This set of rules Fung has continued for most of the world on the land of the United States, even foreigners must act according to their rules.

Shengning arrived at the latest. When she drove over with Gu Yunbo, she found that there was no place to park outside the hotel. When I was about to find a parking space, the hotel concierge saw their car coming out far away.

"Hello Miss Shengning, I'll help you park the car." The doorman said respectfully.

"Thank you!" Sheng Ning got out of the car, Gu Yunbo casually threw it to the doorman, stretched out his arm to let Sheng Ning walk in with her arm.

The clothes worn by the two of them today are very interesting, they are all designed by Mary. Gu Yunbo is a playful and handsome suit, especially the top hat on his head, which makes people shine.

And Sheng Ning is a lotus root pink lace dress, which makes her skin look crystal clear and beautiful. As soon as the two walked into the hall, they attracted many people's attention.

There were even a lot of whispering voices.

Manager Ni saw Sheng Ning walking a long way away, and he bowed respectfully and said, "Miss, you are here."

Following his actions and address, the voice in the hall became louder. Everyone looked at Sheng Ning in amazement, some rubbed their eyes more exaggeratedly, and then exclaimed after making sure that they were right.

"Oh my God!"

"Why don't we know this huge news?"

These speakers are all Orientals, using fluent Mandarin, and foreigners who don't speak Mandarin are constantly shouting to God.

Gu Yunbo swept around with sharp eyes, and then left with Sheng Ning quietly.

"Miss, please," Manager Ni said.

"Thank you!" Sheng Ning followed Manager Ni all the way from the spiral staircase to the third floor and then sat down in the middle box.

"Miss, this is your position today. Please take photos of anything you like, and we will clear it for you."

"What about Grandpa Uncle? Didn't you say you came too? Why didn't you see it?" Sheng Ning didn't need to look around to know that Grandpa Uncle was not here, because Manager Ni had always been inseparable from Grandpa Uncle.

"Mr. said that you can completely replace him when you come, so he doesn't need to come." Manager Ni walked to the outside of the box and stood expressionless after bowing.

Sheng Ning sat on the external device, looking around, a little funny in her heart. Uncle grandfather, is it impossible to do anything?

Gu Yunbo came back not long afterwards, "This time it was a wonderful event."

"What's wrong? What did you ask?"

"you guess."

"It has something to do with me, has something to do with Feng's heir?"

"That's right." Gu Yunbo pointed his finger at the chair under him, "Do you know where this place is? It's the Feng Family Patriarch who can do it. No one except Mr. Feng is qualified to do it. Feng Zhenzhen had no chance to sit before. Come in."

"Sure enough." Sheng Ning shook his head helplessly, "Uncle grandpa is going to put me on the fire!"

"It's up to you whether you can survive, but Mr. Feng really values ​​you."

"So it's my honor?" She curled her lips and smiled. Speaking of her, she was really dissatisfied with what her grandpa had done, but the gratitude in her heart was also true. Without the help of the Feng family, she might not be able to get through the previous sadness.

After all, Grandpa Uncle is her elder, so when the auction is over, I still have to go to see Grandpa Uncle with King Living Hades.

"You can say that!"

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