May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1488: Little brother laughed silly



The two little guys are like a game, neither of them will admit defeat.

Sheng Ning, who was practicing yoga, quickly got up from the mat and hurriedly coaxed the child. The little guy Lynn looked very dissatisfied with Gu Yunbo who ran in, "What are you talking about? Why is it that an adult is so immature?"

Gu Yunbo squinted and pointed at himself. Was she despised just now?

Is she being scolded as naive by the four-year-old bear child?

Can she strangle this bear child to death?

"Oh oh... the baby doesn't cry, the baby doesn't cry." Sheng Ning shook the cradle, gently patting the two babies with her hands. The younger brother was probably ticklish, and Sheng Ning laughed when he patted him.

The little man who was still crying, grinning and wanting to cry and laugh, finally couldn't help laughing.

The soft and tender, pink and jade-shaped doll has a toothless mouth, and the smile is so cute and cute.

"Oh! Little brother laughed stupidly." Lin En patted his chest with lingering fears, "fortunately little sister is not stupid."

"What? If the little sister is stupid, do you still want to return it?" Gu Yunbo asked bad aunt.

Lynn gave her a white look and said disdainfully: "Don't try to provoke a harmonious and beautiful relationship between us."

"Hahaha..." Shengning gloated unscrupulously.

"I said you are trying to beat you up, don't you?" Gu Yunbo began to roll up his sleeves. Are all the kids so smart now? The monkey is the monkey. "I ask you, if you don't want to return the goods, why are you feeling lingering?"

"I'm just afraid that my little sister will be stupid and affect our next generation." Lynn said solemnly: "I am doing something wrong for the sake of the next generation?"

"Yes, that's right." Gu Yunbo bowed to the wind, "You think so long-term, admire, and then convince yourself."

"Hahaha..." No more, Sheng Ning was about to laugh stupidly. Every day watching Lin En and Gu Yunbo quarrel with each other, it felt like a wonderful comedy performance.

"Right, letter." Gu Yunbo handed the letter to Sheng Ning. "I went to Chinatown and saw your man's reply. As a result, some people still don't know how to gloat."

After speaking, he wrinkled his nose very dissatisfied.

"The living king?" Sheng Ning screamed happily, causing the people in the room to show disgust. Even the little brother and little sister lying in the cradle have big round eyes and look at their mother curiously.

"Of course, otherwise I'm crazy and call your name all the way."

"Great, great." Sheng Ning looked at the familiar Chinese on the envelope and couldn't help but shed tears. The hands stepping on the envelope trembled violently.

She waited for so long, all the waiting, all the despair was fulfilled at this moment.

Looking at Xu Qigang's vigorous and powerful notes on the letter paper, her deep thoughts and deep worries were distressed, her tears rolled silently, and finally turned into uncontrollable crying.

"Why are you crying?" Gu Yunbo was at a loss.

Sheng Ning went to lie on her shoulder and cried for half an hour. She cried and the child cried, and Lynn also moistened her eyes.

Aunt Feng heard the sound coming from the kitchen and was terrified to see the situation in the room.

"This... what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Sheng Ning wiped her eyes, her throat was crying dumb, "I am happy, happy."

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