May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1536: Killed Shengning

The two looked at each other, thinking how to use each other and **** each other. But the prerequisite for all of this is to cooperate first, and use each other to deal with more powerful enemies. Everyone is waiting for the other party to start cooperation.

"Four brothers." Feng Xintong evoked a seductive smile, and her usual timidity was completely different from that of Chu Chu's pitiful, confident and ostentatious, as if everything was in her grasp.

"How about we go outside?" she suggested.

Feng Jianxi nodded, "It just so happens that I don't have time to visit the garden."

Since Feng's Manor dared to call itself a manor, it had to occupy a large enough area and all the facilities inside were very complete. At this time the garden is very quiet, only the gardener is still pruning the flower branches diligently.

Both of them have a tacit understanding. To avoid being overheard when talking about important things, it is safest to walk in an open place and talk.

"What can you say!" Feng Jianxi said directly.

Feng Xintong don't look at him intently, there is a deep taunt in his eyes. "Four brother, I know your goal."

"I also know your goal." Feng Jianxi said unwillingly.

"Fourth brother, you don't know my goal at all." Feng Xintong said with a sigh, "How can you understand the situation of my kind of mixed race in Feng's family if you are a pure yellow person? I just thought about it better and didn't want to be everywhere. I was just looking for a backer."

"Really?" Feng Jianxi's defense was relaxed a little when she heard that she didn't want to grab the position of Patriarch with herself.

"Of course it is true. Fourth brother, you know that there is no right to inheritance. Even if I have the ability to guard against the sky, I am indifferent." She spread out her hands helplessly. She was actually killed by Qin Cuifen."

"Isn't it you behind the scenes?"

Feng Xintong's eyes widened in disbelief, as if she had been wronged, "How can you say that to me? What can I do? And sister Zhen Zhen has always been very good to me, so I won't harm her!"

Feng Jianxi glanced at her unpredictably, but did not directly express whether he believed it.

"Fourth brother, let me help you! As long as you become Patriarch in the future, don't forget about me. Anyway, I don't have a chance. Only by working together can we defeat Shengning."

"Obviously Shengning is the best choice, which can let you get it right once and for all."

"She's just a foreigner, not from our Feng family at all. Why should I help her?" Feng Xintong's righteous words made Feng Jianxi's doubts dispelled.

"But I have conditions to help you."

"You said!"

"Kill Shengning." Feng Xintong showed a humiliating look. "I went to see her when she gave birth to a child and was hospitalized. I didn't expect that she would insult me ​​so much and threatened to kill me as the head of the family. I knew she was I am jealous of my beauty, but this is natural, what can I do?"

Feng Jianxi's eyes swept across Feng Xintong's exquisite three-dimensional face, and now that he looks closely at the mixed race is indeed dominant in appearance. If Xin Tong's face is dressed up, it should be no worse than Sheng Ning, and more beautiful than Zhen Zhen.

"Sheng Ning is already so arrogant before she becomes Patriarch. If we wait for all the young masters of the Feng family to die. Instead of this, we might as well start early." Feng Xintong's eyes flashed quickly. A poisonous killing intent.

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