He said that he was going to hug the little sister. The two little babies were sleeping in the stroller, and the clothes they were wearing were exactly the same. He was able to accurately find the little sister.

Sheng Ning filmed him and couldn't keep her little sister down again, and quickly said, "Lin, you are still too young. You can hold your little sister when you grow up."

"Okay! I want to eat more from tomorrow." Little Lin pulled her little sister softly, her little hand reluctant to let go. The sleeping little sister actually clasped her little hand subconsciously, making Lin En amused smile.

"Auntie, you see my little sister also likes me very much!"

"Of course the little sister likes you, who can dislike you!" Sheng Ning praised.

Gu Yunbo was jealous, and said with a black face: "The stinky boy is really the little sister? Why do I think it is the little brother?"

She is really childless! Every time I want to hold a child, the two stinky dolls cry desperately in her arms, and she wants to beat people every minute of her crying. And so far, she can't tell who is the little sister and who is the little brother.

After trying many times, it is still not clear.

Sheng Ning looked at her sympathetically, and nodded gleefully, "Yes, it's the little sister."

"How is it possible?" Gu Yunbo said, going through the child's clothes.

"Don't, you can easily catch a cold when turning over your clothes."

"But I want to make sure."

"I, a mother, can still admit my mistakes?"

"Then why can you recognize it, but I can't recognize it?" This made her feel very shameless.

"It's easy! Just look at it!"

Lyn obediently agreed, "Yes! Just look at it." He pointed to the little brother next to him and said, "Look, the little brother should be darker, and the little sister should be whiter."

"Nonsense, it's obviously the same."

Sheng Ning shook his head helplessly, and persuaded: "Okay! Don't worry, it will be different when you grow up. Fortunately, it is a dragon and phoenix. If it is a boy or a girl, you might collapse."

"That's right." Gu Yunbo folded his hands on his chest, stepped back and let the position out. Sheng Ning and Aunt Feng carried the child into the attic room behind the theater.

Daves easily followed behind with the stroller.

When I came back this time, the attic had obviously been cleaned up. There was a thick velvet carpet on the ground, and all the extras were moved out. Many children’s toys, clothes and milk powder have been added.

Aunt Feng does things meticulously and thoughtfully, and she is also very good at taking care of her children. At first glance, she looks like a home.

"Aunt Feng, thank you." Sheng Ning thanked.

"You're welcome."

Sheng Ning smiled, and thanked Mr. Xing who came up last.

Manager Xing looked around and kept shaking his head, "It's too crude here. You can't take good care of the children with just a few of you. I think you should move back to the manor! Your husband has been looking forward to you moving back!"

"No, I think it's pretty good here." She would never go to live in Feng's house.

Manager Xing had already noticed that Sheng Ning looked cheerful and talkative but she was very stubborn at heart, and once she made up her mind, no one could change it.

"Okay, I won't force you, just tell me if you have any shortcomings later." After he finished speaking, he specifically told Aunt Feng, "Shengning will leave it to you. Adults and children must be taken care of, but nothing is normal. Apply from the manor."

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