May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1456: The meaning of the finger

The Feng family has been operating in the United States for more than half a time, and when they moved there, they also carried a lot of financial resources, so the current wealth and status in the United States can be imagined.

Most of the guests here are Americans, mostly whites, and one-third of them are Chinese.

The Feng family has never forgotten the fundamentals, and supporting the development of Chinese every year is also one of the reasons for the solid foundation.

For those passing by, there are special reception staff, and it is especially important that the young ladies of the Feng family come forward to greet them in person. When those people got out of the car, they saw Shengning's team at a glance.

Especially when they saw Director Ni and Director Xing coming to greet them, they couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

This is terrible. If Director Ni and Director Xing come forward, they are completely representative of Mr. Feng. Which celebrity is actually so honored?

Sheng Ning held the skirt slightly and took the lead into the hall.

At this time, many people have gathered in the hall, and guests and hosts are wearing gorgeous dresses. Or get together to talk and laugh, or drink in twos and threes to discuss the recent stock market, Hollywood investment in Broadway musicals, etc.

Feng Zhenzhen wore Valentino's customized dress. He was wearing a diamond necklace and ruby ​​earrings made by his own carved jade. Every side was perfect for dazzling people.

She is familiar with people socializing, in this banquet like a beautiful elf.

Feng Xintong followed her behind her like a worm, and the jewellery on her body was also a gift from Feng Zhenzhen. Although she was allowed to attend such an important occasion before, the jewelry was very shabby.

She squeezed her hands tightly, and her unrest was about to drown her. They are all granddaughters of the Feng family. She is obviously more prettier than Feng Zhenzhen, smarter than her, and more cruel and powerful than her. Why is she the proud daughter of the heavens that everyone fawns on, but she is the one who has to curse her?

‘You wait for me, now your glory is just a stepping stone to my Feng Xintong. Soon, everything you have will be mine. If I don't kill you, I won't have a chance in my life, so don't be an eyesore. ’

"Sister Zhenzhen, do you see who is here." Feng Xintong concealed the jealousy and calculations in his eyes, and looked towards the door with a smile.

Feng Zhenzhen turned his head, the smile on his face solidified in an instant.

Because she suddenly saw the emperor green jade finger that Sheng Ning was wearing.

Under the dazzling light, the diamond jewellery that I carefully selected is comparable to a finger, almost like a cheap glass bead.

It was completely compared.

"Oh my God!" Feng Xintong covered her mouth in astonishment, the surprised voice still leaked out. She didn't know that Grandpa gave his finger to Sheng Ning, so the surprise just now was not a play.

It's a real surprise.

Grandpa... Grandpa actually pointed the finger to Sheng Ning, then... She turned her head and glanced at Feng Zhenzhen, which was very vague, and Feng Zhenzhen did not notice.

Because everyone in the whole hall is watching her, watching Shengning.

For her, these eyes are like slapped her face one by one. From previous envy, it all turned into sympathy.

Feng Zhenzhen smiled, she should have thought about it, right?

So far, she hasn't lost yet. At least Grandpa gave the finger to Sheng Ning. She was the first to know, not the last. If so, it would be a real humiliation for her.

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