"How is this person Daves?"

"Don't worry! He will definitely value a talent like you." Gu Yunbo patted her on the shoulder. "The various forces here are so complicated that Daves can only be regarded as medium. However, the reputation is really good, otherwise I would not Will go to his casino as a part-time job."

"That's good!" I hope my luck will be better, and the baby will be born soon and everything will be safe.

"Thank you for vouching for me this time."

"Be polite, I appreciate talents, and you will be my brother in the future." Gu Yunbo used to be because of Meng Fan. It seems that Sheng Ning was taken care of by Xu Qigang's wife.

But from today's Sheng Ninglu's hand, she completely conquered her.

She used to think of Sheng Ning as a white swan. She was so long that she knew nothing about dancing and acting like a baby.

"Come with me! Daves arranged for you to live on Broadway. Where he has a theater, the business is not very good, but relatively clean, just convenient for you to have children. And I will temporarily live there to ensure that you have children Security before."

Broadway Avenue is a very important artery in this world's largest city. It starts from Battery Park in the south and runs through Manhattan Island from south to north. There are the most opera houses in the world on Broadway Avenue, and the dance theater can be said to be the most prosperous and safe.

This arrangement by Daves shows that he attaches great importance to Shengning.

"Thank you!" Until then, Sheng Ning was truly relieved.

After being bumped for so long, keeping on alert all the time, her nerves are almost broken.

"How long will the child be born?"

"Half a month, maybe shorter..." Because she hadn't seen a doctor and didn't know the child's specific situation, she could only calculate it based on her own calculations.

Gu Yunbo stunned, "Yeah! I see." She has a good relationship with a military doctor in the military academy, and has already greeted her. It will not be a problem to find Shengning to deliver the baby.

So far, it is to solve the identity problem of life. Otherwise, the child can't go to the hospital and he doesn't dare to show up.


Recently, Julien's luck has been extremely bad, and the people under his hands have gradually ran away. The crew and sailors on the freighter are his roots, as well as his old roots, and he cannot move unless he is a last resort.

Now the freighter is temporarily detained in the port for unknown reasons and cannot go, so he can only give the crew and sailors a vacation. In fact, he knew in his heart that the **** Qin Cuifen must have done it.


When he finds the opportunity, he must be killed.

"Boss, shall we go there?" The subordinates followed Julien all the way to the alley, asking puzzledly.

"Of course I was looking for the pregnant woman." Zhu Lien knew that if he wanted the best way to get revenge, he would find out the real Shengning. At that time, I would see how proud and arrogant Qin Cuifen was.

Humph! No matter how strong she is in making stories, it will not help.

"Then shouldn't we go and guard at the embassy gate?"

"Asshole!" Julien slapped the slap, and his subordinates were dizzy. "No wonder you can't find anyone for so long. The last time she went to the embassy, ​​she knew that it was closed. Will she still go there for you? You can't wait for a lifetime."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Entering the alley, Julien looked around, and finally stopped at the door of Linn's house.

"She disappeared around here, right?"

"Each time, we searched for a long time but didn't find it."

"It must be hiding in someone else's house. Who would dare to do anything to take her in as a yellow person?" Julien was puzzled. He didn't think much about it at the time, because Sheng Ning was a yellow person with his stomach upright. No one dares to take in.

But thinking about it now, he is too confident.

If no one took in, why would it disappear?

"Find me, knock on doors from door to door to find..." He was halfway through his words, and he accidentally saw a middle-aged man in a suit standing under a street lamp at the end of the alley.

"Manager Xing?"

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