May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1460: Mixed race has no status

"Is it true that we are the heir of the Feng family?"

"Really, I can't stand it anymore."

Feng Jianxi's face was also very ugly, even more ugly, but he couldn't figure out Feng Zhenzhen's purpose. In the past, he thought Feng Zhenzhen was an idiot, and he could know what he thought at a glance.

But Feng Zhenzhen's performance was very different throughout the journey.

If it were to change to her earlier character, she would have gone crazy. She is the most shameless person stealing things from her, especially as the head of the house.

But today she seems to have a very good relationship with Sheng Ning, and she seems to get along very well, not knowing whether it is a disguise or a good one.

If it's really good, then forget it, if it's a disguise, then he really looked away.

Various speculations hovered in Feng Jianxi's mind, making him a little impatient.

"Don't talk nonsense, Sister Zhenzhen didn't say anything, why are you talking so much?" Feng Xintong shrank her neck, showing a timid look of wanting to stand out for Feng Zhenzhen.

Standing on the railing on the second floor, Feng Zhenzhen watched the performance downstairs with cold eyes.

Although she hated Sheng Ning very much, looking at the hypocritical and dirty people downstairs, she found that the straightforward Sheng Ning was not as disgusting as she thought. The competition for the heirs of the Feng family is cruel.

She has been on this throne for ten years, although she has been arrogant and willful. But he was also terrified and feared that he would become a loser and become a prisoner, kneeling on the ground and begging for others.

Sometimes she didn't even want to be the so-called heir.

But if she is not the heir of the Feng family, why would she be beautiful everywhere, she would be a guest when she walked there. Wear the best clothes and the most expensive jewelry to make the most elegant friends.

After Feng Xintong finished speaking, he quietly glanced upstairs, then hid the disgust in his eyes.

She hated Feng Zhenzhen's condescending expression, as if she didn't eat the fireworks. Really, who is disgusting?

"Huh! It's very enthusiastic to say one by one!" Feng Zhenzhen coldly snorted, "What qualifications do you have to say?" Her contemptuous eyes scanned the people below.

"One by one, you don't even have the right to inherit. Our Feng family takes in you and you must put your posture right, don't take yourself as an outsider." When she was angry, her mouth was always vicious.

Besides, she really looks down on people who don't have the right to inherit.

Mixed blood really has no place in Feng's family.

Feng Xintong's face turned pale, and the hand on his side pinched blood marks on his thigh. Because she also belongs to a mixed race without inheritance rights. If she sounds good, she is a hybrid, if she sounds bad, she is a bastard.

"Zhenzhen, go and rest! You must be tired." Feng Jianxi played the role of peacemaker, and he was finally relieved to see Feng Zhenzhen now. Ok! Ok! She didn't really care, nor how good she pretended to be.

Look, she revealed her true colors before Sheng Ning left, and she couldn't bear it for a moment.

I believe it won't be long before these words will all be heard and reach the ears of those who should listen.

"Feng Zhenzhen, you are too much, don't think you can be lawless if you are the heir."

"Huh! Where am I going too far? Are you talking about it?"


"Okay, don't talk about it, I've been busy for a day and rest quickly!" Feng Jianxi drove everyone away.

Feng Zhenzhen also snorted and returned to her room. It was a hard day today, and she was really tired. She wanted to go back and take a hot bath.

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