May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1425: Ready to go back by boat

"Excuse me?" Sheng Ning saw that the man in front of him had been in a daze, so he had to break the embarrassment first.

"Hello, cousin Shengning, I'm Feng Jianxi, the fourth young master of the Feng family, you can call me Jianxi." Feng Jianxi smiled politely and put the fruit basket and flowers on the table.

"Hello there!"

"Everyone is relatives, don't need to be so strange, can I sit down?"

"Of course, please sit down."

Feng Jianxi sat down not too far nor too close to the bed to avoid being too embarrassed when it was close, and feeling unkind when it was far away. Coming out of a big family, every word and deed is better than ordinary people.

"Grandpa told me everything about you. It turns out that I still have such a beautiful cousin." Feng Jianxi is very good at coaxing people, and his speech is also personable and interesting, making people unconsciously put down their defenses.

He said a lot of interesting things about the family, his words and deeds were calm and proper.

"By the way, I heard you want to go back?" Feng Jianxi said halfway through, seemingly casually mentioned.

"Yes!" Sheng Ning nodded, "I have asked my grandfather uncle to help me find a solution for this matter." Gu Yunbo's help to write the letter is still unclear! Now with the help of Feng's family, she plans to take her two children home as soon as she is out of confinement.

Feng's family has a relationship, first arrived in Xiangjiang by ship, and then landed from Xiangjiang.

"Your grandfather will definitely come out personally. If you need my help, please tell me at any time."

"Thank you so much, then." Sheng Ning smiled and thanked.

"I won't bother you. I'll see you next time. I'll take you out when my cousin is out of confinement." Feng Jianxi went to the ward and got an eye-catching problem. Many things were not easy to say, so he left.

The days to come will be long, and good things will be slowly eroded.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but stared at Sheng Ning's face, and left with a smile this time.

Not long after he left, the door of the ward was knocked again.

Gu Yunbo limped to his feet and said idly: "I'm leaving now, you are too annoying here."

"You slow down." He was shot in the leg and survived.

"I see." Gu Yunbo stopped suddenly, "When you are out of confinement, first teach me how to shoot."

"This is a talent, I can't teach it."

Gu Yunbo almost died of anger. She quickly walked away and just passed by Feng Xintong who came in. Feng Xintong was originally going to say hello to her, but was also lost.

"I..." She stood aggrieved at the door, tears in her big eyes.

"Are you?" Sheng Ning looked at Feng Xintong at the door in surprise, thinking that he was dazzled, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes again to make sure that he was right.

Fate is really wonderful, passing through two time and space, thousands of miles ago, some people should still meet.

For some old enemies, they should meet again.

She stared at Feng Xintong blankly, and everything from the past slowly appeared before her eyes. This woman, but the cinnabar mole that Meng Ping said in his heart, Bai Yueguang.

"You're Shengning, right? My name is Feng Xintong, and I have to call you a cousin!" Feng Xintong looked at Shengning with a hint of joy, "You really are the same as Grandpa said, so beautiful."

"Or you are more beautiful." Sheng Ning could not help sitting upright, and every cell in his body entered a state of alert. She didn't expect Feng Xintong in her teenage years to be so different from her previous life.

In his previous life, Feng Xintong was a socialite in the upper class of the United States and the heir of a famous chaebol, holding hundreds of billions of assets. High above, no one can compare. The mixed-race appearance gave her a natural advantage in appearance, and countless men fell under her pomegranate skirt.

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