May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1411: Notification message

"Lao Xing, why did you go out again in the middle of the night?" Manager Ni was awakened by the man on duty as soon as he fell asleep, got up to answer the phone, and said very dissatisfied: "I'm quite old, not younger than when I was younger. "

"Then I am not the same." Manager Xing scolded with a smile: "Okay, I didn't sleep all night today, am I not older than you?"

This is true, Mr. Xing’s age is two years older than Mr. Ni.

"Yes...what's the matter?"

"Mr. awake?" Director Xing looked at the time, it was almost dawn. Mr. sleeps little, and usually practice Tai Chi in the small garden downstairs at this time.

"I slept late yesterday and I haven't woke up yet!"

"Then tell your husband, I found the man in Victoria Hospital."

"Okay!" Manager Ni didn't delay, and immediately nodded and said: "You can rest assured! I will tell the husband as soon as I wake up."


"Then you pay attention outside."

"Got it! I'm not a kid for you to ask."

Manager Ni was upset, "I said, "How come you bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people?"

"Not breaking the law is annoying."

"You..." Manager Ni blushed and his neck was thick, "What a mad dog."

Until now, he was the only one who dared to scold Mr. Xing as a mad dog. Don't look at Mr. Xing's gentle, unsmiling words. But when he was young, he was also a very famous and ruthless character, fighting more fiercely than anyone else.

"Don't talk nonsense." Manager Xing hung up the phone angrily.

Manager Ni looked at the time, cheered up, washed and dressed. As soon as I arrived downstairs, I saw Mr. Feng already wearing a snow-white Tang suit walking in the garden downstairs.

Followed by the fake Shengning.

"Mr., you wake up really early every day." Qin Cuifen yawned secretly and said with a smile: "I will walk with you every day from now on."

"Why do you young girl get up so early?" the old gentleman asked casually.

"I am! I have become a habit in the army! I have to train every morning." Qin Cuifen put her hand behind her back and pinched herself, God knows that she has developed the habit of sleeping late.

It's okay to get up so early when you are crazy.

How could she be willing to leave such a comfortable bed if it weren't for the old man's flattery.

"Tell me about your affairs in the army." Mr. Feng misses his hometown and is always a little more tolerant of people from his hometown.

"That's a lot of interesting things." Qin Cuifen scratched her hair. She was kicked out after being in the army for half a year. What memories do she have. What are you talking about?

"Mr., let me tell you about the usual training!" So Qin Cuifen said in a nice way, describing himself as hard and motivated.

Little did she know that the story of her walking with the old man at this time had spread throughout the manor.

Many curtains in the main building have been raised in a corner.

Many eyes stared at Qin Cuifen, wishing to burn a hole in it.

Mr. Feng let Qin Cuifen support him, and when he turned from the small flower bed, his eyes passed the main building inadvertently. Those secretly prying eyes were immediately alert, and the curtains raised were also lowered.

"Sir, we were really working hard at that time." Qin Cuifen didn't notice it at all, and said smugly.

Mr. Feng gave her a meaningful look and said lightly, "Girl, are you really from the army?"

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