjiang?" Now, the two of them have gone recently.

Even Su Jiang had to go back.


"Good job!" The more Su Hai looked at Xu Qigang, the more pleasing he became.

"Guo Sun said you have news about Xiao Ning? What's the news? Say!" He anxiously wanted to hold a gun against Su Hai's head and force him to say quickly.

"Don't worry, sit down and listen to me slowly." Su Hai calmed down at this time, patted the vacant place next to him, and signaled Xu Qigang to sit down.

He forcibly endured the anxiety in his heart and sat down in the empty position, "Can I say it now?"

"During this period of time, I have been letting Officer Sun continue to investigate the situation at the Tianjin Port terminal that day, and there are clues that Ningning may not have died."

Xu Qi stood up abruptly, his sword eyebrows frowned, and he looked at Su Hai for a moment.

"Don't get excited, this is just my bold guess, but I think it's very likely..." Su Hai didn't speak, and suddenly his shoulder was grabbed by Xu Qigang, and he was sweating coldly because of the tremendous strength.

"Let go, let go."

"Do you think so? Do you really think so? Didn't you lie to me?"

"Of course I think so, Ningning is definitely not dead." Su Hai said fiercely.

"I know, I know...Xiao Ning must not die, she must not die." Xu Qigang gradually let go, the whole figure relaxed like a heavy burden.

"Do you know? As soon as I close my eyes, I can hear Xiaonian calling me for help, crying for pain. Her voice is so real, she told me in her dream that she is homesick... But..." Xu Qigang again Unable to continue, he sat on the stone chair with his head down.

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