May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1435: Apply to go to the U.S.

"Old Shen, you took a gun today? Who caught and who got angry?"

Shen Feihu's sleeve was rolled to his arm, and he walked around the office, cursing for a long time without putting out the fire.

"Old Shen, don't leave, I was blinded by your departure. If you have anything to do, just say it straight. If anyone offends you, you just need to scold you. Do you use it to attack indiscriminately?"

Grandma's, this mouth is like a machine gun, sweeping a large piece at a time.

Shen Feihu stopped and slammed his fist on the desk.

Liang Ximing was taken aback, "What's wrong with you?"

"Xu Qigang, asshole, he is going to retire."

"What?" Now Liang Ximing is no longer calm, even more anxious than Shen Feihu, "You... are you telling the truth?"

"I've given me the application for demobilization, can it be faked?" As he said, he took an envelope from the shelf and threw it in front of Liang Ximing, "Look, I received it three days ago. The result has not come yet."

He was not worried that Xu Qigang would not come back in Southern Xinjiang, let alone that he would just run away.

Only worried about him submitting an application for discharge.

Liang Ximing opened it and read it quickly, his expression becoming more and more serious, "He must be stopped, and no one should be allowed to know about this application for retirement."

"You still need to say it." If it wasn't because he couldn't say it, what he used to find it felt uncomfortable in his heart?


"Fuck... wait, come in." Shen Feihu was about to get angry, how could he hear this sound so familiar? Turning his head to see that Xu Qigang came.

"Come in!" This **** couldn't do without a lesson.

Xu Qigang pushed the door in. First, Shen Feihu and Liang Ximing each saluted them.

"Master, I'm reporting the progress of the training with you." Although he submitted an application for dismissal, he would not slacken his job for the responsibilities he should bear.

"You... Lao Liang, you are busy first, I want to talk to Xu Qigang alone."

"Good!" Liang Ximing went out and closed the door intimately.

"Sit down!" Shen Feihu suppressed the anger in his heart, his attitude suddenly became very calm.

"Thank you, Master."

"I have read your application for dismissal, and now you are officially notified, and the rejection will not be approved." After that, he tore the application to pieces in the trash in front of Xu Qigang.

"Comrade Xu Qigang."

"Here!" He stood up straight and stood at attention.

"I'm telling you, in this life you don't even want to retire. When you leave the army, you must retire, not retire."

Xu Qigang looked at Shen Feihu with emotion, and said slowly, "Master, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for me." Shen Feihu patted him on the shoulder, changing to a earnest tone, "We are soldiers, we must remember our identities first. Look at our army commander, I used to see him It was the most unpleasant, and I was very unconvinced. But Meng Fan's death completely changed my opinion of him."

"Commander Meng can be a role model for all of us."

"I applied to go to the United States."

"Why are you going where?"

"Maybe Shengning is here."

"Is it possible?" Shen Feihu expressed doubt. Everyone knew that Shengning had died. He was worried that this was Xu Qigang's illusion.

"Yes! We have absolute clues to prove that if you don't believe this, you can ask Su Hai."

"Oh!" Shen Feihu nodded, knowing Su Hai's ability and acting style very well.

This is not a person who talks casually.

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