May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1490: Departure from An'an

"What's the matter?" Xu Qigang looked back and asked blankly.

"Where is An'an? Where did she go?" Qin Yue sweated out of his head, and he felt flustered if he didn't know what was going on.

Xu Qigang squeezed the palm of his hand, "Go."

"I know I'm gone, I asked where did I go?" Qin Yue shouted suddenly, his loud voice attracted the attention of many people.

"Come with me." Xu Qigang said and took the lead to leave. Qin Yue quickly followed, and the two of them walked on the road where no one was there. Xu Qigang took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette for himself, and then slowly said: "Going to the U.S. Yes, the plane last night, it should be over the Pacific Ocean."

Xu Qigang's words were like a bolt from the blue sky, and it happened to be on Qin Yue's head that he staggered and couldn't believe what Xu Qigang said.

"How is it possible? How could she go?" Qin Yue's forehead burst into blue veins, and he was emotionally clutching Xu Qigang's collar, "Did you lie to me? Are you? You speak."

"It's true." Xu Qigang slowly pushed away his hand. "I just learned about it. She didn't tell me that I would know after she left." Xu Qigang's heart to scold his mother was gone.

I never thought that An An, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, would have such a courage. Is she going to scare all of them to death by going to the United States alone?

Xiao Ning was living abroad, and he was worried that he could not sleep after eating, but An An also went.

What if you can't find Xiao Ning?

What if you don’t know English? What if there is an accident?

Anna's girl is stupid and easy to be deceived.

"Who let her go? How could she be?" Qin Yue couldn't figure it out, he knew An An was anxious to see Shengning. But no matter how anxious she is, she can do nothing but wait for her.

But now suddenly telling them, Ann is gone, or did he go by plane?

It's ridiculous.

"Old Chief Shen is dead, he applied to the relevant department before he died, so..." Without Xu Qigang's words too clear, Qin Yue would know.

"Damn it, you said that the old man Shen died when he died, why did he push his own granddaughter into the fire pit? He has this ability, shouldn't he let the Shen family rise again?"

"Keep some morals, after all, that is a respected old chief."

I can't swallow this breath. "As long as Qin Yue thinks that An An is flying over the Pacific, he is worried that the plane will fall down at any time.

He was tortured crazy.

"You accompanied An An to meet with Senior Chief Shen, you didn't expect that he was looking for An An to make a deal? And the only deal that can impress An An is there other than going to the United States?" Xu Qigang asked dissatisfiedly, "You were smart before. Where did Jin go? How come you are like an idiot."

"I'm stupid, right?" Qin Yue kicked the tree on the side of the road irritably, and the leaves fell rustlingly.

"She shouldn't have gone by herself. I'm so worried. If it doesn't work, I will find a way to find her." Qin Yue turned around and left. The Qin family is very powerful in both military and political circles, and he wants to go to the U.S. country's own channels.

"You wait." Xu Qigang grabbed him, "Don't go, and it's not easy to go if you want. The final ending will only be the same as Meng Ping."

Meng Ping was personally escorted back to the Northwest Military Region by his grandfather in handcuffs. The little fat man came to him two days ago to help rescue Meng Ping. This time it was the old man of the Meng family who made the shot himself, and no one could help.

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