May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1450: Congratulations to the deputy teacher

Xu Qigang's handsome face turned black immediately, "Shut up if you can't speak." He said he had to hang up.

Meng Ping hurriedly shouted: "I didn't mean that, I want to talk about it, but the child must be a great general when he grows up."

Xu Qigang's face turned cloudy, so he didn't hang up the phone.

"Tell me how Ningning got to the United States? Is it the freighter?"

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang remembered the Julien Xiaoning mentioned in the letter. He had better live for him. When he arrived in the U.S., he must kill him personally for revenge.

"I wipe!" Meng Ping was angrily on the phone.

"Now Xiao Ning is living in a Chinese child's house. It is safe for the time being with Gu Yunbo's care, but it has been a long time since the letter was sent, so I don't know how it is now. I will reply to her first, and then apply to go to the United States."

"I also need to go."

"You can't go."

"The young master wants to go, who can stop it?"

Xu Qigang glanced rhythmically on the desktop with his fingers. Thinking of the news he had just received, a funny expression appeared on the cold Jun's face.

"Your father is already angry, and your grandfather came from the Northwest Military Region. You'd better think about how to protect yourself! You dare to publish that kind of advertisement, who gives you the courage?"

"Xu Mo."

"Bless yourself!"

"I wipe!"

Meng Ping jumped up on the spot and looked for a gun directly from his body. He must kill Xu Mo. No one was allowed to pull him this time. He turned his face with whomever came.

Xu Qigang hung up the phone, lowered his head and began to write a reply to Shengning intently. The handwriting on the back of the paper, with his deepest thoughts, felt distressed and guilty.

Countless vowed to take care of her, but failed.

Only he knew how painful this feeling was.

He can't wait to fly from the United States now, he can't wait to appear in front of her now and hug her tightly into his arms.

He wished to turn her into a villain, put her in the pocket closest to the heart, and did not want to separate for a minute from now on.

However, these strong feelings were suppressed deepest in his heart.

The beginning of the letter is my beloved wife, and the end of the letter is the man who loves you most.

He wrote five sheets of paper for a letter, but it didn't take much time. But these were still not enough. He felt that he had a lot of things to say to Xiao Ning.

Finally, he restrained the urge to continue, came out of the office with the written letter, and went to the art troupe to find Teacher Qiubai.

Xu Qigang walked on the way of the division, everyone who met him would greet him with a smile on his face.

"Deputy teacher congratulations."

"Deputy teacher congratulations."

Everyone has the same chance, and Xu Qigang will thank him one by one.

It seems that everyone in the division who has passed the news of Xiao Ning's peace knows.

"Deputy teacher, I hope Comrade Shengning can come back as soon as possible. I'm still waiting for her to sign for me!" It was a clerk who was talking, holding the "Resurrection" that he finally grabbed.

Xu Qigang glanced across the book and nodded. When passing by, the person who followed the clerk asked in a low voice, "What do you mean by signature? Why didn't I understand?"

"Sheng Ning is born again, don't you know?"

"Huh? Rebirth?"

"It was the two dramas "Blood Rose" and "Phoenix" and the novel "Upstream". The author of "Resurrection" is reborn!"

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