May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1483: Revenge yourself

I want to take all of her as my own.

But this doesn't work, it's still more important to live right now, life is more important.

"Sheng Ning, please don't kill me, don't kill me. You see because we grew up together, bypass me this time!" Qin Cuifen begged pitifully, crying with tears in his nose.

"Growing up together when I was young?" She wasn't angry even if she didn't mention it. She was an idiot in her previous life, and she trusted her as her most trusted friend. But what about her? One set in front of the other.

Spread rumors everywhere and speak ill of her.

Anything ridiculous, what the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, all said from her mouth.

In the end, no one from the villages or villages dared to marry, Qin Cuifen single-handedly created it.

"Do you want to remind me that when I was a child, you used to face to face and behind your back, saying bad things about me and making up lies?"

Qin Cuifen took a few steps back in shock, no wonder Sheng Ning changed a lot. It turned out... "So you know?"


"When did you know it?"

She showed a trace of confusion, and then a Ji Ling came to his senses and saw Qin Cuifen rushing towards him with a grim look. The gun in her hand in desperation seemed to have a soul without aiming, so she shot accurately and hit Qin Cuifen. On the lap.

"Ah..." Qin Cuifen threw on the ground and let out a scream.

"Death is imminent and treat me as a fool." Sheng Ning stood up and looked at her condescendingly, aiming the gun at Qin Cuifen's eyebrows.

"Please, don't kill me, don't kill me." Qin Cuifen had a cold sweat like white hair on his body, and even forgot the pain in his leg. "Shengning, you can't kill me, I'm still useful. Feng Zhenzhen was burned to death. I did it and I did it."

"Yes! The whole world knows that you did it."

"No, someone ordered me to do it. Don't kill me, I'll tell you who is behind the scenes." Qin Cuifen caught a life-saving straw like a straw, staring at it, and said grimly: "This People are vicious and vicious. Her next target is you. If you kill me, I will die. She will never let you go. You will be worse than Feng Zhenzhen."

"No, this person doesn't need you to tell me." Sheng Ning finished speaking and pulled the trigger decisively.

The bullet accurately hit Qin Cuifen's eyebrows. She stared at her eyes tightly, and stopped her breath by lying in a pool of blood.

Sheng Ning held the gun, as if all the weight of her body was emptied, and her empty body seemed to faint at any time.

She slowly moved to the sofa and sat down step by step, feeling a piece of cold on her face, and it was wet when she touched her fingers.

"I'm not crying." She moved firmly to wipe away the tears on her face, "This is happiness." The hatred of two lives was finally understood.

From then on, Qin Cuifen was no longer there, and the shadow in his heart was gone.

"Papa..." The sound of applause came from the stairs, Daves said admiringly: "Yes! Gu said you haven't killed anyone, I'm still a little worried. Now that you can overcome a difficulty in your heart, I don't worry. Up."

He cooperated with Sheng Ning, and what he valued was her marksmanship. As for the theater, it was for her to play with.

Sheng Ning stood up, nodded and thanked Daves, "Thank you!"

"You are polite, we are partners." Daves handed the documents in his hand to Shengning. "This is the budget application you gave me before. I agree that the old employees will go back until tomorrow. The rest is yourself. It’s up to you to decide how to recruit and expel people later, but I have one condition."

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