"I know." The Duke of Westminster stared at the newspaper in his hand and looked at the little boy in the picture intently. He became more and more happy as he looked at it, especially his eyes, which made him feel that he wanted to get close.

"This is my child." He said solemnly, "It must be."

"Great, I can't wait to tell everyone the good news." Amber had just finished speaking, and a servant hurried up.


"What's the matter?" Because he was so happy, Amber's original serious face had already turned into a chrysanthemum.

"The Lord Beate came to visit."

"Beate is here?" The Duke of Westminster showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, Lord Beate, the Duke, is waiting downstairs."

"I'll get down right away." The Duke of Westminster turned and quickly went downstairs. A burly man downstairs saw him come up in a warm hug.

"When did you come back?"

"Just now." Beate went to the Soviet Union some time ago and hasn't seen him in England for almost a year.

"How? Are you in danger?"

"Thrilling and exciting, almost died there." Earl Beate's greatest hobby is adventure, and he is an avid adventurer. "Okay, don't tell me this, what about my nephew? Hurry up and let me see it. I came to see my nephew."

Earl Beater excitedly took out a silver pistol from his body. Seeing that the style is hand-made in the Middle Ages, anyone who knows the family history can tell at a glance that this is a pistol used by the old Duke of Westminster during the colonial period.

"This gift is too expensive."

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive at all. The little nephew is the 21st generation heir to our family, and of course he must be treated grandly. The right person? Why not call out to see his uncle?"

"By the way, my dear Lord Duke, I really didn't expect you to be the first to have children, and they are all this old." The morning newspaper came out, and the whole family was boiling.

Especially these brothers, they can know at a glance when they grow up together, this must be the child of Lord Duke, Jedi can't be wrong.

The Duke of Westminster and Amber looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. "I do not know yet."

"Huh?" Beate was dumbfounded. "What the **** is going on?"

"I just found out when I saw the newspaper. I never knew I had a child before. If I knew it, would I not bring it back?"

"We all thought you were shy and embarrassed." Beate realized that he had said something wrong and quickly remedied it. "It's not right, we all thought you were taking care of our feelings, so we never said it."

The Duke of Westminster showed a helpless expression, and Beate's ambiguous expression made his mood even more depressed. The newspaper has been held in his hand, and he read it again.

"I think I must go to the United States in person this time."

"My lord, your special plane is ready." Amber said happily immediately. When he came to meet the Lord Duke with the newspaper, he had already prepared the plane and all the transportation in advance.

"Of course you can also choose to take a cruise, but the speed of the cruise is too busy, or the plane is faster, so that we can come to participate in the global art auction conference."


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