May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1417: Threw away clothes

"But..." Mr. Feng wanted to say something more, but was firmly interrupted by Shengning.

"Grandpa, I won't move to your place."

Mr. Xing's eyes widened, regardless of his gentle temper, but no one dared to interrupt him yet, Sheng Ning was the first one.

Feng Zhenzhen also gave Sheng Ning an unexpected glance.

How many people would not even dare to be able to move to Feng's Manor, she would actually refuse? And she actually dared to interrupt Grandpa?

Mr. Feng not only was not angry, but nodded in agreement, "You are right. If you have any difficulties in the future, tell me directly, don’t see you outside. I am your uncle and grandfather, so just treat me as your own grandfather. ."

"Yes." Sheng Ning knew that her refusal might hurt the old man, but she really couldn't move in right now. The Feng family is everyone, and I don't know how many generations have passed since I moved in. It is inevitable that people feel that they are entering the house and are embarrassed.

And she intuitively felt that the Feng family was dangerous.

What's more, I owe Daves's favor for the safe birth of my child, which I have to pay back.

"Ningning, I will give you a gift from my grandpa for the first time." The old gentleman said he took the emperor green finger from his hand and handed it to Shengning.

"Just treat it as a present, you must accept it."

"Thank you!" Sheng Ning was accustomed to all kinds of gifts given by Elder Su, and the Feng family was engaged in antique art and jewelry business, so she didn't take it seriously.

Gu Yunbo knew the goods and looked at the emperor's green finger, almost drooling.

Feng Zhenzhen wanted to say something, but Manager Xing grabbed his wrist and pulled it out.

Mr. Feng considered that Shengning had just given birth to a child and needed a rest. After leaving the bodyguard and the maid who took care of Shengning's confinement, he stayed here and went back.

As soon as he entered the manor, Feng Zhenzhen got out of the car and rushed inside.

Manager Xing originally wanted to stop, but was stopped by Mr. Feng, "It's okay, you let her go, she will find Shengning trouble if she doesn't vent it."

"Yes!" Manager Xing agreed, bending over to help the old man get out of the car.

"Xiao Xing, Ningning, I am very satisfied." The old man said intentionally.

"Yes, Miss Sheng Ning is very kind, generous and very smart."

"It's a pity, she can't move back to live." The old man sighed, "She has to take care of two children alone. It's not easy. You can go to Daves for a snack."

"Sir, don't worry."

"And that Julien, we took people away from him at that time, and now it's time to return it to him." The old man said lightly: "Some people in the province said that our Feng family was taking the arrogance."

"Yes! I will make arrangements.

Qin Cuifen was trying on clothes when Feng Zhenzhen rushed in all the way. The food has been so good recently, her waist circumference has been thicker, the whole person looks much plumper than before, and a bit too strong.

She wants to lose weight, but she can't stop her mouth.

Feng's cook can cook food from all over the world, something she has never eaten in her life. Those messy young masters of Feng's family want to lose weight and not eat, which just happened to be cheaper for her.

"Miss Shengning, you seem to be plump a lot." The maid said tactfully. In fact, the expression in her eyes clearly stated that she was not plump but a lot fatter.

You can't wear all the clothes before.

Qin Cuifen shook his chest that was almost full, and proudly raised his chin, "You don't understand what a real woman should look like."

The maid gave her a secret glance.

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