May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1492: Visit the studio

This is why he didn't propose to change An An's name.

When she was a child, she was his treasure, but she had such an accident and suffered so much. Especially after reading the novel "Resurrection", he clearly knew that the stories above were all made up by Sheng Ning, but he still woke up again and again in the middle of the night.

The fear in my heart spread uncontrollably.

"Chief of the General Staff, rest assured, I will definitely." Xu Qigang pursed his lips, and finally said frankly: "In fact, Qin Yue has already chased it."

"What did you say? You say it again?" Hai Yunbing stared at Xu Qigang in disbelief, and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart. "He left the country privately?"

"Yes! So please keep this secret."

" are too courageous." In terms of duties, he should immediately send someone to capture Qin Yue back, but in terms of his father's identity, he would rather Qin Yue leave to find An An.

"I don't know about this. You tell Su Hai, ask him to hurry up and don't move slowly." After Hai Yunbing finished speaking, he flicked his sleeve and turned away.

Xu Qigang frowned slightly, Qin Yue had not notified Su Hai of the matter with An An, so he should tell him. But it is inconvenient to say on the phone, it seems that he is going to N province.

There are too many things in the division now, and all overtime work must be arranged before leaving.


On the other side of the ocean, today is Sheng Ning and Mary made an appointment to go to her studio. Early in the morning, she got up to freshen up and then fed milk to the two little babies. After eating and drinking enough, she set off with Lynn Little Tail.

Manager Xing arranged a car and a full-time driver for her. The driver was rejected by Sheng Ning, and she would drive the car by herself. She doesn't like to rely entirely on others for everything, which makes her feel insecure.

Mary's studio is close to Manhattan, not far from Broadway Street. In the early winter, she walked all the way with a double stroller. Looking at the bustling streets, the charming street scene is also a pleasure.

I have been in the United States for such a long time, and there have been many days of hiding in Tibet. This is the first time to appreciate everything around me in a calm mood.

The two little babies also stretched their heads out of the little quilt and looked around curiously, their big round eyes were black and white, even their movements were the same. The little brother and little sister are both good to eat, and it changes almost every day. Looking at them every day can make people feel better.

Shengning strolled the stroller on the road, and didn't feel tired. Instead, the corners of her mouth smiled and showed a happy smile. The two babies are her angels, her salvation and everything, even if it is not as you wish now, they will smile unconsciously when they see them.

The living king is coming soon, and she imagined that she would be unable to sleep happily.

Suddenly, a bright flashing light flashed in front of her eyes, and she immediately took out her pistol and pointed it directly at the source of the flashing light. Sheng Ning, who has experienced this catastrophe, has long developed the habit of carrying a gun with him even when taking a bath and sleeping.

A gun can give her a sense of security. She is confident that as long as she has a gun, she can deal with any emergency.

"Don't don't..." The man's flustered voice sounded.

Sheng Ning blocked the front with her body, and Lin tightly guarded the stroller.

"Raise your hands." She looked at the man in front of her and ordered unceremoniously: "Who are you? What were you doing just now?"

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