May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1446: Unswerving Goshawk

Hearing what Shen Feihu said, everyone changed from being completely unbelief just now to unbelievable.

Yang Wenying didn't believe it, but now she realized that she had misunderstood Qiubai. "Really?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah! Of course it is true! Shengning is safe, and the baby in his stomach is fine. I guess the time should have already been born."

"Hahaha..." Yang Wenying looked up to the sky with excitement and laughed, but in exchange for Qiubai's idiotic eyes.

"Master, is this true?" The big guy asked Shen Feihu for verification.

"Yeah!" Shen Feihu nodded, "The specifics will not be known until Xu Qigang comes out."

The door of Xu Qigang's office was closed tightly, and everyone was guarded outside, waiting for him to come out and tell the good news in person. However, half an hour passed, and the door remained closed.

Shen Feihu put his ear on the door and listened carefully for a while, there was a faint voice inside.

It sounds like a depressed cry.

He sighed heavily, both happy and distressed.

"Okay, everyone is gone! Don't stand in the dark."

"Master, we want to witness the strange..." Before the big guy could finish speaking, Shen Feihu kicked someone with his leg up, and within a minute the entire corridor became a vacuum zone.

Grandma's, a bunch of bastards.

It's so courageous, you can go to heaven without scolding.

No, he has to guard at the door, and he must not let people know about Xu Qigang's crying. Otherwise, the name of the living king will be discredited.

In the office, Xu Qigang read the letter paper countless times, and his tears fell unconsciously on the letter paper. He smoothed out the smudged letter paper carefully, and then took it in his hand and looked at it greedily.

Xiao Ning is not dead, Xiao Ning is really in the United States.

Xiao Ning is not dead, and the baby is fine.

Xiao Ning said that he missed him very much, and missed him very much. He also missed Xiao Ning very much, thinking about it all the time, very, very, very much.

He kissed the letter affectionately, kissed her name, every word of her...

Xu Qigang was like a fool, because of this letter, because of Xiaoning's news, he was so happy that he lost his sanity. He is more like a towering tree on the verge of death, rejuvenated by this letter.

God treated him so kindly.

"Xu Qigang, are you okay?" Shen Feihu was anxious and asked gently on the door. That cautious look was nothing like his heroic personality.

"Xu Qigang?"

"Live Hades?"

There was no answer after shouting several times, and Shen Feihu was even more worried. Just as he was about to break into the door, a long roar came from the office. The voice was clear and far away, like a wolf walking alone, like the king at the peak now, and more like a goshawk that will never change for his lover. Containing the despair of being forgotten by the world, it is so complicated and profound, pleasant and exciting, that people can't help being attracted to listen carefully.

The voice spread far, far away, and this deep inner voice will still be raised many years later.

The news that Shengning was not dead spread out at a whirlwind speed, first of all from Suhai in N Province. He had long guessed that Shengning might be living overseas, so he recognized it as soon as he received the news.

At least not like others think it is an illusion.

"Director, is Comrade Shengning really not dead?" It was Gu Gu Sun who was unbelievable. He participated in the investigation all the way, but he couldn't believe it was true.

"Yes! Xu Qigang just called."

"Then we should notify the Soviet commander?" Gu Gu cautiously asked. Since the accident in Shengning, the director has been arguing with the Soviet commander! I hope this good news can ease the relationship between the two.

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